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File metadata and controls

35 lines (28 loc) · 2.27 KB

The scripts in this folder automate the setup of the MagAO-X software system on new hardware (to the extent it is possible to automate). The code in this repo is tightly coupled to our choice of operating system (Linux/CentOS 7), as well as the existence of folders, users, groups, and permissions that make the whole thing work.

The main script that calls the others is for both the physical machines that will be used with the instrument and the VMs used in software development. For usage documentation, consult the computer setup appendix of the MagAO-X Handbook.

The script does different things depending on the MAGAOX_ROLE environment variable of the machine it's run on. (It makes /etc/profile.d/ to set that the first time you run it.) This can be:

  • AOC - Adaptive optics Operator Computer
  • RTC - Real Time control Computer
  • ICC - Instrument Control Computer
  • TIC - Testbed Instrument Computer
  • TOC - Testbed Operator Computer
  • workstation - Any other MagAO-X workstation
  • ci - Continuous Integration environment (CircleCI, invoked as described in .circleci/config.yml in the repo root)
  • vm - Virtual machine (Vagrant) environment (see the handbook)

Each script has comments throughout. They should all be idempotent. (In other words: running twice should only do a fresh install the first time, and should not clobber anything or emit an error if run again.)

multipass notes

multipass launch -n primary 22.04
multipass set local.privileged-mounts=Yes  # windows only
multipass mount ~/devel/MagAOX/ primary:/opt/MagAOX/source/MagAOX
multipass stop
multipass set local.primary.disk=20GiB
multipass set local.primary.cpus=4
multipass start
multipass shell
ubuntu@primary:~$ cd /opt/MagAOX/source/MagAOX/setup
ubuntu@primary:/opt/MagAOX/source/MagAOX/setup$ bash -lx
ubuntu@primary$ exit
multipass exec primary -- bash -c "echo `cat ~/.ssh/` >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys"
ssh -Y ubuntu@$(multipass exec primary -- hostname -I | awk '{ print $1 }' ) xeyes