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Comparison of lazy collections and TypeDelegatingFunction to Java code and structures

Benchmark Mode Units all
LazilyBuiltLoadingCacheBenchmark.coldLazilyBuiltLoadingCacheBenchmark avgt ns/op 7.083
LazilyBuiltLoadingCacheBenchmark.directConcurrentBenchmark avgt ns/op 4.670
LazilyBuiltLoadingCacheBenchmark.warmLazilyBuiltLoadingCacheBenchmark avgt ns/op 2.241
Benchmark Mode Units all
TypeDelegatingFunctionBenchmark.directInstanceofBenchmark avgt ns/op 150.269
TypeDelegatingFunctionBenchmark.instanceCallerBenchmark avgt ns/op 47.790
TypeDelegatingFunctionBenchmark.ownerCallerBenchmark avgt ns/op 52.267

Comparison of Map implementations

Running 1M gets, puts or removes on HashMap, LinkedHashMap, TreeMap, TreeCountingMap .

Benchmark Mode Units TreeCountingMap TreeMap HashMap LinkedHashMap TreeCountingMap% TreeMap% HashMap% LinkedHashMap%
get avgt ns/op 76.720 80.059 4.098 4.360 +0 +4 -94 -94
put avgt ns/op 228.178 227.783 44.440 69.635 +0 +0 -80 -69
remove avgt ns/op 122.947 50.154 5.301 7.170 +0 -59 -95 -94

Raw data

Benchmark                                                              Mode  Cnt     Score      Error  Units
LazilyBuiltLoadingCacheBenchmark.coldLazilyBuiltLoadingCacheBenchmark  avgt    3  7083.211 ± 5204.968  ns/op
LazilyBuiltLoadingCacheBenchmark.directConcurrentBenchmark             avgt    3  4669.566 ±  393.256  ns/op
LazilyBuiltLoadingCacheBenchmark.warmLazilyBuiltLoadingCacheBenchmark  avgt    3  2241.048 ±  411.522  ns/op
TypeDelegatingFunctionBenchmark.directInstanceofBenchmark              avgt    3   150.269 ±   17.362  ns/op
TypeDelegatingFunctionBenchmark.instanceCallerBenchmark                avgt    3    47.790 ±    2.654  ns/op
TypeDelegatingFunctionBenchmark.ownerCallerBenchmark                   avgt    3    52.267 ±    1.263  ns/op
Benchmark                                    Mode  Cnt          Score           Error  Units
CountingMapBenchmark.get_HashMap             avgt    3    4098244.575 ±    696408.202  ns/op
CountingMapBenchmark.get_LinkedHashMap       avgt    3    4360012.962 ±   1429266.402  ns/op
CountingMapBenchmark.get_TreeCountingMap     avgt    3   76720226.250 ±   4884276.666  ns/op
CountingMapBenchmark.get_TreeMap             avgt    3   80059254.000 ±  38167143.184  ns/op
CountingMapBenchmark.put_HashMap             avgt    3   44439881.025 ±  21067230.319  ns/op
CountingMapBenchmark.put_LinkedHashMap       avgt    3   69634583.253 ± 128794282.912  ns/op
CountingMapBenchmark.put_TreeCountingMap     avgt    3  228177588.600 ± 267801604.909  ns/op
CountingMapBenchmark.put_TreeMap             avgt    3  227782887.333 ±  38223129.438  ns/op
CountingMapBenchmark.remove_HashMap          avgt    3    5301473.313 ±    321164.712  ns/op
CountingMapBenchmark.remove_LinkedHashMap    avgt    3    7170490.838 ±    974543.129  ns/op
CountingMapBenchmark.remove_TreeCountingMap  avgt    3  122947374.889 ±  42191928.548  ns/op
CountingMapBenchmark.remove_TreeMap          avgt    3   50153870.233 ±  13672615.080  ns/op

(Measured on Graviton-3 AWS c7g.medium, ARM 1 vCPU 2 GB RAM)