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164 lines (123 loc) · 8.69 KB
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The .NET MAUI SearchBar is a user input control that is used for initiating a search. The SearchBar control supports placeholder text, query input, execution, and cancellation.


The .NET Multi-platform App UI (.NET MAUI) xref:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.SearchBar is a user input control used to initiating a search. The xref:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.SearchBar control supports placeholder text, query input, search execution, and cancellation. The following iOS screenshot shows a xref:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.SearchBar query with results displayed in a xref:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.ListView:

:::image type="content" source="media/searchbar/searchbar.png" alt-text="Screenshot of a SearchBar.":::

xref:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.SearchBar defines the following properties:

  • CancelButtonColor is a xref:Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.Color that defines the color of the cancel button.
  • HorizontalTextAlignment is a TextAlignment enum value that defines the horizontal alignment of the query text.
  • SearchCommand is an xref:System.Windows.Input.ICommand that allows binding user actions, such as finger taps or clicks, to commands defined on a viewmodel.
  • SearchCommandParameter is an object that specifies the parameter that should be passed to the SearchCommand.
  • VerticalTextAlignment is a TextAlignment enum value that defines the vertical alignment of the query text.

These properties are backed by xref:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableProperty objects, which means that they can be targets of data bindings, and styled.

In addition, xref:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.SearchBar defines a SearchButtonPressed event, which is raised when the search button is clicked, or the enter key is pressed.

xref:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.SearchBar derives from the xref:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.InputView class, from which it inherits the following properties:

  • CharacterSpacing, of type double, sets the spacing between characters in the entered text.
  • CursorPosition, of type int, defines the position of the cursor within the editor.
  • FontAttributes, of type FontAttributes, determines text style.
  • FontAutoScalingEnabled, of type bool, defines whether the text will reflect scaling preferences set in the operating system. The default value of this property is true.
  • FontFamily, of type string, defines the font family.
  • FontSize, of type double, defines the font size.
  • IsReadOnly, of type bool, defines whether the user should be prevented from modifying text. The default value of this property is false.
  • IsSpellCheckEnabled, of type bool, controls whether spell checking is enabled.
  • IsTextPredictionEnabled, of type bool, controls whether text prediction and automatic text correction is enabled.
  • Keyboard, of type Keyboard, specifies the soft input keyboard that's displayed when entering text.
  • MaxLength, of type int, defines the maximum input length.
  • Placeholder, of type string, defines the text that's displayed when the control is empty.
  • PlaceholderColor, of type xref:Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.Color, defines the color of the placeholder text.
  • SelectionLength, of type int, represents the length of selected text within the control.
  • Text, of type string, defines the text entered into the control.
  • TextColor, of type xref:Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.Color, defines the color of the entered text.
  • TextTransform, of type TextTransform, specifies the casing of the entered text.

These properties are backed by xref:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableProperty objects, which means that they can be targets of data bindings, and styled.

In addition, xref:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.InputView defines a TextChanged event, which is raised when the text in the xref:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Entry changes. The TextChangedEventArgs object that accompanies the TextChanged event has NewTextValue and OldTextValue properties, which specify the new and old text, respectively.

Create a SearchBar

To create a search bar, create a xref:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.SearchBar object and set its Placeholder property to text that instructs the user to enter a search term.

The following XAML example shows how to create a xref:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.SearchBar:

<SearchBar Placeholder="Search items..." />

The equivalent C# code is:

SearchBar searchBar = new SearchBar { Placeholder = "Search items..." };

[!INCLUDE Keyboard autoscroll manager]

Perform a search with event handlers

A search can be executed using the xref:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.SearchBar control by attaching an event handler to one of the following events:

  • SearchButtonPressed, which is called when the user either clicks the search button or presses the enter key.
  • TextChanged, which is called anytime the text in the query box is changed. This event is inherited from the xref:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.InputView class.

The following XAML example shows an event handler attached to the TextChanged event and uses a xref:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.ListView to display search results:

<SearchBar TextChanged="OnTextChanged" />
<ListView x:Name="searchResults" >

In this example, the TextChanged event is set to an event handler named OnTextChanged. This handler is located in the code-behind file:

void OnTextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
    SearchBar searchBar = (SearchBar)sender;
    searchResults.ItemsSource = DataService.GetSearchResults(searchBar.Text);

In this example, a DataService class with a GetSearchResults method is used to returnitems that match a query. The xref:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.SearchBar control's Text property value is passed to the GetSearchResults method and the result is used to update the xref:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.ListView control's ItemsSource property. The overall effect is that search results are displayed in the xref:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.ListView.

Perform a search using a viewmodel

A search can be executed without event handlers by binding the SearchCommand property to an xref:System.Windows.Input.ICommand implementation. For more information about commanding, see Commanding.

The following example shows a viewmodel class that contains an xref:System.Windows.Input.ICommand property named PerformSearch:

public class SearchViewModel : INotifyPropertyChanged
    public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;

    protected virtual void NotifyPropertyChanged([CallerMemberName] string propertyName = "")
        PropertyChanged?.Invoke(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));

    public ICommand PerformSearch => new Command<string>((string query) =>
        SearchResults = DataService.GetSearchResults(query);

    private List<string> searchResults = DataService.Fruits;
    public List<string> SearchResults
            return searchResults;
            searchResults = value;


The viewmodel assumes the existence of a DataService class capable of performing searches.

The following XAML example consumes the SearchViewModel class:

<ContentPage ...>
        <viewmodels:SearchViewModel />
        <SearchBar x:Name="searchBar"
                   SearchCommand="{Binding PerformSearch}"
                   SearchCommandParameter="{Binding Text, Source={x:Reference searchBar}}"/>
        <ListView x:Name="searchResults"
                  ItemsSource="{Binding SearchResults}" />

In this example, the BindingContext is set to an instance of the SearchViewModel class. The SearchBar.SearchCommand property binds to PerformSearch viewmodel property, and the SearchCommandParameter property binds to the SearchBar.Text property. Similarly, the ListView.ItemsSource property is bound to the SearchResults property of the viewmodel.

[!INCLUDE Hide and show the soft input keyboard]

The following example shows how to hide the soft input keyboard on a xref:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.SearchBar named searchBar, if it's currently showing:

if (searchBar.IsSoftInputShowing())
   await searchBar.HideSoftInputAsync(System.Threading.CancellationToken.None);