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File metadata and controls

executable file
455 lines (285 loc) · 13.1 KB

Settings Variables


Dictionary of models that when used as a foreign key should be lazy loaded when displayed in a form. The dictionary has as key a slug, which will be used in the callback url, and a list with the model path and the search field. For example:

    'authors': ('books.Author', 'name'),

The callback url also needs to be setup in

from arctic.urls import autocomplete_url
urlpatterns = [


String representing the highlight color used in table headers, the side menu, and tag item backgrounds, if none given a default will be used.


Name of the site index url. Default is "index". If no match found request redirect to "/" happens.


Main menu that enables navigation between the different pages in Arctic. It is a list with the format:

(('menu label', 'named url', 'optional icon class', (optional submenu)), ...)


Dictionary of roles and their permissions, it uses the format:

{'role1': ('permission1', 'permission2', ...), ...}

The 'admin' role is reserved and cannot be defined in settings. It gives full rights to all views and can also be created with the createsuperuser command.


The url of the logo to be displayed on every page, it will also be the link to the homepage.


Name of the site.


Title of the site to be used in the title tag. If not set it will use ARCTIC_SITE_NAME


String representing the background color of the topbar, for example '#cccccc', if not provided, a default color will be used.


Being a pure Django settings, LOGIN_URL and LOGOUT_URL used in Arctic to display login and logout links. Both items supposed to be names of URLs. Defaults are 'login' and 'logout'.

Generic Class Based Views

Arctic provides a number of class based views that add integration with the user interface and extra functionality for common use cases. The class names match and work the same way as the ones that Django provides and should be used instead.


class arctic.generics.View

This view is used for all the views in Arctic, except the LoginView.


  • django.views.generic.View
  • arctic.mixins.RoleAuthentication



list of ('name', 'url') that represents a breadcrumb trail. The last item will represent the current page and the url will be ignored, so None can be used instead of an url.


title to be displayed in title tag and page header.


description of the current page.


list of ('title', 'url') tabs that relate the current views with other views, one of the tuples should point to the current view.


indicates if this view can only be accessed by authenticated users. Can be True or False, default is True.


optional inner class indicating extra media assets to be included, if the View has a form, all the form assets will be also included.


from arctic.generics import View

class MyView(View):
    class Media:
        css = {
            'all': ('extra.css',)
        js = ('extra.js', 'another.js')

For more information on the Media class usage check the Django Form Assets documentation



url path to the site logo, it will try to use ARCTIC_SITE_LOGO from the project settings, if none given a default image will be used.


site name, , it will try to use ARCTIC_SITE_NAME from the project settings, if none given a default name will be used.


site title to be used in the html title tag, it will try to use ARCTIC_SITE_TITLE from the project settings, if none given it will fallback to ARCTIC_SITE_NAME.


This represents the home url, and it's used as a link in the site logo. By default will attempt to use the index named url, if it doesn't exist, will return the / url path.


class arctic.generics.TemplateView

This view extends the standard Django TemplateView and integrates it in the Arctic user interface. There are no added methods or properties besides the ones inherited by its ancestors.


  • arctic.generics.View
  • django.views.generic.TemplateView


class arctic.generics.ListView

This view displays tabular data from a django model, it includes a default template and is able to do filtering, sorting, pagination and linking.


  • arctic.generics.View
  • django.views.generic.ListView



list of fields that should be displayed in the table, it is possible to customize the field name by using a (name, verbose_name) tuple in the list instead of a string. Accessing fields from related objects is possible by using a double underscore notation, for example if a model book has a foreign key to a model author with a field name, author__name will display the field.

It's also possible to add virtual fields. See virtual fields for more info.

virtual fields

Via the fields property, it's possible to add virtual fields. So you can extend the views with custom fields. A virtual field does need an accompanying method written like "get_{}_field". That method receives a row_instance, so you can manipulate row data there.


class MyListView(arctic.ListView):
    fields = (model_field1, model_field2, not_a_model_field)

    def get_not_a_model_field_field(row_instance):
        return '<b>' + row_instance.model_field3 + '</b>'


list of fields that are to be searched.


list of fields that can be ordered by clicking on the field's header column.


list with default ordering of the fields, descending order uses Django's standard notation by prepending a minus to the field, for example -name.


optional list of ('name', 'base_url', 'optional icon class') links, that appear on the last column of the table and can apply a certain action, such as delete.


dictionary of {'field': 'base_url', ...} that creates a link on the content of the specified field that can apply a certain action, like edit. By default the field link will use the current row id to create a link together with the base_url, if needed, the base_url can be given as a list or tuple where the first parameter is the named url followed by one or more field names, these field names can use the double underscore notation to access related objects, for example: ('category:list', 'category__slug')


dictionary of {'field': 'css class', ...} that adds an extra class to the specified field's cell, this enables the usage of client side widgets that can transform the field data into a graphic representation.


list of links with the format ('name', 'url'), not connected to the table data.


default is fa-wrench. an icon displayed for the dropdown of multiple tool links or, if only one tool link set, it would be use as default icon.


class arctic.generics.FormView

This view displays form data, it also includes a default template.


  • arctic.generics.View
  • arctic.mixins.LayoutMixin
  • arctic.mixins.SuccessMessageMixin
  • django.views.FormView


class arctic.generics.DetailView

This view displays data from a model using a default template.


  • arctic.generics.View
  • arctic.mixins.LinksMixin
  • django.views.DetailView


class arctic.generics.CreateView

This view displays a form that creates data for a django model, it includes a default template.


  • arctic.generics.View
  • arctic.mixins.LayoutMixin
  • arctic.mixins.SuccessMessageMixin
  • django.views.CreateView


class arctic.generics.UpdateView

This view displays a form that updates data defined in a django model, it includes a default template.


  • arctic.generics.View
  • arctic.mixins.LayoutMixin
  • arctic.mixins.SuccessMessageMixin
  • django.views.UpdateView



List of strings of fieldnames that are rendered as readonly. Users cannot edit the input values, but the value is displayed for reference.


class arctic.generics.DeleteView

This view deletes data defined from a django model.


  • arctic.generics.View
  • arctic.mixins.SuccessMessageMixin
  • django.views.DeleteView



class arctic.mixins.RoleAuthentication

This class provides role based authentication to a View. It is also used as a standalone class to query other views about permissions and to synchronize the roles defined in settings with the database instances.



This property defines which permissions should be checked when trying to access the view. When object based permission is needed, a method can be created in the View with a matching name as the required permission. This method should return a True if the permission is accepted or False if rejected.

It's either possible to define the permission as string, or as a list of strings - when checking on multiple permissions.

The property is mandatory by concept (when login_required is False), so you have to define it when creating new Views.

The strings describing the permission can be anything, but it's advisable to follow Django's conventions, by using <view|add|change|delete>_<entity> whenever it makes sense, for example permission_required = 'view_user'.



This class method synchronizes the roles defined in the settings with the ones in the database, this is needed to create relationships between Users and Roles. This method is called every time arctic is started up.


Checks if a user has the rights to access the current view. This is done firstly by checking if the role the user has contains the defined permission_required and secondly if a method with a name matching permission_required exists it will check if it returns True or False. Note that on multiple permissions, only one permission is needed to validate a user's role.



List of fields to be displayed in a 12-column grid system. By default a field will expand to full width, 12 columns. It is possible to specify how many columns a field should use with the 'field|n' syntax where n can be a number from 1 to 12. Fields can also be grouped into a single row by wrapping a list around them - ('field1', 'field2', 'field3') if no amount of columns is given then these fields will be evenly sized to fill up the entire row.

Fieldsets are also supported giving layout a dictionary where each key is the fieldset name and the values a field list. A fieldset can have an optional description by using the 'fieldset|description' syntax. When a fieldset name is prepended with a '-', it will be displayed as collapsed.


from collections import OrderedDict

layout = OrderedDict([
                        ('-fieldset', ['title|10', ['category', 'updated_at|4']]),
                        ('fieldset2', ['tags']),

layout = ['title', 'description', ['category', 'tags']]

layout = ['title', 'description', ['category', 'tags'], 'published', 'updated_at']

layout = [['published', 'updated_at']]



Defines views and forms for easy user management. Lives under arctic.users directory. By default provides Create and Update forms with following fields:

  • username field(the field, defined as USERNAME_FIELD attribute)
  • email
  • is_active

You can override this behaviour with FIELDS_CREATE and FIELDS_UPDATE fields in your user model.

Example of custom user model:

from django.contrib.auth.models import AbstractBaseUser, PermissionsMixin
from django.db import models

class User(AbstractBaseUser, PermissionsMixin):
    email = models.EmailField(unique=True)

    is_staff = models.BooleanField(default=False)
    is_active = models.BooleanField(default=True)

    REQUIRED_FIELDS = ['password']
    USERNAME_FIELD = 'email'

    FIELDS_CREATE = ['email', 'is_active']
    FIELDS_UPDATE = ['is_active']

You can simply use built-in views:

from arctic.users.views import (UserCreateView, UserListView, UserUpdateView)
from django.conf.urls import url, include

user_patterns = [
        url(r'^$', UserListView.as_view(), name='list'),
        url(r'^create/$', UserCreateView.as_view(), name='create'),
        url(r'^(?P<email>\w+)/$', UserUpdateView.as_view(), name='detail'),
    ], namespace='users')

Or inherit your classes to overwrite default behaviour and links. Please not that if you want to use built-in views you need to define their urls under users namespace.