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CE-110: Water Systems of the Future

Binder Binder

Module for Civil Engineering

Instructor: Jennifer S. Draut, Kara L. Nelson

The goal of this module is to vizualize California water networks and examine the differences in the network across years. We will go over basic concepts in Python, map local networks and water flow surrounding specific utilities, and analyze the the differences in volume of water transported as well as amount of energy consumed by utilies between 2010 and 2015. We will assess how well these metrics for 2015 were predited in 2010 and make sense of the changes in water flow and energy consumption in the context of the California drought.

Developers: Jason Webb, Mina Kim, Leo Li, Keiko Kamei

Introduction Notebook adapted from Intr-to-Python-and-Jupyter.ipynb by Keeley Takimoto.


Notebook Data File Data Source Reason for use
Intro-to-Python-and-Jupyter network.csv Courtesy of Jennifer S. Draut Introducing Table Manipulation
Water-Networks-&-Energy-Analysis-Notebook network.csv Courtesy of Jennifer S. Draut Networks Graphing & Energy Analysis
Water-Networks-&-Energy-Analysis-Notebook-Solutions network.csv Courtesy of Jennifer S. Draut Networks Graphing & Energy Analysis