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pytest-trust-random is compatible with python 3.10 and newer.

In order to use pytest-trust-random you need to add it to your project's dependencies. It will work either with poetry or pip. It should also work with other python package managers.

If you use poetry, run:

poetry add git+

If you use pip, run:

pip install git+

Both commands will install all the necessary packages required by pytest-trust-random including pytest and pydantic if you don't have it installed already.

Create a first test

In order to create your first test with pytest-trust-random, create a file following this pattern: benchmark_test_*.py. In our example, we'll create a file

The function you are testing should take at least one parameter and return an object which is a pydantic model (i.e. its class must inherit from pydantic.BaseModel).

First, let's import all the required bits

import numpy as np # needed just for our function
import pydantic

from pytest_trust_random import benchmark_test, TrustRandomConfig

Then, create a return type for the function under test.

class CoinTosserStats(pydantic.BaseModel):
    no_of_heads: int

Before we create our function under test, we need an instance of TrustRandomConfig. These are a set of parameters required by pytest-trust-random. Please check the Reference for detailed explanation of the parameters.

config = TrustRandomConfig(

Now, let's create our function under test

def coin_tosser(n: int) -> CoinTosserStats:
    heads = np.random.binomial(n, 0.5)
    return CoinTosserStats(no_of_heads=heads)

NOTE: if your function under test is already defined elsewhere, you don't need to use the decorator in the way described above. Just do this instead somewhere in your test file:


Generate benchmark and settings files

Everything what's needed is done. Now it's time to generate the benchmark and settings files. These will be stored in config.benchmark_path, so in our example: benchamarks/ directory. In order to do that, you must run pytest with -s option (short for --capture=no). This is needed because generating the benchmark and config files is interactive. Below is the example run:

$ poetry run pytest -s
Attributes for function coin_tosser:
Enter attributes for `n` (minimum: int, maximum: int, steps: int): 1,25000,10
benchmark_iters (int): 1000

Benchmark will run 10 tests

================== test session starts ==================
platform linux -- Python 3.10.6, pytest-7.2.0, pluggy-1.0.0
rootdir: [...]
plugins: rerunfailures-10.3, trust-random-0.1.0
collected 10 items .......R...

================== 10 passed in 0.08s ==================

A few things need an explation. Let's start with our input:

  • Attributes for n: by typing 1,25000,10 we are saying that our coin_tosser will run for a 10 evently spaced values on a log scale of n from 1 to 25000. So the values of n will be as follows in our case: 1, 3, 9, 29, 90, 378, 855, 2634, 8115, 25000.
  • Each of these runs will be executed 1000 times (benchmark_iters parameter) in order to get an accurate estimation of the mean and keep standard deviation low.

Now, feel free to inspect the generated benchmarks/benchmark.json file. For example if you look at an entry where n is 25000, you'll find something similar to this:

  "data": {
    "no_of_heads": {
      "mean": 12495.294,
      "st_dev": 81.41918425039643
  "n": 25000

This is the expectation for a single test, for n=25000. When the coin_tosser function is tested, the results will be compared to the values above.

Even though we run the coin_tosser 1000 times for each of the inputs, our test might still fall outside of the specified number of standard deviations (config.acceptable_st_devs). That's why, we also define how many re-runs can pytest run before the test is considered failed (config.re_runs). In the above listing, you can identify these attempts by R instead of ..

Running the tests

If the settings file has already been generated, you can just run your test without pytests's -s flag, although feel free to use it - it won't harm. If your benchmark file hasn't been generated or has been deleted, it will automatically generate it before the tests are executed.


Regenerating benchmark

If from some reason you wish to re-generate the benchmark file, you can run pytest with a --generatebenchmark flag. Like that:

pytest --generatebenchmark

Adding more tests

There's nothing preventing us from adding more tests. You can do it either in the same file or another, either with the same TrustRandomConfig or with another. If you decide you tests needs a different TrustRandomConfig, make sure you use different benchmark_path for each of the configs. As an example, we'll add another function to our test file.

def binomial(n: int, p: float) -> BinomialOutcome:
    outcome = np.random.binomial(n, p)
    return BinomialOutcome(no_of_successes=outcome)

After adding the tests, we should remove the existing benchmarks/ directory, so that the settings and benchmark itself can be regenerated. After deleting the directory, run

$ poetry run pytest -s
Attributes for function binomial:
Enter attributes for `n` (minimum: int, maximum: int, steps: int): 1,1000,10
Enter attributes for `p` (minimum: float, maximum: float, steps: int): 0.1,0.9,10
max_product (float): 500
benchmark_iters (int): 1000

Attributes for function coin_tosser:
Enter attributes for `n` (minimum: int, maximum: int, steps: int): 1,25000,10
benchmark_iters (int): 10000


================== test session starts ==================
platform linux -- Python 3.10.6, pytest-7.2.0, pluggy-1.0.0
rootdir: [...]
plugins: rerunfailures-10.3, trust-random-0.1.0
collected 107 items ................R.........R............R............R..............R.....R...............................R..R......

================== 107 passed, 8 rerun in 0.38s ==================

The above will result in a generated benchmark for 107 different tests. 10 of which will test coin_tosser as per the first example. The rest will be the tests for binomial function, for multiple different values of n and p, as specified. max_product is a limit of multiplication of all of the parameters. That means that for instance, a test for n=1000, p=0.9 will not be generated, because the product of n*p exceeds specified value of 500.


Compare random values from a model against a previously made benchmark







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