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43 lines (29 loc) · 1.41 KB

File metadata and controls

43 lines (29 loc) · 1.41 KB

Create release

Provide shared files

Files like database.yml, secrets.yml and Rails Rails.application.config_for(:somefile) yaml files can be provided by this role.

  - file: config/database.yml
        adapter: postgresql
        database: '{{rails_database_name}}'
        encoding: UTF8
        pool: 30
  - file: config/database.yml
        secret_key_base: '...'
        twitter_api_key: '...'

Those file will be placed relativ to the shared folders and symlinked into the release/current folders.

Webpacker integration

Just set this variable in your provisioning/deployment:

rails_webpacker: yes

This will:

  1. (this role) Export these files from git in addition to the defaults: yarn.lock package.json .babelrc .postcssrc.yml
  2. (this role) Keep/Symlink public/packs and node_modules between deployments
  3. (asset precompilation) rake yarn:install is run by rails assets:precompile (from +5.1), if a bin/yarn binstub is provided. NOTE without that binstub no node_modules are installed! Make sure to add it with rails app:update:bin and commit to your app repo.

You might also want to include the yarn Installs nodejs + yarn (default nodejs-6.x) role in your provisioning before, to install required nodejs + yarn.