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.NET Aspire RabbitMQ component
Learn how to use the .NET Aspire RabbitMQ client message-broker component.

.NET Aspire RabbitMQ component

In this article, you learn how to use the .NET Aspire RabbitMQ client message-broker. The Aspire.RabbitMQ.Client library is used to register an IConnection in the dependency injection (DI) container for connecting to a RabbitMQ server. It enables corresponding health check, logging and telemetry.

Get started

To get started with the .NET Aspire RabbitMQ component, install the Aspire.RabbitMQ.Client NuGet package.

dotnet add package Aspire.RabbitMQ.Client
<PackageReference Include="Aspire.RabbitMQ.Client"
                  Version="[SelectVersion]" />

For more information, see dotnet add package or Manage package dependencies in .NET applications.

Example usage

In the :::no-loc text="Program.cs"::: file of your component-consuming project, call the xref:Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting.AspireRabbitMQExtensions.AddRabbitMQClient%2A extension method to register an IConnection for use via the dependency injection container. The method takes a connection name parameter.


You can then retrieve the IConnection instance using dependency injection. For example, to retrieve the connection from an example service:

public class ExampleService(IConnection connection)
    // Use connection...

App host usage

To model the RabbitMQ resource in the app host, install the Aspire.Hosting.RabbitMQ NuGet package.

dotnet add package Aspire.Hosting.RabbitMQ
<PackageReference Include="Aspire.Hosting.RabbitMQ"
                  Version="[SelectVersion]" />

In your app host project, register a RabbitMQ server and consume the connection using the following methods, such as xref:Aspire.Hosting.RabbitMQBuilderExtensions.AddRabbitMQ%2A:

var builder = DistributedApplication.CreateBuilder(args);

var messaging = builder.AddRabbitMQ("messaging");


The xref:Aspire.Hosting.ResourceBuilderExtensions.WithReference%2A method configures a connection in the ExampleProject project named messaging.

When you want to explicitly provide the username and password, you can provide those as parameters. Consider the following alternative example:

var username = builder.AddParameter("username", secret: true);
var password = builder.AddParameter("password", secret: true);

var messaging = builder.AddRabbitMQ("messaging", username, password);

// Service consumption

For more information, see External parameters.


The .NET Aspire RabbitMQ component provides multiple options to configure the connection based on the requirements and conventions of your project.

Use a connection string

When using a connection string from the ConnectionStrings configuration section, you can provide the name of the connection string when calling builder.AddRabbitMQClient:


And then the connection string will be retrieved from the ConnectionStrings configuration section:

  "ConnectionStrings": {
    "RabbitMQConnection": "amqp://username:password@localhost:5672"

For more information on how to format this connection string, see the RabbitMQ URI specification docs.

Use configuration providers

The .NET Aspire RabbitMQ component supports xref:Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration. It loads the RabbitMQClientSettings from configuration by using the Aspire:RabbitMQ:Client key. Example :::no-loc text="appsettings.json"::: that configures some of the options:

  "Aspire": {
    "RabbitMQ": {
      "Client": {
        "DisableHealthChecks": true

Use inline delegates

Also you can pass the Action<RabbitMQClientSettings> configureSettings delegate to set up some or all the options inline, for example to disable health checks from code:

    static settings => settings.DisableHealthChecks  = true);

You can also set up the IConnectionFactory using the Action<IConnectionFactory> configureConnectionFactory delegate parameter of the AddRabbitMQClient method. For example to set the client provided name for connections:

    static configureConnectionFactory:
        factory => factory.ClientProvidedName = "MyApp");

[!INCLUDE component-health-checks]

The .NET Aspire RabbitMQ component handles the following:

  • Adds the health check when xref:Aspire.RabbitMQ.Client.RabbitMQClientSettings.DisableHealthChecks?displayProperty=nameWithType is true, which attempts to connect to and create a channel on the RabbitMQ server.
  • Integrates with the /health HTTP endpoint, which specifies all registered health checks must pass for app to be considered ready to accept traffic.

[!INCLUDE component-observability-and-telemetry]


The .NET Aspire RabbitMQ component uses the following log categories:

  • RabbitMQ.Client


The .NET Aspire RabbitMQ component will emit the following tracing activities using OpenTelemetry:

  • "Aspire.RabbitMQ.Client"


The .NET Aspire RabbitMQ component currently doesn't support metrics by default. If that changes in the future, this section will be updated to reflect those changes.

See also