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Trajectory Manager

The TrajectoryManager contains information used during trajectory generation.

Fields and Construction

The TrajectoryManager type has the following fields:

# basic info
N::Int                      # trajectory length
h::Float64                  # time step
x0::Vector{Float64}         # initial state

# cost functions
q::Float64                  # ergodic cost multiplier, default = 1
R::Matrix{Float64}          # control cost multiplier, def = .01*eye(2)
Qn::Matrix{Float64}         # LQ ergodic cost, default = eye(2)
Rn::Matrix{Float64}         # LQ control cost, default = eye(2)
barrier_cost::Float64       # penalizes leaving domain, def = 0

# needed for trajectory generation
descender::Descender        # default is ArmijoLineSearch(10,.1)
dynamics::Dynamics          # default is single integrator

A TrajectoryManager is constructed with basic information about the trajectory and an optional initializer.

TrajectoryManager(x0::Vector{Float64}, h::Float64, N::Int, i::Initializer=RandomInitializer())

By Default, barrier_cost=0, meaning no barrier cost is applied. When barrier_cost is positive, a quadratic barrier function is added to the objective. This cost penalizes the trajectory for leaving the domain specified in the ErgodicManager during trajectory generation.

The initializer, descender, and dynamics fields are described below.


The initializer field must be a subtype of the abstract Initializer type.

A good option is the ConstantInitializer, which just sets every action to the provided value and uses a forward Euler method to determine the trajectory. Below is an example when the control inputs are in \mathbb{R}^2.

tm.initializer = ConstantInitializer([0.0,0.0])


The descender field must be a subtype of the Descender abstract type.

The default is an ArmijoLineSearch, as Armijo line search has been used extensively in the literature.

Simpler alternatives are shown below. They work ok, but seem to take longer than Armijo line search (which is to be expected). I'll use them when I'm troubleshooting or if Armijo line search doesn't work well in a particular problem.

tm.descender = ConstantStep(0.5)        # each step is 0.5
tm.descender = InverseStep(0.5)         # each step is 0.5/iter
tm.descender = InverseRootStep(0.15)    # each step is 0.15/sqrt(iter)


Linear dynamics are common and easy to set up:

tm.dynamics = LinearDynamics(A,B)

The Dubins car is a standard model for cars.

tm.dynamics = DubinsDynamics(v0, r)

If you want to implement your own dynamics, you need to subtype the abstract Dynamics type and implement the linearize and forward_euler functions.

type MyDynamics <: Dynamics
    # fields, constructors, etc

    # following fields must be included
    n::Int      # number of state variables
    m::Int      # number of control variables

function linearize(md::MyDynamics, x::VF, u::VF, h::Float64)
    # return A,B matrices

function forward_euler(md::MyDynamics, x::VF, u::VF, h::Float64)
    # return new state