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Thai Pangsakulyanont edited this page Jun 13, 2015 · 9 revisions
  1. Install Homebrew and XQuartz.

Go to, scroll down to the Install Homebrew section, copy the code and paste that into Terminal. Follow the on-screen instructions.

Also download and install XQuartz.

  1. Install FontForge with Python Support

In a Terminal, type in:

brew install fontforge --with-python

It will take a while to install FontForge, Python, and all dependencies.

  1. Run the Font Patcher

This script should do it:

mkdir -p /tmp/YosemiteSystemFontPatcher && cd /tmp/YosemiteSystemFontPatcher && curl -L | tar xvz --strip 1 && ./bin/convenient-script && open .


Notes on fonts to convert.

There are many variants of system fonts: Regular, Bold, Italic, Bold Italic, Medium, Medium Italic, Light, Thin, Ultra Light, and Heavy. For best results, you should convert all of them.

Otherwise, it is recommended that you convert at least these 3 fonts, as they are mostly used:

  • System Font Regular
  • System Font Bold
  • System Font Medium P4

First, let's convert a "Regular" font.

Select a font file

Select a source font

Select a system font


Then, let's convert more fonts.

Let's convert more fonts

Select another source font

Select another target font


Repeat until all fonts are patched

Now press cancel

See the results

  1. Copy the Resulting Font to /Library/Fonts

Hello Iowan Old Style

Note! Copy to /Library/Fonts in your Macintosh HD, not your home folder. See issue #16 for more details.