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DoubletFinder is a transcription-based doublet detection software that uses simulated doublets to find droplets that has a high proportion of neighbors that are doublets. We have provided a wrapper script that takes common arguments for DoubletFinder and we also provide an example script that you can run manually in R if you prefer.


This is the data that you will need to have preparede to run DoubletFinder:


  • A QC-filtered and normalized seurat object saved as an rds object ($SEURAT_RDS)
    • For example, using the Seurat Vignette
    • If you run DoubletFinder manually, you can use any data format of interest and read in with a method that works for your data.
  • Output directory ($DOUBLETFINDER_OUTDIR)
  • Expected number of doublets ($DOUBLETS)
    • This can be calculated based on the number of droplets captured using our doublet calculator

Run DoubletFinder

You can either run DoubletFinder with the wrapper script we have provided or you can run it manually if you would prefer to alter more parameters.

With Wrapper Script

singularity exec Demuxafy.sif DoubletFinder.R -o $DOUBLETFINDER_OUTDIR -s $SEURAT_RDS -c TRUE -d $DOUBLETS

HELP! It says my file/directory doesn't exist!

If you receive an error indicating that a file or directory doesn't exist but you are sure that it does, this is likely an issue arising from Singularity. This is easy to fix. The issue and solution are explained in detail in the Notes About Singularity Images <Singularity-docs>

You can provide many other parameters as well which can be seen from running a help request:

singularity exec Demuxafy.sif DoubletFinder.R -h

usage: DoubletFinder.R [-h] -o OUT -s SEURAT_OBJECT -c SCT -d DOUBLET_NUMBER [-p PCS] [-n PN]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -o OUT, --out OUT     The output directory where results will be saved
  -s SEURAT_OBJECT, --seurat_object SEURAT_OBJECT
                        A QC, normalized seurat object with classifications/clusters as Idents() saved as an rds object.
  -c SCT, --sct SCT     Whether sctransform was used for normalization.
  -d DOUBLET_NUMBER, --doublet_number DOUBLET_NUMBER
                        Number of expected doublets based on droplets captured.
  -p PCS, --PCs PCS     Number of PCs to use for 'doubletFinder_v3' function.
  -n PN, --pN PN        Number of doublets to simulate as a proportion of the pool size.

Run in R

First, you will have to start R. We have built R and all the required software to run DoubletFinder into the singularity image so you can run it directly from the image.

singularity exec Demuxafy.sif R

That will open R in your terminal. Next, you can load all the libraries and run DoubletFinder.

.libPaths("/usr/local/lib/R/site-library") ### This is required so that R uses the libraries loaded in the image and not any local libraries

## Set up parameters ##
out <- "/path/to/doubletfinder/outdir"
SEURAT_RDSect <- "/path/to/preprocessed/SEURAT_RDSect.rds"
doublet_number <- 3200

## make sure the directory exists ###
dir.create(out, recursive = TRUE)

## Add max future globals size for large pools

### Read in the data
seurat <- readRDS(SEURAT_RDSect)

## pK Identification (no ground-truth) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
sweep.res.list <- paramSweep_v3(seurat, PCs = 1:10, sct = TRUE)
sweep.stats <- summarizeSweep(sweep.res.list, GT = FALSE)
bcmvn <- find.pK(sweep.stats)
plot <- ggplot(bcmvn, aes(pK, BCmetric)) +
ggsave(plot, filename = paste0(out,"/pKvBCmetric.png"))

## Homotypic Doublet Proportion Estimate -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
annotations <- Idents(seurat)
homotypic.prop <- modelHomotypic(annotations)
nExp_poi <- doublet_number
print(paste0("Expected number of doublets: ", doublet_number))
nExp_poi.adj <- round(doublet_number*(1-homotypic.prop))

## Run DoubletFinder with varying classification stringencies ----------------------------------------------------------------
seurat <- doubletFinder_v3(seurat, PCs = 1:10, pN = 0.25, pK = as.numeric(as.character(bcmvn$pK[which(bcmvn$BCmetric == max(bcmvn$BCmetric))])), nExp = nExp_poi.adj, reuse.pANN = FALSE, sct = TRUE)
doublets <-,[,grepl(paste0("pANN_0.25_",as.numeric(as.character(bcmvn$pK[which(bcmvn$BCmetric == max(bcmvn$BCmetric))]))), colnames(],[,grepl(paste0("DF.classifications_0.25_",as.numeric(as.character(bcmvn$pK[which(bcmvn$BCmetric == max(bcmvn$BCmetric))]))), colnames(]))
colnames(doublets) <-  c("Barcode","DoubletFinder_score","DoubletFinder_DropletType")
doublets$DoubletFinder_DropletType <- gsub("Singlet","singlet",doublets$DoubletFinder_DropletType) %>% gsub("Doublet","doublet",.)

write_delim(doublets, file = paste0(out,"/DoubletFinder_doublets_singlets.tsv"), delim = "\t")

### Calculate number of doublets and singlets ###
summary <-$DoubletFinder_DropletType))
colnames(summary) <- c("Classification", "Droplet N")
write_delim(summary, paste0(out,"/DoubletFinder_doublet_summary.tsv"), "\t")

DoubletFinder Results and Interpretation

After running the DoubletFinder, you will have multiple files in the $DOUBLETFINDER_OUTDIR:

├── DoubletFinder_doublets_singlets.tsv
├── DoubletFinder_doublet_summary.tsv
└── pKvBCmetric.png

Here's a more detailed description of the contents of each of those files:

  • DoubletFinder_doublet_summary.tsv
    • A sumamry of the number of singlets and doublets predicted by DoubletFinder.

      Classification Droplet N
      doublet 3014
      singlet 16395
  • DoubletFinder_doublets_singlets.tsv
    • The per-barcode singlet and doublet classification from DoubletFinder.

      Barcode DoubletFinder_score DoubletFinder_DropletType
      AAACCTGAGATAGCAT-1 0.206401766004415 singlet
      AAACCTGAGCAGCGTA-1 0.144039735099338 singlet
      AAACCTGAGCGATGAC-1 0.191501103752759 singlet
      AAACCTGAGCGTAGTG-1 0.212472406181015 singlet
      AAACCTGAGGAGTTTA-1 0.242273730684327 singlet
      AAACCTGAGGCTCATT-1 0.211368653421634 singlet
      AAACCTGAGGGCACTA-1 0.626379690949227 doublet
      ... ... ...
  • pKvBCmetric.png
    • This is the metric that DoubletFinder uses to call doublets and singlets. Typically the pK value at the maximum BC value is the best doublet calling threshold.

    • If you do not have a clear BC maximum, see responses from the DoubletFinder developer here and here for possible solutions.

Merging Results with Other Software Results

We have provided a script that will help merge and summarize the results from multiple softwares together. See Combine Results <Combine-docs>.


If you used the Demuxafy platform for analysis, please reference our preprint as well as DoubletFinder.