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112 lines (81 loc) · 3.83 KB

File metadata and controls

112 lines (81 loc) · 3.83 KB


Running the app

  • pull the repository
  • run npm install
  • run npm run start


Git best practices

  • never push to main
  • make descriptive branch names with the number of the issue you are working on
    • ex: if we want to add a login page
    1. create an issue describing what you want to do, git will assign it a number, ex: #10 Add Login Page
    2. Start from master (git pull master)
    3. Checkout a branch in the following format git checkout -b #10-add-login-page
  • When committing add issue number (must include # sign) to begging of the commit add initials to end of commit message ex: git commit -m "[#10]this is my message [cf]
    • Putting the issue number in the commit will allow git to automatically link it to the issue

Git work flow

  • pull new updates git pull
  • add an issue for the feature your working on in github issues
    • be sure to assign a participant and tag
  • checkout new branch git checkout -b #100-my-new-feature
  • complete and test branch
  • commit and push updates to #100-my-new-feature branch
  • checkout and pull main git checkout main and git pull
  • checkout previous branch git checkout #100-my-new-feature - no '-b' this time
  • merge main into #100-my-new-feature branch git merge main ( can always abort with git merge --abort)
  • commit and push merge to #100-my-new-feature branch
  • on github create a pull request merging #100-my-new-feature into main
  • request a code review from another member of the team
  • More about trunk based development

Working Issues

  • When you pickup and issue there make sure to assign it to yourself (or a group)
  • add the Doing tag
  • when the issue is complete and has been merged in main then add the completed tag and close the issue

Other Resources

Intellij Plugins

  • indent rainbow
  • rainbow brackets


  • prettier typescript errors
  • prettier code formatter
  • colorize
  • indent rainbow
  • rainbow brackets

How to Deploy To Firebase

  1. Install cli - npm i -g firebase-cli
  2. Login - firebase login
  3. If not a project already firebase init
  4. To deploy run firebase deploy

Google Civic Information API

  1. Navigate to Google Cloud console
  2. Go to Navigation menu --> APIs & Services --> Credentials
  3. Click Create Credentials --> API Key
  4. Go to Navigation menu --> APIs & Services --> Enabled APIs & Services --> Click on Enable APIs and Services button
  5. Search for Civic Information API and click Enable

Restrict your API key to prevent unauthorized access

  1. Go to APIs & Services --> Credentials
  2. Under API restrictions, click on Restrict key
  3. Search for Google Civic Information API and check the box
  4. Click Save button

Working with ENVs in React with Vite

  1. create a .env file in the root directory
  2. Add the following line
  3. Never expose or git push your API key!
VITE_CIVICS_API_KEY=[Your API key goes here]
  • env must be prepended with VITE, or it will not be picked up.
  1. Use it in the application


  • Responsive/Advanced design
  • React router with different pages
  • Api querying, data mapping and error handling
  • React state/context handling to share data with different components
  • Chart integration
  • Complete linter, hosting, build scripts and testing libraries with typescript
  • Git repo using user stories/issue and trunk based development