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File metadata and controls

213 lines (165 loc) · 8.41 KB


Solo is a transcription-based doublet detecting software that was one of the better transcription-based doublet detecting softwares that we tested (CITATION).


This is the data that you will need to have prepare to run Solo:


  • Parameter json file ($JSON)
    • Solo has provided an example file <_download_files/solo_model.json> that we have found to work well for most of our data.
  • Counts ($COUNTS)
    • This can be a h5ad file, loom file, or 10x counts matrix directory (containing barcodes.tsv, genes.tsv and matrix.mtx or barcodes.tsv.gz, features.tsv.gz and matrix.mtx.gz)
  • Output directory ($SOLO_OUTDIR)


  • Expected number of doublets ($N_DOUB)

Run Solo

singularity exec Demuxafy.sif solo -o $SOLO_OUTDIR -e $N_DOUB -j $JSON -d $COUNTS

Solo also has additional parameters that can be seen with:

singularity exec Demuxafy.sif solo -h 

usage: solo [-h] -j MODEL_JSON_FILE -d DATA_PATH
          [--set-reproducible-seed REPRODUCIBLE_SEED]
          [--doublet-depth DOUBLET_DEPTH] [-g] [-a] [-o OUT_DIR]
          [-recalibrate_scores] [--version]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -j MODEL_JSON_FILE    json file to pass VAE parameters (default: None)
  -d DATA_PATH          path to h5ad, loom, or 10x mtx dir cell by genes
                        counts (default: None)
  --set-reproducible-seed REPRODUCIBLE_SEED
                        Reproducible seed, give an int to set seed (default:
  --doublet-depth DOUBLET_DEPTH
                        Depth multiplier for a doublet relative to the average
                        of its constituents (default: 2.0)
  -g                    Run on GPU (default: True)
  -a                    output modified anndata object with solo scores Only
                        works for anndata (default: False)
  -o OUT_DIR
  -r DOUBLET_RATIO      Ratio of doublets to true cells (default: 2)
  -s SEED               Path to previous solo output directory. Seed VAE
                        models with previously trained solo model. Directory
                        structure is assumed to be the same as solo output
                        directory structure. should at least have a a
                        pickled object of vae weights and a latent.npy an
                        np.ndarray of the latents of your cells. (default:
                        Experimentally expected number of doublets (default:
  -p                    Plot outputs for solo (default: False)
  -recalibrate_scores   Recalibrate doublet scores (not recommended anymore)
                        (default: False)
  --version             Get version of solo-sc (default: False)

If Solo runs correctly, you should have the following files and directory structure in your $SOLO_OUTDIR:

├── classifier
│   ├── attr.pkl
│   ├──
│   └── var_names.csv
├── is_doublet.csv
├── is_doublet.npy
├── is_doublet_sim.npy
├── latent.npy
├── logit_scores.csv
├── logit_scores.npy
├── logit_scores_sim.npy
├── no_updates_softmax_scores.csv
├── no_updates_softmax_scores.npy
├── no_updates_softmax_scores_sim.npy
├── preds.csv
├── preds.npy
├── smoothed_preds.npy
├── softmax_scores.csv
├── softmax_scores.npy
└── vae
    ├── attr.pkl
    └── var_names.csv

Solo Summary

We have provided a script that will summarize the number of droplets classified as doublets and singlets by Solo and write it to the $SOLO_OUTDIR. This script also combines some of the Solo outputs into a single file that can be more easily used for downstream analyses. You can run this to get a fast and easy summary of your results with:

singularity exec Demuxafy.sif -b $BARCODES -s $SOLO_OUTDIR

If successful, you should have two new files in your $SOLO_OUTDIR:

├── classifier
│   ├── attr.pkl
│   ├──
│   └── var_names.csv
├── is_doublet.csv
├── is_doublet.npy
├── is_doublet_sim.npy
├── latent.npy
├── logit_scores.csv
├── logit_scores.npy
├── logit_scores_sim.npy
├── no_updates_softmax_scores.csv
├── no_updates_softmax_scores.npy
├── no_updates_softmax_scores_sim.npy
├── preds.csv
├── preds.npy
├── smoothed_preds.npy
├── softmax_scores.csv
├── softmax_scores.npy
├── solo_results.tsv
├── solo_summary.tsv
└── vae
    ├── attr.pkl
    └── var_names.csv

Solo Results and Interpretation

Solo puts most of the results in multiple separate files. However, the wrapper script and the example code has some steps to combine these results together into a single file, which will likely be the most informative output.

  • solo_summary.tsv

    • A summary of the number of singlets and doublets predicted by Solo.
    Classification Droplet N
    singlet 17461
    doublet 3521
    • To check whether the number of doublets identified by Solo is consistent with the expected doublet rate expected based on the number of droplets that you captured, you can use our Expected Doublet Estimation Calculator.
  • solo_results.tsv
    • The per-barcode singlet and doublet classification from Solo.

      Barcode solo_DropletType solo_DropletScore
      AAACCTGAGATAGCAT-1 singlet -8.442187
      AAACCTGAGCAGCGTA-1 singlet -2.8096201
      AAACCTGAGCGATGAC-1 singlet -2.8949203
      AAACCTGAGCGTAGTG-1 singlet -5.928284
      AAACCTGAGGAGTTTA-1 doublet 0.2749935
      AAACCTGAGGCTCATT-1 singlet -5.2726507
      AAACCTGAGGGCACTA-1 singlet -0.65760195
      AAACCTGAGTAATCCC-1 singlet -3.5948637
      ... ... ...

Merging Results with Other Software Results

We have provided a script that will help merge and summarize the results from multiple softwares together. See Combine Results <Combine-docs>.


If you used the Demuxafy platform for analysis, please reference our paper (REFERENCE) as well as solo.