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Recognize a pointer gesture
Learn how to use the PointerGestureRecognizer class, to detect when the pointer enters, exits, and moves within a view on iPadOS, Mac Catalyst, and Windows.

Recognize a pointer gesture

A .NET Multi-platform App UI (.NET MAUI) pointer gesture recognizer detects when the pointer enters, exits, and moves within a view and is implemented with the xref:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.PointerGestureRecognizer class. This class defines the following properties:

  • xref:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.PointerGestureRecognizer.PointerEnteredCommand, of type xref:System.Windows.Input.ICommand, which is the command to invoke when the pointer enters the bounding area of the view.
  • xref:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.PointerGestureRecognizer.PointerEnteredCommandParameter, of type object, which is the parameter that's passed to xref:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.PointerGestureRecognizer.PointerEnteredCommand.
  • xref:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.PointerGestureRecognizer.PointerExitedCommand, of type xref:System.Windows.Input.ICommand, which is the command to invoke when the pointer that's in the view's bounding area leaves that bounding area.
  • xref:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.PointerGestureRecognizer.PointerExitedCommandParameter, of type object, which is the parameter that's passed to xref:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.PointerGestureRecognizer.PointerExitedCommand.
  • xref:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.PointerGestureRecognizer.PointerMovedCommand, of type xref:System.Windows.Input.ICommand, which is the command to invoke when the pointer moves while remaining within the bounding area of the view.
  • xref:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.PointerGestureRecognizer.PointerMovedCommandParameter, of type object, which is the parameter that's passed to xref:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.PointerGestureRecognizer.PointerMovedCommand.
  • xref:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.PointerGestureRecognizer.PointerPressedCommand, of type xref:System.Windows.Input.ICommand, which is the command to invoke when the pointer initiates a press within the view.
  • xref:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.PointerGestureRecognizer.PointerPressedCommandParameter, of type object, which is the parameter that's passed to the xref:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.PointerGestureRecognizer.PointerPressedCommand.
  • xref:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.PointerGestureRecognizer.PointerReleasedCommand, of type xref:System.Windows.Input.ICommand, which is the command to invoke when the pointer that has previously initiated a press is released, while within the view.
  • xref:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.PointerGestureRecognizer.PointerReleasedCommandParameter, of type object, which is the parameter that's passed to the xref:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.PointerGestureRecognizer.PointerReleasedCommand.

These properties are backed by xref:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableProperty objects, which means that they can be targets of data bindings, and styled.

The xref:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.PointerGestureRecognizer class also defines the following events:

  • xref:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.PointerGestureRecognizer.PointerEntered, that's raised when the pointer enters the bounding area of the view.
  • xref:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.PointerGestureRecognizer.PointerExited, that's raised when the pointer that's in the view's bounding area leaves that bounding area.
  • xref:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.PointerGestureRecognizer.PointerMoved, that's raised when the pointer moves while remaining within the bounding area of the view.
  • xref:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.PointerGestureRecognizer.PointerPressed, that's raised when the pointer initiates a press within the view.
  • xref:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.PointerGestureRecognizer.PointerReleased, that's raised when the pointer that has previously initiated a press is released, while within the view.

A xref:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.PointerEventArgs object accompanies the events, and defines a xref:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.PointerEventArgs.PlatformArgs property of type xref:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.PlatformPointerEventArgs that provides access to platform-specific arguments for the event.

On Android, the xref:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.PlatformPointerEventArgs class defines the following properties:

  • Sender, of type xref:Android.Views.View, represents the native view attached to the event.
  • MotionEvent, of type xref:Android.Views.MotionEvent, indicates the native event or handler attached to the view.

On iOS and Mac Catalyst, the xref:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.PlatformPointerEventArgs class defines the following properties:

  • Sender, of type xref:UIKit.UIView, represents the native view attached to the event.
  • GestureRecognizer, of type xref:UIKit.UIGestureRecognizer, indicates the native event or handler attached to the view.

On Windows, the xref:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.PlatformPointerEventArgs class defines the following properties:

  • Sender, of type xref:Microsoft.UI.Xaml.FrameworkElement, represents the native view attached to the event.
  • PointerRoutedEventArgs, of type xref:Microsoft.UI.Xaml.Input.PointerRoutedEventArgs, indicates the native event or handler attached to the view.

In addition, the xref:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.PointerEventArgs object defines a xref:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.PointerEventArgs.GetPosition%2A method that returns a Point? object that represents the position of the pointer when the gesture was detected. For more information about the xref:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.PointerEventArgs.GetPosition%2A method, see Get the gesture position.


Pointer gesture recognition is supported on Android, iPadOS, Mac Catalyst, and Windows.

.NET MAUI also defines a PointerOver visual state. This state can change the visual appearance of a view when it has a mouse cursor hovering over it, but isn't pressed. For more information, see Visual states.

Create a PointerGestureRecognizer

To make a xref:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.View recognize pointer gestures, create a xref:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.PointerGestureRecognizer object, handle the required events, and add the gesture recognizer to the xref:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.View.GestureRecognizers collection on the view. Alternatively, create a xref:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.PointerGestureRecognizer object, and bind the required commands to xref:System.Windows.Input.ICommand implementations, and add the gesture recognizer to the xref:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.View.GestureRecognizers collection on the view.

The following code example shows a xref:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.PointerGestureRecognizer attached to an xref:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Image. The xref:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.PointerGestureRecognizer uses events to respond to the detection of pointer gestures:

<Image Source="dotnet_bot.png">
        <PointerGestureRecognizer PointerEntered="OnPointerEntered"
                                  PointerMoved="OnPointerMoved" />

The code for the event handlers should be added to the code-behind file:

void OnPointerEntered(object sender, PointerEventArgs e)
    // Handle the pointer entered event

void OnPointerExited(object sender, PointerEventArgs e)
    // Handle the pointer exited event

void OnPointerMoved(object sender, PointerEventArgs e)
    // Handle the pointer moved event

The equivalent C# code is:

PointerGestureRecognizer pointerGestureRecognizer = new PointerGestureRecognizer();
pointerGestureRecognizer.PointerEntered += (s, e) =>
    // Handle the pointer entered event
pointerGestureRecognizer.PointerExited += (s, e) =>
    // Handle the pointer exited event
pointerGestureRecognizer.PointerMoved += (s, e) =>
    // Handle the pointer moved event

Image image = new Image();

Get the gesture position

The position at which a pointer gesture occurred can be obtained by calling the xref:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.PointerEventArgs.GetPosition%2A method on a xref:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.PointerEventArgs object. The xref:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.PointerEventArgs.GetPosition%2A method accepts an Element? argument, and returns a position as a Point? object:

void OnPointerExited(object sender, PointerEventArgs e)
    // Position inside window
    Point? windowPosition = e.GetPosition(null);

    // Position relative to an Image
    Point? relativeToImagePosition = e.GetPosition(image);

    // Position relative to the container view
    Point? relativeToContainerPosition = e.GetPosition((View)sender);

The Element? argument defines the element the position should be obtained relative to. Supplying a null value as this argument means that the xref:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.PointerEventArgs.GetPosition%2A method returns a Point? object that defines the position of the pointer gesture inside the window.