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Arrange Controls Using FlowLayoutPanel
Learn how to use the FlowLayoutPanel control and the TableLayoutPanel control to provide intuitive ways to arrange controls in your Windows Forms project.
FlowLayoutPanel control [Windows Forms], walkthroughs
Windows Forms controls, arranging
controls [Windows Forms], arranging with FlowLayoutPanel
layout [Windows Forms], walkthroughs

Walkthrough: Arranging Controls on Windows Forms Using a FlowLayoutPanel

Some applications require a form with a layout that arranges itself appropriately as the form is resized or as the contents change in size. When you need a dynamic layout and you do not want to handle xref:System.Windows.Forms.Control.Layout events explicitly in your code, consider using a layout panel.

The xref:System.Windows.Forms.FlowLayoutPanel control and the xref:System.Windows.Forms.TableLayoutPanel control provide intuitive ways to arrange controls on your form. Both provide an automatic, configurable ability to control the relative positions of child controls contained within them, and both give you dynamic layout features at run time, so they can resize and reposition child controls as the dimensions of the parent form change. Layout panels can be nested within layout panels, to enable the realization of sophisticated user interfaces.

The xref:System.Windows.Forms.TableLayoutPanel arranges its contents in a grid, providing functionality similar to the HTML <table> element. Its cells are arranged in rows and columns, and these can have different sizes. For more information, see Walkthrough: Arranging Controls on Windows Forms Using a TableLayoutPanel.

The xref:System.Windows.Forms.FlowLayoutPanel arranges its contents in a specific flow direction: horizontal or vertical. Its contents can be wrapped from one row to the next, or from one column to the next. Alternately, its contents can be clipped instead of wrapped. Tasks illustrated in this walkthrough include:

  • Creating a Windows Forms project

  • Arranging Controls Horizontally and Vertically

  • Changing Flow Direction

  • Inserting Flow Breaks

  • Arranging Controls Using Padding and Margins

  • Inserting Controls by Double-clicking Them in the Toolbox

  • Inserting a Control by Drawing Its Outline

  • Inserting Controls Using the Caret

  • Reassigning Existing Controls to a Different Parent

When you are finished, you'll have an understanding of the role played by these important layout features.

Create the project

  1. In Visual Studio, create a Windows-based application project called "FlowLayoutPanelExample" (File > New > Project > Visual C# or Visual Basic > Classic Desktop > Windows Forms Application).

  2. Select the form in the Forms Designer.

Arranging Controls Horizontally and Vertically

The xref:System.Windows.Forms.FlowLayoutPanel control allows you to place controls along rows or columns without requiring you to precisely specify the position of each individual control.

The xref:System.Windows.Forms.FlowLayoutPanel control can resize or reflow its child controls as the dimensions of the parent form change.

To arrange controls horizontally and vertically using a FlowLayoutPanel

  1. Drag a xref:System.Windows.Forms.FlowLayoutPanel control from the Toolbox onto your form.

  2. Drag a xref:System.Windows.Forms.Button control from the Toolbox into the xref:System.Windows.Forms.FlowLayoutPanel. Note that it is automatically moved to the upper-left corner of the xref:System.Windows.Forms.FlowLayoutPanel control.

  3. Drag another xref:System.Windows.Forms.Button control from the Toolbox into the xref:System.Windows.Forms.FlowLayoutPanel. Note that the xref:System.Windows.Forms.Button control is automatically moved to a position next to the first xref:System.Windows.Forms.Button control. If your xref:System.Windows.Forms.FlowLayoutPanel is too narrow to fit the two controls on the same row, the new xref:System.Windows.Forms.Button control is automatically moved to the next row.

  4. Drag several more xref:System.Windows.Forms.Button controls from the Toolbox into the xref:System.Windows.Forms.FlowLayoutPanel. Continue placing xref:System.Windows.Forms.Button controls until one wraps to the next row.

  5. Change the value of the xref:System.Windows.Forms.FlowLayoutPanel control's xref:System.Windows.Forms.FlowLayoutPanel.WrapContents%2A property to false. Note that the child controls no longer flow to the next row. Instead, they are moved to the first row and clipped.

  6. Change the value of the xref:System.Windows.Forms.FlowLayoutPanel control's xref:System.Windows.Forms.FlowLayoutPanel.WrapContents%2A property to true. Note that the child controls again wrap to the next row.

  7. Decrease the width of the xref:System.Windows.Forms.FlowLayoutPanel control until all the xref:System.Windows.Forms.Button controls are moved into the first column.

  8. Increase the width of the xref:System.Windows.Forms.FlowLayoutPanel control until all the xref:System.Windows.Forms.Button controls are moved into the first row. You may need to resize your form to accommodate the greater width.

Changing Flow Direction

The xref:System.Windows.Forms.FlowLayoutPanel.FlowDirection%2A property allows you to change the direction in which controls are arranged. You can arrange the child controls from left to right, from right to left, from top to bottom, or from bottom to top.

To change the flow direction in a FlowLayoutPanel

  1. Change the value of the xref:System.Windows.Forms.FlowLayoutPanel control's xref:System.Windows.Forms.FlowLayoutPanel.FlowDirection%2A property to xref:System.Windows.Forms.FlowDirection.TopDown. Note that the child controls are rearranged into one or more columns, depending on the height of the control.

  2. Resize the xref:System.Windows.Forms.FlowLayoutPanel so its height is shorter than the column of xref:System.Windows.Forms.Button controls. Note that the xref:System.Windows.Forms.FlowLayoutPanel rearranges the child controls to flow into the next column. Continue decreasing the height and note that the child controls flow into consecutive columns. Change the value of the xref:System.Windows.Forms.FlowLayoutPanel control's xref:System.Windows.Forms.FlowLayoutPanel.FlowDirection%2A property to xref:System.Windows.Forms.FlowDirection.RightToLeft. Note that the positions of the child controls are reversed. Observe the layout when you change the value of the xref:System.Windows.Forms.FlowLayoutPanel.FlowDirection%2A property to xref:System.Windows.Forms.FlowDirection.BottomUp.

Inserting Flow Breaks

The xref:System.Windows.Forms.FlowLayoutPanel control provides a FlowBreak property to its child controls. Setting the value of the FlowBreak property to true causes the xref:System.Windows.Forms.FlowLayoutPanel control to stop laying out controls in the current flow direction and wrap to the next row or column.

To insert flow breaks

  1. Change the value of the xref:System.Windows.Forms.FlowLayoutPanel control's xref:System.Windows.Forms.FlowLayoutPanel.FlowDirection%2A property to xref:System.Windows.Forms.FlowDirection.TopDown.

  2. Select one of the xref:System.Windows.Forms.Button controls in the middle of the leftmost column.

  3. Set the value of the xref:System.Windows.Forms.Button control's FlowBreak property to true. Note that the column is broken and the controls following the selected xref:System.Windows.Forms.Button control flow into the next column. Set the value of the xref:System.Windows.Forms.Button control's FlowBreak property to false to return to the original behavior.

Positioning Controls Using Docking and Anchoring

Docking and anchoring behaviors of child controls differ from the behaviors in other container controls. Both docking and anchoring are relative to the largest control in the flow direction.

To position controls using docking and anchoring

  1. Increase the size of the xref:System.Windows.Forms.FlowLayoutPanel until the xref:System.Windows.Forms.Button controls are all arranged in a column.

  2. Select the top xref:System.Windows.Forms.Button control. Increase its width so that it is about twice as wide as the other xref:System.Windows.Forms.Button controls.

  3. Select the second xref:System.Windows.Forms.Button control. Change the value of its xref:System.Windows.Forms.Control.Anchor%2A property to xref:System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.Right. Note that it is moved so that its right border is aligned with the first xref:System.Windows.Forms.Button control's right border.

  4. Change the value of its xref:System.Windows.Forms.Control.Anchor%2A property to xref:System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.Right and xref:System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.Left. Note that it is sized to the same width as the first xref:System.Windows.Forms.Button control.

  5. Select the third xref:System.Windows.Forms.Button control. Change the value of its xref:System.Windows.Forms.Control.Dock%2A property to xref:System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Fill. Note that it is sized to the same width as the first xref:System.Windows.Forms.Button control.

Arranging Controls Using Padding and Margins

You can also arrange controls in your xref:System.Windows.Forms.FlowLayoutPanel control by changing the xref:System.Windows.Forms.Control.Padding%2A and xref:System.Windows.Forms.Control.Margin%2A properties.

The xref:System.Windows.Forms.Control.Padding%2A property allows you to control the placement of controls within a xref:System.Windows.Forms.FlowLayoutPanel control's cell. It specifies the spacing between the child controls and the xref:System.Windows.Forms.FlowLayoutPanel control's border.

The xref:System.Windows.Forms.Control.Margin%2A property allows you to control the spacing between controls.

To arrange controls using the Padding and Margin properties

  1. Change the value of the xref:System.Windows.Forms.FlowLayoutPanel control's xref:System.Windows.Forms.Control.Dock%2A property to xref:System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Fill. If your form is large enough, the xref:System.Windows.Forms.Button controls will be moved into the first column of the xref:System.Windows.Forms.FlowLayoutPanel control.

  2. Change the value of the xref:System.Windows.Forms.FlowLayoutPanel control's xref:System.Windows.Forms.Control.Padding%2A property by expanding the xref:System.Windows.Forms.Control.Padding%2A entry in the Properties window and setting the xref:System.Windows.Forms.Padding.All%2A property to 20. For more information, see Walkthrough: Laying Out Windows Forms Controls with Padding, Margins, and the AutoSize Property. Note that the child controls are moved toward the center of the xref:System.Windows.Forms.FlowLayoutPanel control. The increased value for the xref:System.Windows.Forms.Control.Padding%2A property pushes the child controls away from the xref:System.Windows.Forms.FlowLayoutPanel control's borders.

  3. Select all of the xref:System.Windows.Forms.Button controls in the xref:System.Windows.Forms.FlowLayoutPanel and set the value of the xref:System.Windows.Forms.Control.Margin%2A property to 20. Note that the spacing between the xref:System.Windows.Forms.Button controls increases, so they are moved further apart. You may need to resize the xref:System.Windows.Forms.FlowLayoutPanel control to be larger to see all of the child controls.

Inserting Controls by Double-clicking Them in the Toolbox

You can populate your xref:System.Windows.Forms.FlowLayoutPanel control by double-clicking controls in the Toolbox.

To insert controls by double-clicking in the Toolbox

  1. Double-click the xref:System.Windows.Forms.Button control icon in the Toolbox. Note that a new xref:System.Windows.Forms.Button control appears in the xref:System.Windows.Forms.FlowLayoutPanel control.

  2. Double-click several more controls in the Toolbox. Note that the new controls appear successively in the xref:System.Windows.Forms.FlowLayoutPanel control.

Inserting a Control by Drawing Its Outline

You can insert a control into a xref:System.Windows.Forms.FlowLayoutPanel control and specify its size by drawing its outline in a cell.

To insert a Control by drawing its outline

  1. In the Toolbox, click the xref:System.Windows.Forms.Button control icon. Do not drag it onto the form.

  2. Move the mouse pointer over the xref:System.Windows.Forms.FlowLayoutPanel control. Note that the pointer changes to a crosshair with the xref:System.Windows.Forms.Button control icon attached.

  3. Click and hold the mouse button.

  4. Drag the mouse pointer to draw the outline of the xref:System.Windows.Forms.Button control. When you are satisfied with the size, release the mouse button. Note that the xref:System.Windows.Forms.Button control is created in the next open location of the xref:System.Windows.Forms.FlowLayoutPanel control.

Inserting Controls Using the Insertion Bar

You can insert controls at a specific position in a xref:System.Windows.Forms.FlowLayoutPanel control. When you drag a control into the xref:System.Windows.Forms.FlowLayoutPanel control's client area, an insertion bar appears to indicate where the control will be inserted.

To insert a control using the caret

  1. Drag a xref:System.Windows.Forms.Button control from the Toolbox into the xref:System.Windows.Forms.FlowLayoutPanel control and point to the space between two xref:System.Windows.Forms.Button controls. Note that an insertion bar is drawn, indicating where the xref:System.Windows.Forms.Button will be placed when it is dropped into the xref:System.Windows.Forms.FlowLayoutPanel control. Before you drop the new xref:System.Windows.Forms.Button control into the xref:System.Windows.Forms.FlowLayoutPanel control, move the mouse pointer around to observe how the insertion bar moves.

  2. Drop the new xref:System.Windows.Forms.Button control into the xref:System.Windows.Forms.FlowLayoutPanel control. Note that the new xref:System.Windows.Forms.Button control is not aligned with the others, because its xref:System.Windows.Forms.Control.Margin%2A property has a different value.

Reassigning Existing Controls to a Different Parent

You can assign controls that exist on your form to a new xref:System.Windows.Forms.FlowLayoutPanel control.

To reparent existing controls

  1. Drag three xref:System.Windows.Forms.Button controls from the Toolbox onto the form. Position them near to each other, but leave them unaligned.

  2. In the Toolbox, click the xref:System.Windows.Forms.FlowLayoutPanel control icon. Do not drag it onto the form.

  3. Move the mouse pointer close to the three xref:System.Windows.Forms.Button controls. Note that the pointer changes to a crosshair with the xref:System.Windows.Forms.FlowLayoutPanel control icon attached.

  4. Click and hold the mouse button.

  5. Drag the mouse pointer to draw the outline of the xref:System.Windows.Forms.FlowLayoutPanel control. Draw the outline around the three xref:System.Windows.Forms.Button controls.

  6. Release the mouse button. Note that the three xref:System.Windows.Forms.Button controls are inserted into the xref:System.Windows.Forms.FlowLayoutPanel control.

Next Steps

You can achieve a complex layout using a combination of layout panels and controls. Suggestions for more exploration include:

  • Resize one of the xref:System.Windows.Forms.Button controls to a larger size and note the effect on the layout.

  • Layout panels can contain other layout panels. Experiment with dropping a xref:System.Windows.Forms.TableLayoutPanel control into the existing control.

  • Dock the xref:System.Windows.Forms.FlowLayoutPanel control to the parent form. Resize the form and note the effect on the layout.

  • Set the xref:System.Windows.Forms.Control.Visible%2A property of one of the controls to false and note how the xref:System.Windows.Forms.FlowLayoutPanel reflows in response.

See also