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File metadata and controls

119 lines (95 loc) · 5.45 KB

Genome Wide Association Analysis (GWAS)

Install Plink.


  1. Shouldn't we use PLINK2 instead of the old PLINK? Actually, things are not that simple. You can read more here about this
  2. Unfortunately, Pink documentation is kind of cumulative. You need always to start from the documentation of Plink 1.07
conda activate ngs1
conda install -c bioconda plink 

Download the sample VCF file and phenotype data: Genotyping of 476840 SNPs in 53 dogs (24 yellow coat and 29 dark coat)

mkdir -p ~/GWAS && cd ~/GWAS
gunzip pruned_coatColor_maf_geno.vcf.gz
## explore the headers line of the VCF
grep "^#CHROM" pruned_coatColor_maf_geno.vcf | tr '\t' '\n'   ## we have genotypes for 53 dogs (24 yellow coat and 29 dark coat)

Convert VCF into Plink readable format (map,ped)

#conda install vcftools
vcftools --vcf pruned_coatColor_maf_geno.vcf --plink --out coatColor

map file format A text file with no header file, and one line per variant with the following fields:

  • Chromosome code.
  • Variant identifier
  • Position in morgans or centimorgans (optional; also safe to use dummy value of '0')
  • Base-pair coordinate

ped file format Contains no header line, and one line per sample with 2V+6 fields where V is the number of variants. The first six fields are:

  • Family ID ('FID')
  • Within-family ID ('IID'; cannot be '0')
  • Within-family ID of father ('0' if father isn't in dataset)
  • Within-family ID of mother ('0' if mother isn't in dataset)
  • Sex code ('1' = male, '2' = female, '0' = unknown)
  • Phenotype value ('1' = control, '2' = case, '-9'/'0'/non-numeric = missing data if case/control)

Convert "map and ped" files into Plink binary format (fam,bed,bim)

## Plink input can be done using --map and --ped arguments that receive the corresponding files or one argument --file that receives a suffix for input files
## Our ped file has no sex info, therefore we have to use --allow-no-sex (This will prevent a sex-linked analysis)
## Inless working woth human, you need to define your input species (
## The --make-bed command will do the conversion. The output files will have the suffix "plink" by default unless you provided another suffix by --out 
plink --file coatColor --allow-no-sex --dog --make-bed --out coatColor.binary

Our input files generated from the VCF files do not have phenotype data. Instead will provide this info in a separate phenotype file

## explore the phenotype file
less coatColor.pheno  ## phenotype file: family IDs, within-family IDs, and phenotype

Run a standard case/control association analysis

  • Note1: –-assoc performs a standard case/control association analysis which is a chi-square test of allele frequency.

  • Note2: If the ped file did not have informative phenotype values or we want to replace these phenotype values, --make-pheno <phenotype_file> can be used

  • Note3: By default, the minor allele is coded A1 and tested for being the risk allele. This will be confusing if the reference allele happens to be the minor allele. --a2-allele <filename> [a2col] [IDcol] [skip] : Force alleles in the "a2col" column of the file to A2. This will cause the alternative allele to be always coded A1 and tested for being the risk allele

  • Note4: –-adjust enables correction for multiple analysis and automatically calculates the genomic inflation factor

plink --bfile coatColor.binary --assoc --make-pheno coatColor.pheno "yellow" --a2-allele pruned_coatColor_maf_geno.vcf 4 3 '#' --allow-no-sex --adjust --dog --out coatColor

check the output .assoc file

col_id definition
CHR Chromosome code
SNP Variant identifier
BP Base-pair coordinate
A1 Allele 1 (usually minor but we chose to be ALT)
F_A Allele 1 frequency among cases
F_U Allele 1 frequency among controls
A2 Allele 2
CHISQ Allelic test chi-square statistic
P Allelic test p-value
OR odds(allele 1 | case) / odds(allele 1 | control)

Create Manhattan plot

Install qqman package

conda install -c bioconda r-qqman

Identify statistical cutoffs

unad_cutoff_sug=$(tail -n+2 coatColor.assoc.adjusted | awk '$5>=0.05' | head -n1 | awk '{print $3}')
unad_cutoff_conf=$(tail -n+2 coatColor.assoc.adjusted | awk '$5>=0.01' | head -n1 | awk '{print $3}')

Run the plotting function

Rscript -e 'args=(commandArgs(TRUE));library(qqman);'\
'data=read.table("coatColor.assoc", header=TRUE); data=data[!$P),];'\
'pdf("coatColor_man.pdf", width=20, height=10);'\
'manhattan(data, p = "P", col = c("blue4", "orange3"),'\
'suggestiveline = -log(as.numeric(args[1]),10),'\
'genomewideline = -log(as.numeric(args[2]),10),'\
'chrlabs = c(1:38, "X"), annotateTop=TRUE, cex = 1.2);'\
';' $unad_cutoff_sug $unad_cutoff_conf

Open the output file in the browser The top associated mutation is a nonsense SNP in MC1R (c.916C>T) known to control pigment production.