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THrowing a Clubs J, when a CARO J would do!? See clubsJ... txt

Trick: []
(bernie) HAND [] valid: []
	Previous suit: bernie:, ddmits:
(bernie) Trick: [A]
(ddmits) HAND [] valid: []
	Previous suit: bernie:CLUBS, ddmits:
(ddmits) Trick: [A 7]
(goskat) HAND [J J A 10 8 A 7 A D 9] valid: [J J A 10 8 A 7 A D 9]
(goskat) Valid: [J J A 10 8 A 7 A D 9]
Equivalent: [A 10 A A D J J 9 7 8]
Valid: [A 10 A A D J J 9 7 8]Similar: [J J A 8 A 7 A D 9]
AB: ALL REMAINING CARDS (18): [10 K 9 8 J K 9 7 J 10 K D 9 8 10 K 8 7]
AB: REMAINING after void: 18 cards: [10 K 9 8 J K 9 7 J 10 K D 9 8 10 K 8 7] [] []
AB: (goskat) 20 Worlds, ab
AB: Opp1: [9 K 7 10 9 10 K 10 8] Opp2: [D 8 K K J 8 7 J 9], SKAT:[D D]	J   90
AB: Opp1: [8 K 9 D K J 8 9 10] Opp2: [K 10 7 K 8 J 9 10 7], SKAT:[D D]	J   90
AB: Opp1: [8 7 K 10 10 9 10 8 J] Opp2: [J 7 K D 9 K 9 8 K], SKAT:[D D]	J   76
AB: Opp1: [7 7 8 9 J 9 10 K J] Opp2: [10 K 8 K 9 8 10 D K], SKAT:[D D]	J   76
AB: Opp1: [7 J 8 9 10 7 9 K 10] Opp2: [K J 9 K 8 10 8 K D], SKAT:[D D]	J   69
AB: Opp1: [10 9 D K 8 K J J 10] Opp2: [K K 7 9 8 7 10 9 8], SKAT:[D D]	J   62
AB: Opp1: [8 7 8 9 K 9 K K 10] Opp2: [K 7 D 10 10 9 J 8 J], SKAT:[D D]	J   58
AB: Opp1: [K 8 10 7 9 K 9 K 8] Opp2: [10 8 10 J 9 7 J D K], SKAT:[D D]	J   66
AB: Opp1: [8 K K 10 J 9 8 K 9] Opp2: [10 7 D K 9 8 J 10 7], SKAT:[D D]	J   91
AB: Time: 5.197365995s
AB: 9 Worlds: map[A:40.111111111111114 J:72.33333333333333 J:70.44444444444444 A:47.111111111111114 D:58.111111111111114 9:58 8:53.111111111111114 A:37.77777777777778 7:56.333333333333336]
AB: (goskat) Hand: [J J A 10 8 A 7 A D 9], Playing card: J with value  72.3)

	goskat: void:	[]
	bernie: void:	[]
	bernie: (D) void:
	ddmits: void:	[]
		Played cards  : [A 7]
		Trumps in game: [J J J J]

DECLARER Cards of suit Grand still in play: [J J       ]Cards of suit Grand still in play: [J J       ]..sure winners: [J]
BACKHAND must not follow...CHECKING the A... in trick [A 7], valid [A A A D J J 7 8 9], played [A 7]..Winners: [J J]
LAST RESORT: returning highWinnerLowLoser: J
TACTICS suggest: J

Optimize Legal actions in MinMax

Evaluate only better actions.
For example when a player surely loses the trick and he needs to choose between 10, K, D, 9 only the 9 should be evaluated as a legal action.

NULL Evaluation has to be more strict

MM (not ab) is taking too long!


A very interesting game: go build; go install; go-skat -minmax2 -minmax3 -html -r 999 -g 8

World generation

Generate 1000 valid worlds
Choose 20 from these
At every move if you find a world is no more valid, make it invalid so that it is not picked up

Analysis of games played

Type of game played

You Bob Ana
10% 12% 13% declared
68% 72% 65% won
XX% XX% XX%  lost


For each suit count the cards played to conclude about the SKAT cards
7 cards of each suit.
1st trick 3 cards
2nd trick 3 cards
High probability that card in the skat (if you don't have it)


Move players array into SuitState
Maybe also gamePlayers array

Find out why MINMAX Tactics player is losing:

go build; go install; go-skat -auto -n 10  -v  -r 15 -minmax2


IN HTML if both players have passed the offer to the 3rd is 20 instead of 18


Change score back at a replay (or do not cound new score)

Game Lost?

HAND: gs: CJ, HJ, CA, C10, C9, C7, 		HA, H7,		DK, DD
x1 	gs 	x2 	x1 	gs

MH: SA CA S9 22-0 FH: HA H9 H8 33-0 (An A is wasted. Opponents throw off. Play a trump instead!) FH: HJ CD CJ 33-7 (All evaluations are already negative!) MH: S10 C10 DJ 33-29 (lost a full trump) BH: DA D8 DD 33-56 BH: D10 C8 DK 33-70 (LOST)

table .5 goskat end (;GM[Skat]PC[International Skat Server]CO[]SE[252902]ID[4947663]DT[2017-09-28/12:14:02/UTC]P0[xskat]P1[goskat]P2[bernie]R0[]R1[0.0]R2[]MV[w HQ.CJ.ST.HK.D8.S7.SQ.H8.SA.C8.SJ.HJ.CA.S8.HA.DK.H7.CT.C7.C9.DA.D7.CK.HT.DJ.S9.CQ.DT.D9.H9.SK.DQ 1 18 0 p 2 p 1 s w SK.DQ 1 C.S8.SK 0 SA 1 CA 2 S9 1 HA 2 H9 0 H8 1 HJ 2 CQ 0 CJ 0 ST 1 CT 2 DJ 2 HT 0 HQ 1 H7 2 DA 0 D8 1 DQ 2 DT 0 C8 1 DK 0 HK 1 SJ 2 D9 1 C9 2 CK 0 SQ 2 D7 0 S7 1 C7 ]R[d:1 loss v:-48 m:-1 bidok p:43 t:4 s:0 z:0 p0:0 p1:0 p2:0 l:-1 to:-1 r:0] ;)


USE MinMax to evaluate declaring after winning the bid

Run a Grand game, and suit game below the bid
Choose game which gives better chances of winning.

Equivalent cards

When player holds two equivalent cards in the hand like 78 or 89 they should always be evaluated together


DO not retract everything.!


It is best to discard a doubleton than a singleton and another card.


Allow customization of auto players:
e.g -minmax1 Make 1st player minmax


go build; go install; go-skat -n 12 -auto -minmax2 -minmax3 -v -r 3668
At the 8th game crashes

TACTICS win this game with 106-14, MinMax 67-53!!!!

go build; go install; go-skat -html  -r 1453 -g 22 -minmax2
Opening and wasting the trumps on zero tricks

I will try with MINMAX MC examining all actions in all worlds.

Inference: add beliefs

In a game xskat played 10 trump in a losing trick. He had A trump and J spade kept. 
A belief should be added and retracted if impossible hands occur in distributions.