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DSE-512 Playground

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A playground repo for the DSE-512 course.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.


You need to have a machine with Python > 3.6 and any Bash based shell (e.g. zsh) installed.

$ python3.8 -V
Python 3.8.5

$ echo $SHELL

You will also need to install MPI in your system. Ref for Ubuntu

Installing, Testing, Building

All the installation steps are being handled by the Makefile. The server=local flag basically specifies that you want to use conda instead of venv, and it can be changed easily in the lines #25-28. local is also the default flag, so you can omit it.

If you don't want to go through the detailed setup steps but finish the installation and run the tests quickly, execute the following command:

$ make install server=local

If you executed the previous command, you can skip through to the Running locally section.

Check the available make commands

$ make help
                                              DISPLAYING HELP                                              
Use make <make recipe> [server=<prod|circleci|local>] to specify the server
Prod, and local are using conda env, circleci uses virtualenv. Default: local

make help
       Display this message
make install [server=<prod|circleci|local>]
       Call clean delete_conda_env create_conda_env setup run_tests
make clean [server=<prod|circleci|local>]
       Delete all './build ./dist ./*.pyc ./*.tgz ./*.egg-info' files
make delete_env [server=<prod|circleci|local>]
       Delete the current conda env or virtualenv
make create_env [server=<prod|circleci|local>]
       Create a new conda env or virtualenv for the specified python version
make setup [server=<prod|circleci|local>]
       Call install
make run_tests [server=<prod|circleci|local>]
       Run all the tests from the specified folder

Clean any previous builds

$ make clean delete_env server=local

Create a new virtual environment

For creating a conda virtual environment run:

$ make create_env server=local 

Build Locally (and install requirements)

To build the project locally using the install command (which also installs the requirements), execute the following command:

$ make setup server=local

Run the tests

The tests are located in the tests folder. To run all of them, execute the following command:

$ make run_tests server=local

Running the code locally

In order to run the code, you will only need to change the yml file if you need to, and either run its file directly or invoke its console script.

If you don't need to change yml file, skip to Execution Options.

Modifying the Configuration

There is an already configured yml file under confs/template_conf.yml with the following structure:

tag: template
  - config:
      username: my_name
      password: !ENV ${PASS}
      db_name: my_db1
      port: 3306
    type: mysql

The !ENV flag indicates that you are passing an environmental value to this attribute. You can change the values/environmental var names as you wish. If a yaml variable name is changed/added/deleted, the corresponding changes should be reflected on the yml_schema.json too which validates it.

Set the required environment variables

In order to run the you will need to set the environmental variables you are using in your configuration yml file. Example:

$ export PASS=my_password

The best way to do that, is to create a .env file (example), and source it before running the code.

Execution Options

First, make sure you are in the correct virtual environment:

$ conda activate dse512_playground

$ which python

DSE-playground Main

Now, in order to run the code you can either call the directly, or invoke the playground_main console script.

$ python playground/ --help
usage: -c CONFIG_FILE [-m {run_mode_1,run_mode_2,run_mode_3}] [-l LOG] [-d] [-h]

A template for python projects.

Required Arguments:
  -c CONFIG_FILE, --config-file CONFIG_FILE
                        The configuration yml file

Optional Arguments:
  -m {run_mode_1,run_mode_2,run_mode_3}, --run-mode {run_mode_1,run_mode_2,run_mode_3}
                        Description of the run modes
  -l LOG, --log LOG     Name of the output log file
  -d, --debug           Enables the debug log messages
  -h, --help            Show this help message and exit

# Or

$ playground_main --help
usage: -c CONFIG_FILE [-m {run_mode_1,run_mode_2,run_mode_3}] [-l LOG] [-d] [-h]

A template for python projects.

Required Arguments:
  -c CONFIG_FILE, --config-file CONFIG_FILE
                        The configuration yml file

Optional Arguments:
  -m {run_mode_1,run_mode_2,run_mode_3}, --run-mode {run_mode_1,run_mode_2,run_mode_3}
                        Description of the run modes
  -l LOG, --log LOG     Name of the output log file
  -d, --debug           Enables the debug log messages
  -h, --help            Show this help message and exit

DSE-playground CLI

There is also a which you can also invoke it by its console script too (cli).

$ cli --help
Usage: cli [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  --install-completion [bash|zsh|fish|powershell|pwsh]
                                  Install completion for the specified shell.
  --show-completion [bash|zsh|fish|powershell|pwsh]
                                  Show completion for the specified shell, to
                                  copy it or customize the installation.

  --help                          Show this message and exit.



The deployment is being done to Heroku. For more information you can check the setup guide.

Make sure you check the defined Procfile (reference) and that you set the above-mentioned environmental variables (reference) .

Continuous Integration

$ which python /home/drkostas/anaconda3/envs/DSE512-playground/bin/python (DSE512-playground)

### Execution Options <a name = "execution_options"></a>

Depending on the file you want to run, you'll need to follow the corresponding instructions. To view them, just run:

$ python <your file name>.py --help
usage: <your file name>.py -m {run_mode_1,run_mode_2,run_mode_3} -c CONFIG_FILE [-l LOG]
               [-d] [-h]

<Your python file\'s description.

required arguments:
  -m {run_mode_1,run_mode_2,run_mode_3}, --run-mode {run_mode_1,run_mode_2,run_mode_3}
                        Description of the run modes
  -c CONFIG_FILE, --config-file CONFIG_FILE
                        The configuration yml file
  -l LOG, --log LOG     Name of the output log file

optional arguments:
  -d, --debug           enables the debug log messages

To run it following the instructions.


A playground repo for the DSE-512 course







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