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Chris Dosé edited this page Apr 21, 2016 · 7 revisions

NOTE: these wiki pages are out of date!

Some basic info pertinent to players. If you want to learn how to be a programmer in room.js, read the Programmer's Manual.


To connect to a room.js server, point to the host and port that the server is running on in your web browser:

Once the client connects, you'll get a welcome message. To send commands to the server, type them into the input box at the bottom of the client, and hit enter.

Accounts & Players

To create a new account enter the command create. A modal dialog will show up asking you for your account details.

To login to an existing account type login and enter your username and password.

Each account has a username and a player name. The username is used for logging in, the player name is what's displayed in-game to other players.

Interacting with the World

Once you log in you will most likely be in a starting location of some sort. In the example database and in the demo, this is The Forest Clearing. You interact with the world by typing commands to perform actions. Some simple commands to try out first could be:

  • look (might print out a description of where you are)
  • say Hello! (make your character say something)
  • go north (go in a direction, might move you to another location)
  • take sword (if there's a sword in the location you're in, you can pick it up like this)
  • help (might print a list of some basic commands, or help you get started in some way)
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