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.NET MAUI Shell tabs
Learn how to customize and control a .NET MAUI TabBar, which represents the bottom tab bar in a .NET MAUI Shell app.

.NET MAUI Shell tabs

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The navigation experience provided by .NET Multi-platform App UI (.NET MAUI) Shell is based on flyouts and tabs. The top level of navigation in a Shell app is either a flyout or a bottom tab bar, depending on the navigation requirements of the app. When the navigation experience for an app begins with bottom tabs, the child of the subclassed xref:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Shell object should be a xref:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.TabBar object, which represents the bottom tab bar.

A xref:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.TabBar object can contain one or more xref:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Tab objects, with each xref:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Tab object representing a tab on the bottom tab bar. Each xref:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Tab object can contain one or more xref:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.ShellContent objects, with each xref:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.ShellContent object displaying a single xref:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.ContentPage. When more than one xref:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.ShellContent object is present in a xref:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Tab object, the xref:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.ContentPage objects are navigable by top tabs. Within a tab, you can navigate to other xref:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.ContentPage objects that are known as detail pages.


The xref:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.TabBar type disables the flyout.

Single page

A single page Shell app can be created by adding a xref:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Tab object to a xref:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.TabBar object. Within the xref:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Tab object, a xref:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.ShellContent object should be set to a xref:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.ContentPage object:

<Shell xmlns=""
           <ShellContent ContentTemplate="{DataTemplate views:CatsPage}" />

This example results in the following single page app:

:::image type="content" source="media/tabs/single-page-app.png" alt-text="Screenshot of a Shell single page app.":::

Shell has implicit-conversion operators that enable the Shell visual hierarchy to be simplified without introducing more views into the visual tree. This simplification is possible because a subclassed xref:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Shell object can only ever contain xref:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.FlyoutItem objects or a xref:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.TabBar object, which can only ever contain xref:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Tab objects, which can only ever contain xref:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.ShellContent objects. These implicit-conversion operators can be used to remove the xref:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Tab objects from the previous example:

<Shell xmlns=""
        <ShellContent ContentTemplate="{DataTemplate views:CatsPage}" />

This implicit conversion automatically wraps the xref:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.ShellContent object in a xref:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Tab object, which is wrapped in a xref:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.TabBar object.


In a Shell app, pages are created on demand in response to navigation. This is accomplished by using the xref:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.DataTemplate markup extension to set the ContentTemplate property of each xref:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.ShellContent object to a xref:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.ContentPage object.

Bottom tabs

If there are multiple xref:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Tab objects in a single xref:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.TabBar object, xref:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Tab objects are rendered as bottom tabs:

<Shell xmlns=""
       <Tab Title="Cats"
           <ShellContent ContentTemplate="{DataTemplate views:CatsPage}" />
       <Tab Title="Dogs"
           <ShellContent ContentTemplate="{DataTemplate views:DogsPage}" />

The Title property, of type string, defines the tab title. The Icon property, of type xref:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.ImageSource, defines the tab icon:

:::image type="content" source="media/tabs/two-page-app-bottom-tabs.png" alt-text="Screenshot of a Shell two page app with bottom tabs.":::

When there are more than five tabs on a xref:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.TabBar, a More tab appears, which can be used to access the other tabs:

:::image type="content" source="media/tabs/more-tabs.png" alt-text="Screenshot of a Shell app with a More tab.":::

In addition, Shell's implicit conversion operators can be used to remove the xref:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.ShellContent and xref:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Tab objects from the previous example:

<Shell xmlns=""
       <ShellContent Title="Cats"
                     ContentTemplate="{DataTemplate views:CatsPage}" />
       <ShellContent Title="Dogs"
                     ContentTemplate="{DataTemplate views:DogsPage}" />

This implicit conversion automatically wraps each xref:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.ShellContent object in a xref:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Tab object.


In a Shell app, pages are created on demand in response to navigation. This is accomplished by using the xref:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.DataTemplate markup extension to set the ContentTemplate property of each xref:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.ShellContent object to a xref:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.ContentPage object.

Bottom and top tabs

When more than one xref:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.ShellContent object is present in a xref:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Tab object, a top tab bar is added to the bottom tab, through which the xref:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.ContentPage objects are navigable:

<Shell xmlns=""
       <Tab Title="Domestic"
           <ShellContent Title="Cats"
                         ContentTemplate="{DataTemplate views:CatsPage}" />
           <ShellContent Title="Dogs"
                         ContentTemplate="{DataTemplate views:DogsPage}" />
       <Tab Title="Monkeys"
           <ShellContent ContentTemplate="{DataTemplate views:MonkeysPage}" />

This code results in the layout shown in the following screenshot:

:::image type="content" source="media/tabs/two-page-app-top-tabs.png" alt-text="Screenshot of a Shell two page app with top and bottom tabs.":::

In addition, Shell's implicit conversion operators can be used to remove the second xref:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Tab object from the previous example:

<Shell xmlns=""
       <Tab Title="Domestic"
           <ShellContent Title="Cats"
                         ContentTemplate="{DataTemplate views:CatsPage}" />
           <ShellContent Title="Dogs"
                         ContentTemplate="{DataTemplate views:DogsPage}" />
       <ShellContent Title="Monkeys"
                     ContentTemplate="{DataTemplate views:MonkeysPage}" />

This implicit conversion automatically wraps the third xref:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.ShellContent object in a xref:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Tab object.

Tab appearance

The xref:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Shell class defines the following attached properties that control the appearance of tabs:

  • TabBarBackgroundColor, of type xref:Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.Color, that defines the background color for the tab bar. If the property is unset, the BackgroundColor property value is used.
  • TabBarDisabledColor, of type xref:Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.Color, that defines the disabled color for the tab bar. If the property is unset, the DisabledColor property value is used.
  • TabBarForegroundColor, of type xref:Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.Color, that defines the foreground color for the tab bar. If the property is unset, the ForegroundColor property value is used.
  • TabBarTitleColor, of type xref:Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.Color, that defines the title color for the tab bar. If the property is unset, the TitleColor property value is used.
  • TabBarUnselectedColor, of type xref:Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.Color, that defines the unselected color for the tab bar. If the property is unset, the UnselectedColor property value is used.

All of these properties are backed by xref:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableProperty objects, which means that the properties can be targets of data bindings, and styled.

The three properties that most influence the color of a tab are TabBarForegroundColor, TabBarTitleColor, and TabBarUnselectedColor:

  • If only the TabBarTitleColor property is set then its value will be used to color the title and icon of the selected tab. If TabBarTitleColor isn't set then the title color will match the value of the TabBarForegroundColor property.
  • If the TabBarForegroundColor property is set and the TabBarUnselectedColor property isn't set then the value of the TabBarForegroundColor property will be used to color the title and icon of the selected tab.
  • If only the TabBarUnselectedColor property is set then its value will be used to color the title and icon of the unselected tab.

For example:

  • When the TabBarTitleColor property is set to Green the title and icon for the selected tab is green, and unselected tabs match system colors.
  • When the TabBarForegroundColor property is set to Blue the title and icon for the selected tab is blue, and unselected tabs match system colors.
  • When the TabBarTitleColor property is set to Green and the TabBarForegroundColor property is set to Blue the title is green and the icon is blue for the selected tab, and unselected tabs match system colors.
  • When the TabBarTitleColor property is set to Green and the Shell.ForegroundColor property is set to Blue the title is green and the icon is blue for the selected tab, and unselected tabs match system colors. This occurs because the Shell.ForegroundColor property value propagates to the TabBarForegroundColor property.
  • When the TabBarTitleColor property is set to Green, the TabBarForegroundColor property is set to Blue, and the TabBarUnselectedColor property is set to Red, the title is green and the icon is blue for the selected tab, and unselected tab titles and icons are red.

The following example shows a XAML style that sets different tab bar color properties:

<Style TargetType="TabBar">
    <Setter Property="Shell.TabBarBackgroundColor"
            Value="CornflowerBlue" />
    <Setter Property="Shell.TabBarTitleColor"
            Value="Black" />
    <Setter Property="Shell.TabBarUnselectedColor"
            Value="AntiqueWhite" />

In addition, tabs can also be styled using Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). For more information, see .NET MAUI Shell specific properties.

Tab selection

When a Shell app that uses a tab bar is first run, the Shell.CurrentItem property is set to the first xref:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Tab object in the subclassed xref:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Shell object. However, the property can be set to another xref:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Tab, as shown in the following example:

<Shell ...
       CurrentItem="{x:Reference dogsItem}">
        <ShellContent Title="Cats"
                      ContentTemplate="{DataTemplate views:CatsPage}" />
        <ShellContent x:Name="dogsItem"
                      ContentTemplate="{DataTemplate views:DogsPage}" />

This example sets the CurrentItem property to the xref:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.ShellContent object named dogsItem, which results in it being selected and displayed. In this example, an implicit conversion is used to wrap each xref:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.ShellContent object in a xref:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Tab object.

The equivalent C# code, given a xref:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.ShellContent object named dogsItem, is:

CurrentItem = dogsItem;

In this example, the CurrentItem property is set in the subclassed xref:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Shell class. Alternatively, the CurrentItem property can be set in any class through the Shell.Current static property:

Shell.Current.CurrentItem = dogsItem;

TabBar and Tab visibility

The tab bar and tabs are visible in Shell apps by default. However, the tab bar can be hidden by setting the Shell.TabBarIsVisible attached property to false.

While this property can be set on a subclassed xref:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Shell object, it's typically set on any xref:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.ShellContent or xref:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.ContentPage objects that want to make the tab bar invisible:

   <Tab Title="Domestic"
       <ShellContent Title="Cats"
                     ContentTemplate="{DataTemplate views:CatsPage}" />
       <ShellContent Shell.TabBarIsVisible="false"
                     ContentTemplate="{DataTemplate views:DogsPage}" />
   <Tab Title="Monkeys"
       <ShellContent ContentTemplate="{DataTemplate views:MonkeysPage}" />

In this example, the tab bar is hidden when the upper Dogs tab is selected.

In addition, xref:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Tab objects can be hidden by setting the IsVisible bindable property to false:

    <ShellContent Title="Cats"
                  ContentTemplate="{DataTemplate views:CatsPage}" />
    <ShellContent Title="Dogs"
                  ContentTemplate="{DataTemplate views:DogsPage}"
                  IsVisible="False" />
    <ShellContent Title="Monkeys"
                  ContentTemplate="{DataTemplate views:MonkeysPage}" />

In this example, the second tab is hidden.