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The problem

You have a custom select dropdown in your application and you want it to perform exactly the same as the native HTML <select> in terms of accessibility and functionality. For consistency reasons you want it to follow the the ARIA design pattern for a dropdown select. You also want this solution to be simple to use and flexible so you can tailor it further to your specific needs.

This solution

useSelect is a React hook that manages all the stateful logic needed to make the dropdown functional and accessible. It returns a set of props that are meant to be called and their results destructured on the dropdown's elements: its label, toggle button, list and list items. These are similar to the ones provided by vanilla <Downshift> to the children render prop.

These props are called getter props and their return values are destructured as a set of ARIA attributes and event listeners. Together with the action props and state props, they create all the stateful logic needed for the dropdown to implement the corresponding ARIA pattern. Every functionality needed should be provided out-of-the-box: menu toggle, item selection and up/down movement between them, screen reader support, highlight by character keys etc.

Table of Contents


Try it out in the browser

import React from 'react'
import {render} from 'react-dom'
import {useSelect} from 'downshift'
import {items} from './utils'

function DropdownSelect() {
  const {
  } = useSelect({items})
  return (
      <label {...getLabelProps()}>Choose an element:</label>
      <button {...getToggleButtonProps()}>{selectedItem || 'Elements'}</button>
      <ul {...getMenuProps()} style={menuStyles}>
        {isOpen &&
, index) => (
                highlightedIndex === index ? {backgroundColor: '#bde4ff'} : {}
              {...getItemProps({item: option, index})}

const options = [
const menuStyles = {
  maxHeight: '200px',
  overflowY: 'auto',
  width: '150px',
  position: 'absolute',
  margin: 0,
  borderTop: 0,
  background: 'white',

render(<DropdownSelect />, document.getElementById('root'))

Basic Props

This is the list of props that you should probably know about. There are some advanced props below as well.


any[] | required

The main difference from vanilla Downshift is that we pass the items we want to render to the hook as well. Opening the menu with an item already selected means the hook has to know in advance what items you plan to render and what is the position of that item in the list. Consequently, there won't be any need for two state changes: one for opening the menu and one for setting the highlighted index, like in Downshift.


function(item: any) | defaults to: i => (i == null ? '' : String(i))

Used to determine the string value for the selected item. It is used to compute the accessibility message that occurs after selecting the item. It is also used to allow highlighting by typing character keys, when downshift looks for the items whose string version start with the keys typed.


function(changes: object) | optional, no useful default

Called each time the selected item was changed. Selection can be performed by item click, Enter Key while item is highlighted or by blurring the menu while an item is highlighted (Tab, Shift-Tab or clicking away).

  • changes: These are the properties that actually have changed since the last state change. This object is guaranteed to contain the selectedItem property with the newly selected value. This also has a type property which you can learn more about in the stateChangeTypes section. This property will be part of the actions that can trigger a selectedItem change, for example useSelect.stateChangeTypes.ItemClick.


function(state: object, changes: object) | optional

馃毃 This is a really handy power feature 馃毃

This function will be called each time useSelect sets its internal state (or calls your onStateChange handler for control props). It allows you to modify the state change that will take place which can give you fine grain control over how the component interacts with user updates. It gives you the current state and the state that will be set, and you return the state that you want to set.

  • state: The full current state of downshift.
  • actionAndChanges: Object that contains the action type, props needed to return a new state based on that type and the changes suggested by the Downshift default reducer. About the type property you can learn more about in the stateChangeTypes section.
import {useSelect} from 'downshift'
import {items} from './utils'

const {getMenuProps, getItemProps,} = useSelect({

function stateReducer(state, actionAndChanges) {
  // this prevents the menu from being closed when the user selects an item with 'Enter' or mouse
  switch (actionAndChanges.type) {
    case useSelect.stateChangeTypes.MenuKeyDownEnter:
    case useSelect.stateChangeTypes.ItemClick:
      return {
        ...actionAndChanges.changes, // default Downshift new state changes on item selection.
        isOpen: state.isOpen, // but keep menu open.
        highlightedIndex: state.highlightedIndex, // with the item highlighted.
      return actionAndChanges.changes // otherwise business as usual.

NOTE: This is only called when state actually changes. You should not attempt use this to handle events. If you wish to handle events, put your event handlers directly on the elements (make sure to use the prop getters though! For example <button onBlur={handleBlur} /> should be <button {...getToggleButtonProps({onBlur: handleBlur})} />). Also, your reducer function should be "pure." This means it should do nothing other than return the state changes you want to have happen.

Advanced Props


any | defaults to null

Pass an item that should be selected when downshift is initialized.


boolean | defaults to false

Pass a boolean that sets the open state of the menu when downshift is initialized.


number | defaults to -1

Pass a number that sets the index of the highlighted item when downshift is initialized.


any | defaults to null

Pass an item that should be selected when downshift is reset.


boolean | defaults to false

Pass a boolean that sets the open state of the menu when downshift is reset or when an item is selected.


number | defaults to -1

Pass a number that sets the index of the highlighted item when downshift is reset or when an item is selected.


function({/* see below */}) | default messages provided in English

This function is passed as props to a Status component nested within and allows you to create your own assertive ARIA statuses.

A default getA11yStatusMessage function is provided. It is called with the parameters items, isOpen, selectedItem and itemToString when either isOpen changes. When menu is opened, the announcement message is "No results" if there aren't any items or "resultCount results are available, use up and down arrow keys to navigate. Press Enter key to select." depending on the number of items in the menu.

Note: resultCount is items.length in our default version of the function.


function({/* see below */}) | default messages provided in English

This function is similar to the getA11yStatusMessage but it is generating a message when an item is selected.

A default getA11ySelectionMessage function is provided. It is called with the parameters items, isOpen, selectedItem and itemToString when selectedItem changes. When an item is selected, the message is a selection related one, narrating "itemToString(selectedItem) has been selected".

The object you are passed to generate your status message, for both getA11yStatusMessage and getA11ySelectionMessage has the following properties:

property type description
items any[] The items in the list.
isOpen boolean The isOpen state
itemToString function(any) The itemToString function (see props) for getting the string value from one of the options
selectedItem any The value of the currently selected item


function(changes: object) | optional, no useful default

Called each time the highlighted item was changed. Items can be highlighted while hovering the mouse over them or by keyboard keys such as Up Arrow, Down Arrow, Home and End. Arrow keys can be combined with Shift to move by a step of 5 positions instead of 1. Items can also be highlighted by hitting character keys that are part of their starting string equivalent.

  • changes: These are the properties that actually have changed since the last state change. This object is guaranteed to contain the highlightedIndex property with the new value. This also has a type property which you can learn more about in the stateChangeTypes section. This property will be part of the actions that can trigger a highlightedIndex change, for example useSelect.stateChangeTypes.MenuKeyDownArrowUp.


function(changes: object) | optional, no useful default

Called each time the menu is open or closed. Menu can be open by toggle button click, Enter, Space, Up Arrow or Down Arrow keys. Can be closed by selecting an item, blur (Tab, Shift-Tab or clicking outside), clicking the toggle button again or hitting Escape key.

  • changes: These are the properties that actually have changed since the last state change. This object is guaranteed to contain the isOpen property with the new value. This also has a type property which you can learn more about in the stateChangeTypes section. This property will be part of the actions that can trigger a isOpen change, for example useSelect.stateChangeTypes.ToggleButtonClick.


function(changes: object) | optional, no useful default

This function is called anytime the internal state changes. This can be useful if you're using downshift as a "controlled" component, where you manage some or all of the state (e.g. isOpen, selectedItem, highlightedIndex, etc) and then pass it as props, rather than letting downshift control all its state itself.

  • changes: These are the properties that actually have changed since the last state change. This also has a type property which you can learn more about in the stateChangeTypes section.

Tip: This function will be called any time any state is changed. The best way to determine whether any particular state was changed, you can use changes.hasOwnProperty('propName') or use the on[statePropKey]Change props described above.

NOTE: This is only called when state actually changes. You should not attempt to use this to handle events. If you wish handle events, put your event handlers directly on the elements (make sure to use the prop getters though! For example: <button onBlur={handleBlur} /> should be <button {...getToggleButtonProps({onBlur: handleBlur})} />).


number | control prop (read more about this in the Control Props section)

The index of the item that should be highlighted when menu is open.


boolean | control prop (read more about this in the Control Props section)

The open state of the menu.


any | control prop (read more about this in the Control Props section)

The item that should be selected.


string | defaults to a generated ID

Used to generate the first part of the Downshift id on the elements. Uses the @reach/auto-id implementation by default. You can override this id with one of your own, provided as a prop, or you can override the id for each element altogether using the props below.


string | defaults to a generated ID

Used for aria attributes and the id prop of the element (label) you use getLabelProps with.


string | defaults to a generated ID

Used for aria attributes and the id prop of the element (ul) you use getMenuProps with.


string | defaults to a generated ID

Used for aria attributes and the id prop of the element (button) you use getToggleButtonProps with.


function(index) | defaults to a function that generates an ID based on the index

Used for aria attributes and the id prop of the element (li) you use getItemProps with.


window | defaults to window

This prop is only useful if you're rendering downshift within a different window context from where your JavaScript is running; for example, an iframe or a shadow-root. If the given context is lacking document and/or add|removeEventListener on its prototype (as is the case for a shadow-root) then you will need to pass in a custom object that is able to provide access to these properties for downshift.


boolean | defaults to false

Controls the circular keyboard navigation between items. If set to true, when first item is highlighted, the Arrow Up will move highlight to the last item, and viceversa using Arrow Down.


There are a few props that expose changes to state (onStateChange and stateReducer). For you to make the most of these APIs, it's important for you to understand why state is being changed. To accomplish this, there's a type property on the changes object you get. This type corresponds to a stateChangeTypes property.

The list of all possible values this type property can take is defined in this file and is as follows:

  • useSelect.stateChangeTypes.MenuKeyDownArrowDown
  • useSelect.stateChangeTypes.MenuKeyDownArrowUp
  • useSelect.stateChangeTypes.MenuKeyDownEscape
  • useSelect.stateChangeTypes.MenuKeyDownHome
  • useSelect.stateChangeTypes.MenuKeyDownEnd
  • useSelect.stateChangeTypes.MenuKeyDownEnter
  • useSelect.stateChangeTypes.MenuKeyDownCharacter
  • useSelect.stateChangeTypes.MenuBlur
  • useSelect.stateChangeTypes.ItemHover
  • useSelect.stateChangeTypes.ItemClick
  • useSelect.stateChangeTypes.ToggleButtonKeyDownCharacter
  • useSelect.stateChangeTypes.ToggleButtonKeyDownArrowDown
  • useSelect.stateChangeTypes.ToggleButtonKeyDownArrowUp
  • useSelect.stateChangeTypes.ToggleButtonClick
  • useSelect.stateChangeTypes.FunctionToggleMenu
  • useSelect.stateChangeTypes.FunctionOpenMenu
  • useSelect.stateChangeTypes.FunctionCloseMenu
  • useSelect.stateChangeTypes.FunctionSetHighlightedIndex
  • useSelect.stateChangeTypes.FunctionSelectItem
  • useSelect.stateChangeTypes.FunctionClearKeysSoFar
  • useSelect.stateChangeTypes.FunctionReset

See stateReducer for a concrete example on how to use the type property.

Control Props

Downshift manages its own state internally and calls your onChange and onStateChange handlers with any relevant changes. The state that downshift manages includes: isOpen, selectedItem and highlightedIndex. Returned action function (read more below) can be used to manipulate this state and can likely support many of your use cases. keysSoFar is a special case that is used for keeping all the character keys typed at an interval smaller than 500ms. It's not something you need to bother with.

However, if more control is needed, you can pass any of these pieces of state as a prop (as indicated above) and that state becomes controlled. As soon as this.props[statePropKey] !== undefined, internally, downshift will determine its state based on your prop's value rather than its own internal state. You will be required to keep the state up to date (this is where onStateChange comes in really handy), but you can also control the state from anywhere, be that state from other components, redux, react-router, or anywhere else.

Note: This is very similar to how normal controlled components work elsewhere in react (like <input />). If you want to learn more about this concept, you can learn about that from this the Advanced React Component Patterns course

Returned props

You use the hook like so:

import {useSelect} from 'downshift'
import {items} from './utils'

const {getToggleButtonProps, reset,} = useSelect({

return (
    <button {...getToggleButtonProps()}>Options</button>
    {/* render the menu and items */}
    {/* render a button that resets the select to defaults */}
      onClick={() => {

NOTE: In this example we used both a getter prop getToggleButtonProps and an action prop reset. The properties of useSelect can be split into three categories as indicated below:

prop getters

See the blog post about prop getters

NOTE: These prop-getters provide aria- attributes which are very important to your component being accessible. It's recommended that you utilize these functions and apply the props they give you to your components.

These functions are used to apply props to the elements that you render. This gives you maximum flexibility to render what, when, and wherever you like. You call these on the element in question, for example on the toggle button: <button {...getToggleButtonProps()}. It's advisable to pass all your props to that function rather than applying them on the element yourself to avoid your props being overridden (or overriding the props returned). For example: getToggleButtonProps({onKeyDown(event) {console.log(event)}}).

property type description
getToggleButtonProps function({}) returns the props you should apply to any menu toggle button element you render.
getItemProps function({}) returns the props you should apply to any menu item elements you render.
getLabelProps function({}) returns the props you should apply to the label element that you render.
getMenuProps function({}) returns the props you should apply to the ul element (or root of your menu) that you render.


This method should be applied to the label you render. It will generate an id that will be used to label the toggle button and the menu.

There are no required properties for this method.

Note: For accessibility purposes, calling this method is highly recommended.


This method should be applied to the element which contains your list of items. Typically, this will be a <div> or a <ul> that surrounds a map expression. This handles the proper ARIA roles and attributes.

Optional properties:

  • refKey: if you're rendering a composite component, that component will need to accept a prop which it forwards to the root DOM element. Commonly, folks call this innerRef. So you'd call: getMenuProps({refKey: 'innerRef'}) and your composite component would forward like: <ul ref={props.innerRef} />. However, if you are just rendering a primitive component like <div>, there is no need to specify this property.

Please keep in mind that menus, for accessiblity purposes, should always be rendered, regardless of whether you hide it or not. Otherwise, getMenuProps may throw error if you unmount and remount the menu.

  • aria-label: By default the menu will add an aria-labelledby that refers to the <label> rendered with getLabelProps. However, if you provide aria-label to give a more specific label that describes the options available, then aria-labelledby will not be provided and screen readers can use your aria-label instead.
const {getMenuProps} = useSelect({items})
const ui = (
  <ul {...getMenuProps()}>
      ? null
      :, index) => (
          <li {...getItemProps({item, index, key:})}>{}</li>

Note that for accessibility reasons it's best if you always render this element whether or not downshift is in an isOpen state.


The props returned from calling this function should be applied to any menu items you render.

This is an impure function, so it should only be called when you will actually be applying the props to an item.

What do you mean by impure function?

Basically just don't do this:, index) => {
  const props = getItemProps({item, index}) // we're calling it here
  if (!shouldRenderItem(item)) {
    return null // but we're not using props, and downshift thinks we are...
  return <div {...props} />

Instead, you could do this:

items.filter(shouldRenderItem).map(item => <div {...getItemProps({item})} />)

Required properties:

The main difference from vanilla Downshift is that we require the items as props before rendering. The reason is to open the menu with items already highlighted, and we need to know the items before the actual render. It is still required to pass either item or index to getItemProps.

  • item: this is the item data that will be selected when the user selects a particular item.
  • index: This is how downshift keeps track of your item when updating the highlightedIndex as the user keys around. By default, downshift will assume the index is the order in which you're calling getItemProps. This is often good enough, but if you find odd behavior, try setting this explicitly. It's probably best to be explicit about index when using a windowing library like react-virtualized.

Optional properties:

  • disabled: If this is set to true, then all of the downshift item event handlers will be omitted. Items will not be highlighted when hovered, and items will not be selected when clicked.


Call this and apply the returned props to a button. It allows you to toggle the Menu component.

Optional properties:

  • disabled: If this is set to true, then all of the downshift button event handlers will be omitted (it won't toggle the menu when clicked).
const {getToggleButtonProps} = useSelect({items})
const myButton = (
  <button {...getToggleButtonProps()}>Click me</button>
  {/* menu and items */}


These are functions you can call to change the state of the downshift useSelect hook.

property type description
closeMenu function() closes the menu
openMenu function() opens the menu
selectItem function(item: any) selects the given item
setHighlightedIndex function(index: number) call to set a new highlighted index
toggleMenu function() toggle the menu open state
reset function() this resets downshift's state to a reasonable default


These are values that represent the current state of the downshift component.

property type description
highlightedIndex number the currently highlighted item
isOpen boolean the menu open state
selectedItem any the currently selected item input
keysSoFar string the character keys typed so far

Event Handlers

Downshift has a few events for which it provides implicit handlers. Several of these handlers call event.preventDefault(). Their additional functionality is described below.

Default handlers

Toggle Button

  • Click: If the menu is not displayed, it will open it. Otherwise it will close it. It will additionally move focus on the menu in order for screen readers to correctly narrate which item is currently highlighted. If there is already an item selected, the menu will be opened with that item already highlighted.
  • Enter: Has the same effect as Click.
  • Space: Has the same effect as Click.
  • CharacterKey: Selects the option that starts with that key without opening the dropdown list. For instance, typing C will select the option that starts with C. Typing keys into rapid succession (in less than 500ms each) will select the option starting with that key combination, for instance typing CAL will select californium if this option exists.
  • ArrowDown: If the menu is closed, it will open it. If there is already an item selected, it will open the menu with the next item (index-wise) highlighted. Otherwise, it will open the menu with the first option highlighted.
  • ArrowUp: If the menu is closed, it will open it. If there is already an item selected, it will open the menu with the previous item (index-wise) highlighted. Otherwise, it will open the menu with the last option highlighted.


  • ArrowDown: Moves highlightedIndex one position down. If circularNavigation is true, when reaching the last option, ArrowDown will move highlightedIndex to first position. Otherwise it won't change anything.
  • ArrowUp: Moves highlightedIndex one position up. If circularNavigation is true, when reaching the first option, ArrowUp will move highlightedIndex to last position. Otherwise it won't change anything.
  • CharacterKey: Moves highlightedIndex to the option that starts with that key. For instance, typing C will move highlight to the option that starts with C. Typing keys into rapid succession (in less than 500ms each) will move highlightedIndex to the option starting with that key combination, for instance typing CAL will move the highlight to californium if this option exists.
  • End: Moves highlightedIndex to last position.
  • Home: Moves highlightedIndex to first position.
  • Enter: If there is a highlighted option, it will select it, close the menu and move focus to the toggle button (unless defaultIsOpen is true).
  • Escape: It will close the menu without selecting anything and move focus to the toggle button.
  • Blur(Tab, Shift+Tab, MouseClick outside): It will close the menu and move focus either to the toggle button (if Shift+Tab), next tabbable element (if Tab) or whatever was clicked. It will not select the highlighted item anymore, if any.


  • Click: It will select the item, close the menu and move focus to the toggle button (unless defaultIsOpen is true).
  • MouseOver: It will highlight the item.

Customizing Handlers

You can provide your own event handlers to useSelect which will be called before the default handlers:

const items = [...] // items here.
const {getMenuProps} = useSelect({items})
const ui = (
  /* button, label, ... */
      onKeyDown: event => {
        // your custom keyDown handler here.

If you would like to prevent the default handler behavior in some cases, you can set the event's preventDownshiftDefault property to true:

const {getMenuProps} = useSelect({items})
const ui = (
  /* button, label, ... */
      onKeyDown: event => {
        // your custom keyDown handler here.
        if (event.key === 'Enter') {
          // Prevent Downshift's default 'Enter' behavior.
          event.nativeEvent.preventDownshiftDefault = true

          // your handler code

If you would like to completely override Downshift's behavior for a handler, in favor of your own, you can bypass prop getters:

const items = [...] // items here.
const {getMenuProps} = useSelect({items})
const ui = (
  /* button, label, ... */
    onKeyDown={event => {
      // your custom keyDown handler here.