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Preventing Cross-Site Request Forgery (XSRF/CSRF) Attacks in ASP.NET Core

Preventing Cross-Site Request Forgery (XSRF/CSRF) Attacks in ASP.NET Core

Steve Smith, Fiyaz Hasan

What attack does anti-forgery prevent?

Cross-site request forgery (also known as XSRF or CSRF, pronounced see-surf) is an attack against web-hosted applications whereby a malicious web site can influence the interaction between a client browser and a web site that trusts that browser. These attacks are made possible because web browsers send some types of authentication tokens automatically with every request to a web site. This form of exploit is also known as a one-click attack or as session riding, because the attack takes advantage of the user's previously authenticated session.

An example of a CSRF attack:

  1. A user logs into, using forms authentication.

  2. The server authenticates the user and issues a response that includes an authentication cookie.

  3. The user visits a malicious site.

    This malicious site contains the following HTML form:

   <h1>You Are a Winner!</h1>
     <form action="" method="post">
       <input type="hidden" name="Transaction" value="withdraw" />
       <input type="hidden" name="Amount" value="1000000" />
     <input type="submit" value="Click Me"/>

Notice that the form action posts to the vulnerable site, not to the malicious site. This is the “cross-site” part of CSRF.

  1. The user clicks the submit button. The browser automatically includes the authentication cookie for the requested domain (the vulnerable site in this case) with the request.

  2. The request runs on the server with the user’s authentication context, and can do anything that an authenticated user is allowed to do.

Although this example requires the user to click the form button, the malicious page could just as easily run a script that automatically submits the form or sends a form submission as an AJAX request. The form could also be hidden using CSS so the user never realizes it's present. Moreover, using SSL does not prevent a CSRF attack, because the malicious site can send an https:// request. Some attacks can target site endpoints that respond to GET requests, in which case even an image tag can be used to perform the action (this form of attack is common on forum sites that permit images but block JavaScript). If your application uses GET requests to significantly change the state of the application, you should switch to POST if possible (in addition to protecting against CSRF attacks).

Typically, CSRF attacks are possible against web sites that use cookies for authentication, because browsers send all relevant cookies to the destination web site. However, CSRF attacks are not limited to exploiting cookies. For example, Basic and Digest authentication are also vulnerable. After a user logs in with Basic or Digest authentication, the browser automatically sends the credentials until the session ends.


In this context, session refers to the client-side session during which the user is authenticated. It is unrelated to server-side sessions or session middleware.

Users can guard against CSRF vulnerabilities by:

  • Logging off of web sites when they have finished using them
  • Clearing their browser's cookies periodically

However, CSRF vulnerabilities are fundamentally a problem with the web app, not the end user.

How does ASP.NET Core MVC address CSRF?

The most common approach to defending against CSRF attacks is the synchronizer token pattern (STP). STP is a technique used when the user requests a page with form data. The server sends a token associated with the current user's identity to the client. The client must send back the token to the server for verification. If the server receives a token that doesn't match the authenticated user's identity, the request should be rejected. The token is unique and unpredictable. The token can also be used to ensure proper sequencing of a series of requests (ensuring page 1 precedes page 2 which precedes page 3). ASP.NET Core MVC will generate Antiforgery Tokens by default on all forms it generates. The following two examples of view logic will generate antiforgery tokens automatically:

<form asp-controller="Manage" asp-action="ChangePassword" method="post">


@using (Html.BeginForm("ChangePassword", "Manage"))

You can also explicitly add an antiforgery token to a <form> element you create without using tag helpers or HTML helpers by using @Html.AntiForgeryToken():

<form action="/" method="post">
In each of the above cases, ASP.NET Core will add a hidden form field like the following:

<input name="__RequestVerificationToken" type="hidden" value="CfDJ8NrAkSldwD9CpLRyOtm6FiJB1Jr_F3FQJQDvhlHoLNJJrLA6zaMUmhjMsisu2D2tFkAiYgyWQawJk9vNm36sYP1esHOtamBEPvSk1_x--Sg8Ey2a-d9CV2zHVWIN9MVhvKHOSyKqdZFlYDVd69XYx-rOWPw3ilHGLN6K0Km-1p83jZzF0E4WU5OGg5ns2-m9Yw" />

ASP.NET Core includes three filters for working with antiforgery tokens: ValidateAntiForgeryToken, AutoValidateAntiforgeryToken, and IgnoreAntiforgeryToken.


The ValidateAntiForgeryToken is an action filter that can be applied to an individual action, a controller, or globally for the app. Requests made to actions that have this filter applied will be blocked unless the request includes a valid antiforgery token.

public async Task<IActionResult> RemoveLogin(RemoveLoginViewModel account)
    ManageMessageId? message = ManageMessageId.Error;
    var user = await GetCurrentUserAsync();
    if (user != null)
        var result = await _userManager.RemoveLoginAsync(user, account.LoginProvider, account.ProviderKey);
        if (result.Succeeded)
            await _signInManager.SignInAsync(user, isPersistent: false);
            message = ManageMessageId.RemoveLoginSuccess;
    return RedirectToAction(nameof(ManageLogins), new { Message = message });

The ValidateAntiForgeryToken attribute will require a token for requests to action methods it decorates, including GET requests. If you apply it broadly, you can override it with the IgnoreAntiforgeryToken attribute.


In most cases, your application will not receive antiforgery tokens for certain kinds of HTTP requests, such as GET requests. Instead of broadly applying the ValidateAntiForgeryToken attribute and then overriding it with IgnoreAntiforgeryToken attributes, you can use the AutoValidateAntiforgeryToken attribute. This attribute works identically to the ValidateAntiForgeryToken attribute, except that it doesn't require tokens for requests made using the following HTTP methods:

  • GET
  • HEAD

We recommend you use AutoValidateAntiforgeryToken broadly for non-API scenarios. This ensures your POST actions are protected by default. The alternative is to ignore antiforgery tokens by default, unless ValidateAntiForgeryToken is applied to the individual action method. It's more likely in this scenario for a POST action method to be left unprotected, leaving your app vulnerable to CSRF attacks. Even anonymous POSTS should send the antiforgery token.


APIs don't have an automatic mechanism for sending the non-cookie part of the token; your implementation will likely depend on your client code implementation. Some examples are shown below.

Example (class level):

public class ManageController : Controller

Example (global):

services.AddMvc(options => 
    options.Filters.Add(new AutoValidateAntiforgeryTokenAttribute()));


The IgnoreAntiforgeryToken filter is used to eliminate the need for an antiforgery token to be present for a given action (or controller). When applied, this filter will override ValidateAntiForgeryToken and/or AutoValidateAntiforgeryToken filters specified at a higher level (globally or on a controller).

public class ManageController : Controller
  public async Task<IActionResult> DoSomethingSafe(SomeViewModel model)
    // no antiforgery token required

JavaScript, AJAX, and SPAs

In traditional HTML-based applications, antiforgery tokens are passed to the server using hidden form fields. In modern JavaScript-based apps and single page applications (SPAs), many requests are made programmatically. These AJAX requests may use other techniques (such as request headers or cookies) to send the token. If cookies are used to store authentication tokens and to authenticate API requests on the server, then CSRF will be a potential problem. However, if local storage is used to store the token, CSRF vulnerability may be mitigated, since values from local storage are not sent automatically to the server with every new request. Thus, using local storage to store the antiforgery token on the client and sending the token as a request header is a recommended approach.


AngularJS uses a convention to address CSRF. If the server sends a cookie with the name XSRF-TOKEN, the Angular $http service will add the value from this cookie to a header when it sends a request to this server. This process is automatic; you don't need to set the header explicitly. The header name is X-XSRF-TOKEN. The server should detect this header and validate its contents.

For ASP.NET Core API work with this convention:

  • Configure your app to provide a token in a cookied called XSRF-TOKEN
  • Configure the antiforgery service to look for a header named X-XSRF-TOKEN
services.AddAntiforgery(options => options.HeaderName = "X-XSRF-TOKEN");

View sample.


Using JavaScript with views, you can create the token using a service from within your view. To do so, you inject the Microsoft.AspNetCore.Antiforgery.IAntiforgery service into the view and call GetAndStoreTokens, as shown:


This approach eliminates the need to deal directly with setting cookies from the server or reading them from the client.

JavaScript can also access tokens provided in cookies, and then use the cookie's contents to create a header with the token's value, as shown below.

context.Response.Cookies.Append("CSRF-TOKEN", tokens.RequestToken, 
  new Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.CookieOptions { HttpOnly = false });

Then, assuming you construct your script requests to send the token in a header called X-CSRF-TOKEN, configure the antiforgery service to look for the X-CSRF-TOKEN header:

services.AddAntiforgery(options => options.HeaderName = "X-CSRF-TOKEN");

The following example uses jQuery to make an AJAX request with the appropriate header:

var csrfToken = $.cookie("CSRF-TOKEN");

    url: "/api/password/changepassword",
    contentType: "application/json",
    data: JSON.stringify({ "newPassword": "ReallySecurePassword999$$$" }),
    type: "POST",
    headers: {
        "X-CSRF-TOKEN": csrfToken

Configuring Antiforgery

IAntiforgery provides the API to configure the antiforgery system. It can be requested in the Configure method of the Startup class. The following example uses middleware from the app's home page to generate an antiforgery token and send it in the response as a cookie (using the default Angular naming convention described above):

public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, 
    IAntiforgery antiforgery)
    app.Use(next => context =>
        string path = context.Request.Path.Value;
        if (
            string.Equals(path, "/", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ||
            string.Equals(path, "/index.html", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
            // We can send the request token as a JavaScript-readable cookie, 
            // and Angular will use it by default.
            var tokens = antiforgery.GetAndStoreTokens(context);
            context.Response.Cookies.Append("XSRF-TOKEN", tokens.RequestToken, 
                new CookieOptions() { HttpOnly = false });

        return next(context);


You can customize antiforgery options in ConfigureServices:

services.AddAntiforgery(options => 
  options.CookieDomain = "";
  options.CookieName = "X-CSRF-TOKEN-COOKIENAME";
  options.CookiePath = "Path";
  options.FormFieldName = "AntiforgeryFieldname";
  options.HeaderName = "X-CSRF-TOKEN-HEADERNAME";
  options.RequireSsl = false;
  otpions.SuppressXFrameOptionsHeader = false;
Option Description
CookieDomain The domain of the cookie. Defaults to null.
CookieName The name of the cookie. If not set, the system will generate a unique name beginning with the DefaultCookiePrefix (".AspNetCore.Antiforgery.").
CookiePath The path set on the cookie.
FormFieldName The name of the hidden form field used by the antiforgery system to render antiforgery tokens in views.
HeaderName The name of the header used by the antiforgery system. If null, the system will consider only form data.
RequireSsl Specifies whether SSL is required by the antiforgery system. Defaults to false. If true, non-SSL requests will fail.
SuppressXFrameOptionsHeader Specifies whether to suppress generation of the X-Frame-Options header. By default the header is generated with a value of "SAMEORIGIN". Defaults to false.

See for more info.

Extending Antiforgery

The IAntiForgeryAdditionalDataProvider type allows developers to extend the behavior of the anti-XSRF system by round-tripping additional data in each token. The GetAdditionalData method is called each time a field token is generated, and the return value is embedded within the generated token. An implementer could return a timestamp, a nonce, or any other value and then call ValidateAdditionalData to validate this data when the token is validated. The client's username is already embedded in the generated tokens, so there is no need to include this information. If a token includes supplemental data but no IAntiForgeryAdditionalDataProvider has been configured, the supplemental data is not validated.


CSRF attacks rely on the default browser behavior of sending cookies associated with a domain with every request made to that domain. These cookies are stored within the browser. They frequently include session cookies for authenticated users. Cookie-based authentication is the most popular form of authentication used by web applications. However, token-based authentication systems have been growing in popularity in recent years, especially for SPAs and other "smart client" scenarios.

Cookie based authentication

Once a user has authenticated using their username and password, they are issued a token that can be used to identify them and validate that they have been authenticated. The token is stored as a cookie that accompanies every request the client makes. Generating and validating this cookie is done by the cookie authentication middleware. ASP.NET Core provides cookie middleware which serializes a user principal into an encrypted cookie and then, on subsequent requests, validates the cookie, recreates the principal and assigns it to the User property on HttpContext.

When a cookie is used, The authentication cookie is just a container for the forms authentication ticket. The ticket is passed as the value of the forms authentication cookie with each request and is used by forms authentication, on the server, to identify an authenticated user.

When a user is logged in to a system, a user session is created on the server side and is stored in a database or some other persistent store. The system generates a session key that points to the actual session in the data store and it is sent as a client side cookie. The web server will check this session key any time a user requests a resource that requires authorization. The system checks whether the associated user session has the privilege to access the requested resource. If so, the request continues. Otherwise, the request returns as not authorized. In this approach, cookies are used to make the application appear to be stateful, since it is able to "remember" that the user has previously authenticated with the server.

User tokens

Token based authentication doesn’t store any kind of session on the server or in a server-side data store. Instead when a user is logged in they are issued a token (not an antiforgery token). This token holds all the data that is required to validate the token. It also contains user information, in the form of claims. When a user wants to access a server resource requiring authentication, the token is sent to the server with an additional authorization header in form of Bearer {token}. This makes the application stateless since in each subsequent request the token is passed in the request for server side validation. One thing to remember is this token is not encrypted; rather it is encoded. On the server side the token can be decoded to access the raw information within the token. To send the token in subsequent requests, you can either store it in browser’s local storage or in a cookie. You don’t have to worry about XSRF vulnerability if your token is stored in the local storage, but it is still an issue if the token is stored in a cookie.

Multiple applications are hosted in one domain

Even though and are different hosts, there is an implicit trust relationship between all hosts under the * domain. This implicit trust relationship allows potentially untrusted hosts to affect each other’s cookies (the same-origin policies that govern AJAX requests do not necessarily apply to HTTP cookies). The ASP.NET Core runtime provides some mitigation in that the username is embedded into the field token, so even if a malicious subdomain is able to overwrite a session token it will be unable to generate a valid field token for the user. However, when hosted in such an environment the built-in anti-XSRF routines still cannot defend against session hijacking or login CSRF attacks.


You should only host live and preproduction apps in domains you fully control, rather than shared domains like or This will better protect your app's users from session hijacking and/or CSRF attacks.

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