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Any Aspect Ratio Carousel

Yet another Carousel! But this one has these features:

  • Images of any aspect ratio can be viewed fully without specifying their size
  • Low footprint, little JS to download and parse, no dependencies
  • Adapts to any container's width
  • Mobile friendly (swipe events, responsive)
  • Fails gracefully on absence of JS (shows list of images)
  • Only for img elements (may get support for picture element in the future)


npm install --save any-aspect-ratio-carousel
// main.js

import aarCarousel from 'any-aspect-ratio-carousel'

document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {
    height: '88vh',
    slideTransitionDuration: 576, // milliseconds

With script element

Download /dist/aarCarousel.min.js to your project and then

<!doctype html>

  <div class='aar-carousel'>

  <script src='/my-script-location/aarCarousel.min.js'></script>
    document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {
        height: '88vh',
        slideTransitionDuration: 576, // miliseconds


The HTML required for the gallery is:

<div class='aar-carousel'>
      <img src='alpha.jpg' alt='alpha'>
      <img src='bravo.png' alt='bravo'>
      <img src='and-so-forth.gif' alt='any amount of li with images'>

There can be any amount of galleries in a page.

And to initialize the gallery:

  height: '88vh',
  slideTransitionDuration: 576,
  imagePanning: false,

With these possible settings:

height {string}
The height of the carousel.
Defaults to '88vh' if not specified.

slideTransitionDuration {number}
How long the transition is between one image and the other, in milliseconds.
Defaults to '576' if not specified.

imagePanning {boolean}
Whether to use the panning effect or not.
Defaults to false if not specified.

See an example

Panning effect

If the imagePanning attribute is set to true, the images on the carousel will fill the available space and pan right/left or top/down to show all the image (depending on the ratio). Take notice that this effect does not work in Safari (Safari does not animate object-position).

  height: '88vh',
  slideTransitionDuration: 576, // milliseconds
  imagePanning: true,

See an example

Inline attributes

You can have as many galleries in a page as you want. With the initializing JS you can configure all of them.

However, if you'd like a particular gallery to have different settings, you can assign it inline attributes that will override the defaults set by you, like so:

<div class='aar-carousel' data-height='120em' data-slide-transition-duration='777' data-image-panning>
      <img src='alpha.jpg' alt='alpha'>
      <img src='bravo.png' alt='bravo'>
      <img src='and-so-forth.gif' alt='any amount of li with images'>

While data-height and data-slide-transition-duration need explicit values, data-image-panning only needs to be present to be true (and its absence means false, unless stated in the initializing JS)


TODO: Test in different browsers. Spoiler alert: will not work on IE6.


The CSS for the final product is shipped with the JS iteslf via insert-css, but for development we need to deal with the CSS uninjected. To do this:

  1. On src/javascript/main.js comment out import ins from './insert-css-dep'; and ins();
  2. On demo/index.html uncomment <link rel='stylesheet' href='tmp/stylesheets/main.css'>

And after this dance, run:

gulp serve

To run a localhost server. If you have a better way to do this process, recommendations and forks accepted :)

After doing your changes, lint the code with:

gulp js-lint

Make any fixes if necessary and then

gulp scss-lint

Make any fixes if necessary and then you'll have to reverse the previous steps, namely:

  1. On src/javascript/main.js uncomment import ins from './insert-css-dep'; and ins();
  2. On demo/index.html comment <link rel='stylesheet' href='tmp/stylesheets/main.css'>

And then run

gulp build-js

To generate the final bundle.


Lightweight responsive carousel to show any aspect ratio images







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