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Abstract {#abstract}

The table_remove command removes an existing table.

This is compatible to the table_remove command of the Groonga.

API types {#api-types}

HTTP {#api-types-http}

Request endpoint : (Document Root)/d/table_remove

Request methd : GET

Request URL parameters : Same to the list of parameters.

Request body : Nothing.

Response body : A response message.

REST {#api-types-rest}

Not supported.

Fluentd {#api-types-fluentd}

Style : Request-Response. One response message is always returned per one request.

type of the request : table_remove

body of the request : A hash of parameters.

type of the response : table_remove.result

Parameter syntax {#syntax}

  "name" : "<Name of the table>"

Parameter details {#parameters}

The only one parameter name is required.

They are compatible to the parameters of the table_remove command of the Groonga. See the linked document for more details.

Responses {#response}

This returns an array meaning the result of the operation, as the body.

    <Groonga's status code>,
    <Start time>,
    <Elapsed time>
  <Table is successfully removed or not>

This command always returns a response with 200 as its statusCode, because this is a Groonga compatible command and errors of this command must be handled in the way same to Groonga's one.

Response body's details:

Status code : An integer which means the operation's result. Possible values are:

  • 0 (Droonga::GroongaHandler::Status::SUCCESS) : Successfully processed.
  • -22 (Droonga::GroongaHandler::Status::INVALID_ARGUMENT) : There is any invalid argument.

Start time : An UNIX time which the operation was started on.

Elapsed time : A decimal of seconds meaning the elapsed time for the operation.

Table is successfully removed or not : A boolean value meaning the table was successfully removed or not. Possible values are:

  • true:The table was successfully removed.
  • false:The table was not removed.