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GraphQL Playground Day 1
A blog all about GraphQL Playground

{% include under_construction.html %}

How To: Export GraphQl Playground Tabs

My first experience with GraphQL Playground went pretty well, but I quickly ran into some issues once i realized that the tabs do not persist. I had previously went through testing some of the Stargate API documentation and filled my screen with some operational tabs. Next time I game back to GraphQL they were all gone. Oops. This behavior really pushes hard for an import/export feature. A quick google search later I wound up on an Open Github Issue #6. In the comments a user exposes a method to import/export the tabs. I figured this would be a great first post for my GraphQL Playground blog.

First I install the Google Chome Extension for Local Storage Handler and download the graphql-playground object. It is a huge minimized json object but you can click the popup button to make it more human readable:

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I see the session section corresponding to the two default tabs. Lets modify those, add the auth token, and re-import this back to GraphQL Playground. This will be a great basic test of export/import exposed by the original poster. I tried quite a few attempts and although I am able to edit the object, import, and see the changed values, nothing in the UI changes. If i reload, nothing indicates a change and I do not see the new object values. If if i refresh the page I am stuck back with the default workbook.

Next I inspect the sessions and notice the sessions are different. If the session is not persisting this means the solution will not work. So i chat up a few internal resources and got linked back to another GitHub Issue #797. Yikes... To make further progress on this post I am going to have to build my own graphQL UI.

Branching be back later...

{% include stargate_help.html %}