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606 lines (410 loc) · 14.7 KB

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Mongodb-like queries over standard arrays of objects.

Array of objects (documents in Mongodb's terminology) is a very common data structure in programming. If your application widely using this type of data, if you are looking for something relatively lightweight and you are familiar with Mongodb syntax, you may consider this package to handle the arrays of objects.

Please, be aware that this module is working on unsorted arrays and does not uses indexes, so it is not intended to be used with relatively big arrays (thousands of elements) and not purposed for that tasks (see performance section). If you have big sets of data, I'd recommend to consider minimongo's Collection or Mongodb itself.

Currently following methods are supported:

Not supported: indexes, geolocation, bitwise operators etc; also not supported cursor methods skip(), limit(), sort().
Limited support for querying array elements; not supported /pattern/ syntax (without $regexp)

For more info see compatibility matrix below.

Tests contains over 200 different test cases based on module's logic and examples from Mongodb docs.

Supported node version >= 0.11.


npm install --save micromongo



Method count() return number of documents matching query.


res = mm.count(array, query);

array - array of objects

query - query object

Following example returns number of elements with a >= 2 (i.e. 2):

var mm = require('micromongo');
res = mm.count([ { a: 1 }, { a: 2 }, { a: 3 }, ], { a: { $gte: 2 } });

// res = 2

If query is undefined or empty object ({}), method returns total count of elements in array:

var mm = require('micromongo');
res = mm.count([ { a: 1 }, { a: 2 }, { a: 3 }, ], {});

// res = 3


Method find() returns deep copy (with some type limitations) of array's documents matching query with fields matching projection.

If documents in array contains _id field, projection follows standard Mongo agreement to include it in output document by default.

var mm = require('micromongo');

inventory = [
  { qty: 10, carrier: { fee: 3 }, price: 3 },
  { qty: 20, carrier: { fee: 2 }, price: 2 },
  { qty: 30, carrier: { fee: 1 }, price: 1 },

var query = { qty: { $gt: 20 } };

var res = mm.find(inventory, query);

// { qty: 30, carrier: { fee: 1 }, price: 1 },


Method findOne() returns deep copy (with some type limitations) of first array's documents matching query with fields matching projection.

If documents in array contains _id field, projection follows standard Mongo agreement to include it in output document by default.

doc = mm.findOne(array, query, projection);


Method deleteOne() removes from array its first document matching query.

Returns document containing

  • deletedCount containing the number of deleted documents
var res = mm.deleteOne(array, query);

// { deletedCount: 1 }  


Method deleteMany() removes from array all its documents matching query.

var res = mm.deleteMany(array, query);

// { deletedCount: 1 }  

Returns document containing

  • deletedCount containing the number of deleted documents


Method remove() removes from array its first document matching query or all documents matching query.

var res = mm.remove(array, query);

// { nRemoved: 1 }  

var res = mm.remove(array, query, {});

// { nRemoved: 1 }  


  • [options] - may be boolean or document containing boolean property justOne. Optional, default: false. Determines, all matched documents to be removed or only first of them.

Returns document containing

  • nRemoved containing the number of deleted documents


  • [options] - may be boolean or document containing boolean property justOne. Optional, default: false. Determines, all matched documents to be removed or only first of them.

Returns document containing

  • nRemoved containing the number of deleted documents


While Mongo creates new Collection if it does not exists, for micromongo array must exists.

var res = mm.insert(array, sourceDocOrArray, options);

// { nInserted: 1 }  
  • options.ordered - boolean - not supported


While Mongo creates new Collection if it does not exists, for micromongo array must exists.

var res = mm.insertOne(array, sourceDoc, options);

// { nInserted: 1 }  


While Mongo creates new Collection if it does not exists, for micromongo array must exists.

var res = mm.insert(array, sourceArray, options);

// { nInserted: 1 }  
  • options.ordered - boolean - not supported


var res = mm.aggregate(array, stages);

stages - array of aggregation pipeline stages.

Currently supported aggregation pipeline stages:

  • $limit - mm.aggregate([ { $limit: 5 } ])

  • $skip - mm.aggregate([ { $skip: 5 } ])

  • $sort - mm.aggregate([ { $sort: { a: 1 }, { 'a.b': -1 } } ])

Array and objects in $sort not currently supported.

  • $unwind - mm.aggregate([ { $unwind: '$customer.items' } ]) or
mm.aggregate([ { $unwind: { 
    path: '$customer.items', 
    includeArrayIndex: 'idx',
    preserveNullAndEmptyArrays: true



//var mm = require('../');
var mm = require('micromongo');

var array, query, res;

array = [
  { a: 1 },
  { a: 2 },
  { a: 3 },

query = { a: { $gte: 2 } };

res = mm.count(array, query);

// 2

query = {};

res = mm.count(array, query);

// 3

Example find()

//var mm = require('../');
var mm = require('micromongo');

var array, query, projection, res;

array = [
  { qty: 10, price: 10 },
  { qty: 10, price:  0 },
  { qty: 20, price: 10 },
  { qty: 20, price:  0 },
  { qty: 30, price: 10 },
  { qty: 30, price:  0 },

query = { $or: [ { quantity: { $eq: 20 } }, { price: { $lt: 10 } } ] };

projection = { qty: 1 };

res = mm.find(array, query, projection);

// [ { qty: 10 }, { qty: 20 }, { qty: 30 } ]

You can find these examples in examples/ subdirectory. To run all the examples at once you may start node examples\index.js.

For more examples please also have a look on tests in tests/ subdirectory.

If you have different needs regarding the functionality, please add a feature request.


For unit tests run:

npm run _test


As it was mentioned, micromongo runs on unsorted unindexed data, so it can't show good performance on big arrays.

Test system:

  • Intel® Core™ i7-3520M (2.90 GHz, 4MB L3, 1600MHz FSB)
  • 16GB 1600 MHz DDR3

Tests showed following results for operations count, find, aggregate $sort over arrays of 1000, 10000, 100000 elements:

Processed 1000 elements - Elapsed: 26 ms
    ✓ # count 1000 elements
Processed 10000 elements - Elapsed: 261 ms
    ✓ #count 10000 elements (262ms)
    - # count 100000 elements
Processed 1000 elements - Elapsed: 26 ms
    ✓ # find 1000 elements
Processed 10000 elements - Elapsed: 246 ms
    ✓ # find 10000 elements (247ms)
    - # find 100000 elements
Processed 1000 elements - Elapsed: 15 ms
    ✓ # sort 1000 elements
Processed 10000 elements - Elapsed: 102 ms
    ✓ # sort 10000 elements (102ms)
    - # sort 100000 elements
Processed 1000 elements - Elapsed: 481 ms
    ✓ # node version >= v5.3.0 - find $where 1000 elements (481ms)
Processed 5000 elements - Elapsed: 2997 ms
    ✓ # node version >= v5.3.0 - find $where 5000 elements (2997ms)

For node version < 5.3.0 $where is significantly slower due to imementation of vm.

You may have a look on the data used for the tests in tests/performance.js, and running tests by yourself by npm run _test and checking the console log for performance output.

Compatibility matrix

At the moment supports only find() and findOne() operations.

If documents in array contains _id field, projection follows standard Mongo agreement to include it in output document by default.

Matrix below is based on Mongodb 3.2 documentation.

Collection Methods

Method | Status | ------------------------|--------|-------------------------- aggregate() | + | see Aggregation Pipeline Operators bulkWrite() | ? | count() | + | copyTo() | + | createIndex() | NA | dataSize() | NA | deleteOne() | + | deleteMany() | + | distinct() | ? | drop() | NA | dropIndex() | NA | dropIndexes() | NA | ensureIndex() | NA | explain() | NA | find() | + | findAndModify() | ? | findOne() | + | findOneAndDelete() | ? | findOneAndReplace() | ? | findOneAndUpdate() | ? | getIndexes() | NA | getShardDistribution() | NA | getShardVersion() | NA | group() | ? | insert() | + | insertOne() | + | insertMany() | + | isCapped() | NA | mapReduce() | ? | reIndex() | NA | replaceOne() | ? | remove() | + | renameCollection() | NA | save() | NA | stats() | NA | storageSize() | NA | totalSize() | NA | totalIndexSize() | NA | update() | . | updateOne() | . | updateMany() | . | validate() | NA |

    • Supported

NA - Not Applicable

? - Not planned

. - Not implemented

Query and Projection Operators

Comparison Operators

Operator Status Comment
$eq +
$ne +
$gt +
$gte +
$lt +
$lte +
$in +
$nin + arrays not supported

Logical Operators

Operator Status
$and +
$or +
$not +
$nor +

Element Query Operators

Operator Status
$exists +
$type +

Evaluation query operators

Operator Status Comment
$mod +
$regex + Not supported o, x options
$text ?
$where + Timeout hardcoded to 1000 ms

Geospatial Query Operators

Operator Status
$geoWithin ?
$geoIntersects ?
$near ?
$nearSphere ?
$geometry ?
$minDistance ?
$maxDistance ?
$center ?
$centerSphere: ?
$box ?
$polygon ?
$uniqueDocs ?

Query Operator Array

Operator Status Comment
$all + Not supported: (1) nested arrays, (2) use with $elemMatch,
$elemMatch +
$size +

Bitwise Query Operators

Operator Status
$bitsAllSet ?
$bitsAnySet ?
$bitsAllClear ?
$bitsAnyClear ?


Operator Status Comment
$comment + Logs to console

Projection operators

Operator Status
$ .
$all .
$elemMatch .
$size .

Update Operators

Field Update Operators

$inc $mul $rename $setOnInsert $set $unset $min $max $currentDate

Update Operators

$ $addToSet $pop $pullAll $pull $pushAll $push

Update Operator Modifiers

$each $slice $sort $position

Bitwise Update Operator¶


Isolation Update Operator¶


Aggregation Pipeline Operators

Pipeline Aggregation Stages

Operator Status
$project +
$match +
$redact .
$limit +
$skip +
$unwind + s
$group .
$sample .
$sort +
$geoNear .
$lookup .
$out .
$indexStats NA

Boolean Aggregation Operators

Set Operators (Aggregation)

Comparison Aggregation Operators

Arithmetic Aggregation Operators

String Aggregation Operators

Text Search Aggregation Operators

Array Aggregation Operators

Aggregation Variable Operators

Aggregation Literal Operators

Date Aggregation Operators

Conditional Aggregation Operators

Group Accumulator Operators



Links to package pages:
