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Getting in to reddit

In a previous post I wrote about the podcasts I listen to. I really need to update that as things have changed but this post is not the update. In this post I'll discuss some of my early thoughts as I get in to reddit.

My first real encounter of reddit was when u/I_feel_shy posted a link to my blogpost about Clash of clans. I create an account to be able to answer some questions on there but never really stayed put.

I think that one of the reasons for this was that I didn't stumble on a mobile app I liked. This changed when @mkbhd posted a video mentioning that his app of choice was Relay for reddit.

So for about 2 months or so I've been using reddit regularly, and I have to admit that it's become one of the first things I check whenever I get a chance. I think it's the simplicity of it all that I like.

Here are the subreddits I subscribe to (please do let me know which ones I'm missing):

  • r/android: I use an android phone and this seems to suggest neat apps, and let me know what's coming up.
  • r/AskAcademic: this has a variety of interesting discussions about Academia, with questions from students and faculty.
  • r/askscience: a nice reddit with interesting questions that pop up, a neat one recently was "why can't I weigh the earth by putting a scale upside down".
  • r/dataisbeautiful: cool data related stuff :)
  • r/education: am still undecided as to whether or not I find this a valuable subreddit. I will wait and see...
  • r/GAMETHEORY: not a very busy subbredit but everynow and then something interesting comes up.
  • r/learnpython: I've only just joined this one. Hoping I might be able to help with some questions but also see some neat resources etc...
  • r/math: one of the mathematics subreddits.
  • r/mathematics: another one :)
  • r/nottheonion: if you haven't heard of the onion go take a look and then this subreddit will make a lot of sense...
  • r/Python: I learn a lot from scrolling through this...
  • r/rugbyunion: I like rugby.
  • r/sagemath: this is the subreddit for Sagemath, it's not terribly active but every now and then something cool pops up.
  • r/science: a general subreddit about science. Interesting things usually pop up here.
  • r/sysor: this is the subreddit for Operational Research (etc...). I've pied up and answered a question here but otherwise have learnt a few neat things that have been going on.
  • r/vim: vim is my editor of choice and it's nice to see things trickle through here. Today I read about the Goyo plugin which I'm actually using whilst writing this post, on there.

I'm pretty sure I'm missing out a bunch of interesting subreddits so please let me know in the comments :)

I'm also still trying to figure out if reddit is a social network or not. The main reason for this is that I'm not sure if it's cool to post links to my own blog posts on there or not. I've done this one or twice but ams still trying to figure out the correct protocol. In the mean time I continue to read, vote and sometimes comment. It's a nice place (I know reddit does not have this reputation but perhaps I'm just staying in the right places...).