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Notes about findall/3

This is companion information to the SWI-Prolog manual page of the findall/3 predicate.


findall/3 is somewhat problematic!

This predicate has been behaving non-declaratively for at least 35 years (i.e. at least since Lee Naish wrote "Negation and Control in Prolog" in 1985 - reference at the end of this page). It still made it into the ISO Standard of 1995. Shouldn't it be deprecated?

Note that it does work with unbound variables that have constraints or attributes, at least in SWI Prolog. See "Will constraints be retained?" below.


findall/3 is one of the traditional "all-solution predicates" (which are "higher-order predicates" aka "metapredicates"), There are:

  • findall/3 (via Marseille Prolog)
  • setof/3 (via Edinburgh Prolog)
  • bagof/3 (via Edinburgh Prolog)
  • findall/4 (which is findall/3 using a difference list, so you can perform "stream processing" on an open list from which one continuously reads at the front and appends at the end)

Where to find explainers

Programming in Prolog, William Clocksin and Christopher Mellish, 2003, 1st edition 1981, Springer Verlag;

Programming in Prolog

findall/3 is explained in Chapter 7.8.3., pages 167 ff., and an implementation in Prolog that uses asserta/1 and retract/1 to store solutions prior to unifying a list of the same with the Instances argument is provided.

The Art of Prolog: Advanced Programming Techniques, Leon Sterling and Ehud Shapiro, 1st edition 1984, MIT Press

Art of Prolog

The predicates bag_of/3, set_of/3 and find_all_dl/3 (corresponding to findall/4) are discussed in Chapter 17: "Second-Order Programming", pages 266 ff.

Negation and Control in Prolog, Lee Naish, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, N° 238, 1985, Springer-Verlag

LNCS 238

On page 12 of this book, Lee Naish lists implementations of "collection predicates" that existed in 1985. Problems of findall/3 are discussed on page 13.

The Craft of Prolog, Richard A. O'Keefe, 1990, MIT Press

Craft of Prolog

findall/3 is discussed in-depth in Chapter 11: "All Solutions" , pages 355-373. The chapter starts with:

It is often useful in Prolog to collect all the solutions to a goal in a single datastructure. Doing so lets you convert backtracking to iteration, and gets around the most serious problem with backtracking as a control structure: namely that it is very difficult (and should be) to pass information from one "iteration" of a backtracking control structure to the next.

ISO/IEC 13211-1 (1995 version)

  • The page for the standard at ISO (pricing itself out of the market at CHF 200 instead of more like CHF 10 which would probably bring in more coin overall 🤔)

findall/3 is described in the Prolog ISO standard in a short section on page 82 as follows:

findall (Template, Goal, Instances) is true iff Instances unifies with the list of values to which a variable X not occurring in Template or Goal [i.e. a fresh variable] would be instantiated by successive re-executions of call(Goal), X=Template after systematic replacement of all variables in X by new variables.

That's excessively obscure, although it is followed by a pseudocode description. It's all "operational semantics" though.

Some examples for findall/3

In the following text, parameter names shall be given by findall(+Template, :Goal, -Bag)

The mode indicators are as follows (text from Notation of Predicate Descriptions):

  • + "At call time, the argument must be instantiated to a term satisfying some (informal) type specification. The argument need not necessarily be ground." In this case Template need just be some (probably nonground) term, probably simply an unbound variable, and probably sharing variables with Goal.
  • : "Argument is a meta-argument, for example a term that can be called as goal."
  • - "Argument is an output argument. It may or may not be bound at call-time. If the argument is bound at call time, the goal behaves as if the argument were unbound, and then unified with that term after the goal succeeds. This is what is called being steadfast".

Standard behaviour

member/2 can be used as a generic example of a backtrackable predicate.


Bag = [1, 2, 3].

The bag is not a set - it retains duplicates. It also preserves the order of the generated solutions:


Bag = [3, 2, 1, 3, 2, 1].

The bagged terms need not have to do anything with the goal solutions. Here we just collect true atoms. Quite boring:


Bag = [true, true, true].

Contrariwise, the bagged terms can be complex terms constructed from the goal solutions:


Bag = [found(1, 3), found(1, 4), found(2, 3), found(2, 4)].

If the goal becomes hard to read, better de-inline it into a separate predicate:

subgoal(found(X,Y)) :- member(X,[1,2]),member(Y,[3,4]).



Bag = [found(1, 3), found(1, 4), found(2, 3), found(2, 4)].

This gives you the great advantage that you can call the subgoal separately:


F = found(1, 3) ;
F = found(1, 4) ;
F = found(2, 3) ;
F = found(2, 4).

Bad style warning



X = [1, 2, 3].

is allowed but bad style. The same variable name X appears in two distinct roles, in two distinct contexts.

What we are asking is:

the sequence of X such_that member(X,[1,2,3]) is true

and the result is just put into a the bag which happens to be called X. The first two X appear in a "goal context". The X designating the bag has nothing to do with it!

This should be caught by a Prolog code linter.

Jan Wielemaker writes:

It is just that findall/3 first uses the first argument and the goal, backtracking over all solutions. In the end, the first argument is unchanged (i.e., still a variable if it was one to begin with) and thus we can reuse it for the second stage (collecting the answers). It is not wrong. It should be considered bad style. Not much different that reusing a variable in imperative coding for two totally different purposes instead of introducing a new variable and assume that the compiler reuses the same location if the scopes do not overlap (and even if not, the damage is really small). So yes, a linter issue.

In "The Craft of Prolog", Richard O'Keefe writes on page 363 (Chapter 11.6: "findall/3 reconsidered"):

The Template may be a single variable, or it may be any term at all containing any number of variables, even none. Variables in the Template should be viewed as quantified variables. It is very bad style to use those variables anywhere else in the clause. Just as negation as failure leaves any variables in the goal unbound at the end of the day, so does findall/3 leave every variable in the Template or Enumerator unbound after it has finished.

What if there is no solution for the subgoal?

bagof/3 and also setof/3 fail if there are no solutions for the subgoal:





Unlike the above findall/3 succeeds with an empty Bag if there is no solutions:


Bag = [].


Bag = [].

At first sight, this looks user friendly and indeed is what one is used to from imperative programming. A non-null but empty list? Nothing special.

And indeed, when we are in the Prolog program parts that are all about deterministic computation where we want to press on and avoid failure (e.g. getting input from somewhere) this behaviour is acceptable, even desired.

However, when we are in the Prolog program parts that are about search, logic and modeling, things are not so rosy. findall/3 succeeds in all cases, independently of any success or failure of the subgoal. One can only induce failure by giving it an instantiated Bag that doesn't unify with the Bag of actually collected Template instances. So if there is no proof of the subgoal at all findall/3 is vacuously true: all elements of [] are indeed a solution of the subgoal. This is not "logical behaviour" supporting search: we do want failure: a predicate is supposed to fail if there is no proof of any subgoal so that new sectors of the domain can be explored by backtracking to previous predicate activations.

One can actually implement the nonlogical negation-as-failure construct by using findall/3's "succeed even on failure" approach: check whether the resulting Bag is [] (see the end of this page).

However, one may recover logically-acceptable behaviour by following up with a comparison against [] (we don't even need to use if-then-else

For example (how do I generalize this to arbitrary (Template,Subgoal) pairs?):

foo(1) :- write("Called 1\n").
foo(2) :- write("Called 2\n").
findall_which_fails(Bag,M) :- findall(X,(foo(X),X>M),Bag), Bag \== [].



Called 1
Called 2
Bag = [1, 2].


Called 1
Called 2
Bag = [2].


Called 1
Called 2

findall/3 always generates all solutions of subgoal, irrespective of the size of Bag

Generally one passes a Bag that is an unbound variable. findall/3 will then unify Bag with the list of solutions collected once the collection is done. This behaviour is according to ISO standard specification.

(and is also indicated by the mode indicator - of the third parameter, maybe? not sure here).

findall(X,(between(0,4,X),format("Found ~q\n",[X])),Bag).

Found 0
Found 1
Found 2
Found 3
Found 4
Bag = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4].

findall/3, similar to bagof/3 and setof/3 is not limited by any initially set length of Bag. The findall/3 call fails only if the final unification fails. All the calls to subgoals are performed.

Here we give it a Bag of 5 fresh variables to fill with solutions from a Goal that "redoes" forever. findall/3 does not care and goes on ... forever! Even thought it does have the information that it could stop at the 6th solution.


ERROR: Stack limit (1.0Gb) exceeded

Similarly, if Bag is too small or too large, findall/3 will collect all subgoal solutions, and then fail at unifying those with Bag:

findall(X,(between(0,4,X),format("Found ~q\n",[X])),[A0,A1,A2]).

Found 0
Found 1
Found 2
Found 3
Found 4

findall(X,(between(0,4,X),format("Found ~q\n",[X])),[A0,A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,A7,A8,A9]).

Found 0
Found 1
Found 2
Found 3
Found 4

Similarly, if the Bag may fit but be non-unifiable in the end:

findall(X,(between(0,4,X),format("Found ~q\n",[X])),[A0,A1,A2,A3,A4]).

Found 0
Found 1
Found 2
Found 3
Found 4
A0 = 0,
A1 = 1,
A2 = 2,
A3 = 3,
A4 = 4.

findall(X,(between(0,4,X),format("Found ~q\n",[X])),[A0,0,0,0,A4]).

Found 0
Found 1
Found 2
Found 3
Found 4

The above also applies to bagof/3 and setof/3

There is space in the market for a findall_cautious/3 which checks before/after each call to Goal whether it will be able to unify the new element with the current position in Bag and thus is able to fail early (due to Bag running out of space or having a value at some position that does not unify). In fact, there could even be a findall_overflow/4 which generates a Continuation that can be called for more solutions if the Bag turns out to be too small after all. To your editors!

(Is demanding steadfastness from a predicate, as the ISO standard demands of findall/3, necessarily reasonable? Predicates could well "fail fast" with the full information that can be obtained from the arguments they have been given. If one absolutely wants steadfastness, one can always pass an unbound variable (which gives nothing away) at the parameter position marked - and unify that with a not-full-unbound/possibly ground term afterwards. Update: 'steadfastness' apparently has a slightly different meaning than what I thought .. to be reviewed!)

Edge case: bad Bag

Edge case: findall/3 accepts a non-list Bag instead of throwing a type error. Might be useful to fix that. In the first case below, the unification fails trivially, in the second, it loops forever:




ERROR: Stack limit (1.0Gb) exceeded

findall/3 has no "caret syntax" to existentially quantify variables

findall/3 does not have a special syntax to indicate which variables in Goal should be "shielded off" (existentially quantified) from the namespace of variables existing outside of Goal.

With the database


bagof/3 without caret

With bagof/3:


Y = 1,
Bag = [a, b] ;
Y = 2,
Bag = [c, d].
  • The first call to the subgoal f(X,Y) fixes Y to 1.
  • Then bagof/3 runs to completion with the constraing Y=1, resulting in the bag [a, b].
  • Thus the whole toplevel goal succeeds.
  • If the user asks for more solutions with :...
  • Prolog backtracks over bagof/3.
  • The the second call to the subgoal f(X,Y) fixes Y to 2 (that's pretty magical, actually; Prolog retains what solutions have been generated?)
  • Then bagof/3 runs to completion with the constraing Y=2, resulting in the bag [c, d].

What we are asking for is:

the sequence of (Y,Bag) such that : Y exists and Bag is the sequence of X such that : f(X,Y) is true

This works even if the database has a different order, no solutions are lost:



Y = 1,
Bag = [a, b] ;
Y = 2,
Bag = [d, c].

(Not sure how this is done though).

bagof/3 with caret

Conversely, you can tell bagof/3 to internally backtrack over Y, by "existentially quantifying Y" with Y^, thus separating it from any connection to a namespace outside of the inner goal:

With the same database:


Bag = [a, b, c, d].

What we are asking for is:

the sequence Bag of X such that : there is some Y such that : f(X,Y) is true

This is the same as de-inlining the inner goal like this:

subgoal(X) :- f(X,_).


Bag = [a, b, c, d].

bagof/3 with ineffective caret

However, if Y is bound prior to call to bagof/3, the existential quantification of Y by a Y^ might as well not exist. This is frankly unexpected and IMHO, should not be handled like this:


Y = 2,
Bag = [c, d].

the sequence of (Y,Bag) such that : Y == 2 and Bag is the sequence of X such that : f(X,Y) is true

The value to which Y is bound is visble in the subgoal.

findall/3 always behaves like the "existentially quantified" bagof/3


Bag = [a, b, c, d].

the sequence Bag of X such that : there is some Y such that : f(X,Y) is true

The same phenomenon as for bagof/3 occurs if a variable is bound before the call (this looks correct, unlike for bagof/3 where the ^ muddies the water)


Y = 2,
Bag = [c, d].

the sequence of (Y,Bag) such that : Y == 2 and Bag is the sequence of X such that : f(X,Y) is true

Beware the copying of unbound variables

Note that if the findall/3 subgoal emits variables, these are not the same variables as those that can be found in Bag. Those in Bag are fresh, they denote different empty cells in memory.


Bag = [_26582, _26576, _26570].         % The solution contains fresh variables, not A,B,C

More involved:

subgoal_p(X,L) :-
   format("X is now ~q\n",[X]).
L=[A,B,C],format("L is now: ~q\n",[L]),findall(X,subgoal_p(X,L),Bag).

L is now: [_8208,_8214,_8220]    % fresh variables in L
X is now _8208                   % the fresh variable at L[0] is correctly seen by subgoal_p/2
X is now _8214                   % the fresh variable at L[0] is correctly seen by subgoal_p/2
X is now _8220                   % the fresh variable at L[0] is correctly seen by subgoal_p/2 
L = [A, B, C],                 
Bag = [_9222, _9216, _9210].     % none of the variables of L is in Bag

More practical, changing L after findall/3 doesn't change Bag:


X is now _14416
X is now _14422
X is now _14428
L = [1, 2, 3],
A = 1,
B = 2,
C = 3,
Bag = [_15438, _15432, _15426].

You cannot transparently "look for variables" that way.

Will constraints be retained?

The following has been tested in SWI-Prolog 8.3. Other Prologs may differ. In particular, SICStus seems to drop the constraints on copied variables.

Will constraints on unbound variables be retained if they are copied to a bag via findall/3? Yes (at least in SWI-Prolog).


:- use_module(library(clpfd)).

constrain(X,Y,Z) :- 
   (0 #=< X, X #< Y, Y #< Z, Z #=< 3).

Then, without passing the unbound variables in the constraint through a findall/3 copy&mangle operation:


X = 0,
Y = 1,
Z = 2 ;
X = 0,
Y = 1,
Z = 3 ;
X = 0,
Y = 2,
Z = 3 ;
X = 1,
Y = 2,
Z = 3.

or, collecting all solutions, actually using findall/3 to do that:

constrain(X,Y,Z),findall([X,Y,Z], label([X,Y,Z]), All).

All = [[0, 1, 2], [0, 1, 3], [0, 2, 3], [1, 2, 3]],  <--- all collected solutions
X in 0..1,  <--- residual constraints on unlabled X,Y,Z
X#=<Y+ -1,
Y in 1..2,
Y#=<Z+ -1,
Z in 2..3.

Note that "residual constraints" are printed (I don't know whether that's the official term, but it sounds reasonable to call them that, in analogy to the "residual goals" of dif/2 and family: constraints that have not been resolved yet, indicating that you should make doubly sure that the program's success is due to actual success or rank optimism). The residual constraints are relative to the original X, Y, Z, which remain "unprocessed".

Pleasingly, the above also works if the variables are first copied via findall/3

First, a SWI-Prolog specific item: we want to see the result term printed in full.



findall(K,member(K,[X,Y,Z]),L),  % copy variables into L, creating fresh variables
label(L).                        % label the fresh variables
L = [0, 1, 2],   <--- a solution for L
X in 0..1,       <--- residual constraints on unlabled X,Y,Z
X#=<Y+ -1,
Y in 1..2,
Y#=<Z+ -1,
Z in 2..3 ;      <--- more?
L = [0, 1, 3],   <--- another solution for L
X in 0..1,       <--- residual constraints on unlabled X,Y,Z
X#=<Y+ -1,
Y in 1..2,
Y#=<Z+ -1,
Z in 2..3 ;      <--- more? 


Gotta collect them all using, yes, findall/3. Note that for some reason the numbervars(3) notation is not resolved (i.e. there is a write_term/2 somehwere which is not called with option numbervars(true)).

findall(K,member(K,[X,Y,Z]),L),  % copy variables into L, creating fresh variables
findall(L, label(L), All).       % label whatever is in L now repeatedly, collecting solutions
L = [_59552,_59558,_59564],         <--- L has been left a list of unbound variables
All = [[0,1,2],[0,1,3],             <--- The solutions have been collected in All
X in 0..1,                          <--- residual constraints on unlabled X,Y,Z
X#=<Y+ -1,
Y in 1..2,
Y#=<Z+ -1,
Z in 2..3,
_18648 in 2..3,                     <--- residual constraints on variables left unused due to copying
_19014#=<_18648+ -1,
_19014 in 1..2,
_19062#=<_19014+ -1,
_19062 in 0..1,
_18642 in 1..2,
_18642#=<_19140+ -1,
_19158#=<_18642+ -1,
_19140 in 2..3,
_19158 in 0..1,
_18636 in 0..1,
_18636#=<_19260+ -1,
_19260 in 1..2,
_19260#=<_19308+ -1,
_19308 in 2..3.

Will variable attributes be retained?

As constraints are retained, it is not surprising that unbound variable attributes are retained, too (see )

Consider the example code for setting an getting an attribute holding a list of allowed values (i.e. the domain of the variable):

Let's load the above file and see:



enum_domain_set(X, [foo,bar,baz], set), 
findall(K,member(K,[X]),[FreshX]) , 
enum_domain_get(FreshX, L).
L = [bar, baz, foo],                   <--- the attribute is there on the fresh variable
enum_domain(X, bar, baz, foo),         <--- residual attributes are printed out
enum_domain(FreshX, bar, baz, foo).

A direct test: set the variable to a value not in the domain.

enum_domain_set(X, [foo,bar,baz], set), 
findall(K,member(K,[X]),[FreshX]) , 
FreshX = notallowed.

% enum_domain:attr_unify_hook called with ATTV = [bar,baz,foo], PUV = notallowed, attributes(PUV) = none
% enum_domain:attr_unify_hook fails


Beware the reuse of variable names

This has been discussed above, but to reiterate:

bagit(X,Bag)        :- bagof(X,member(X,[1,2,3]),Bag).    % There is a messy variable name clash here

findit(X,Bag)       :- findall(X,member(X,[1,2,3]),Bag).  % There is a messy variable name clash here

bagit_caret(X,Bag)  :- bagof(X,X^member(X,[1,2,3]),Bag).  % There is STILL a messy variable name clash here

findit_solid(_,Bag) :- findit_name_isolate(Bag).          % Let's fix this!

findit_name_isolate(Bag) :- 
bagit_solid(_,Bag)  :- bagit_name_isolate(Bag).           % Let's fix this!

bagit_name_isolate(Bag) :- 


bagit/2 and findit/2 have the same problem: they only work correctly if X is unbound.


Bag = [1, 2, 3].




Bag = [1].

Bag = [1, 2, 3].


Bag = [].


Bag = [1].

Using the caret doesn't help:


Bag = [1, 2, 3].




Bag = [1].

Only isolation works:


Bag = [1, 2, 3].


Bag = [1, 2, 3].


Bag = [1, 2, 3].

Bag = [1, 2, 3].


Bag = [1, 2, 3].


Bag = [1, 2, 3].

Unkosher usage

Via Peter Ludemann:

Construct \+

Using the fact that the Bag of findall/3 is unified with the empty list if its Goal fails, we can implement a findall/3-based version of the (non-logical) negation-as-failure:

another_not(Goal) :- findall(., Goal, []).






Construct var/1

Remember that var/1 asks whether the argument is an unbound variable at call time (it's not logic, it's a question about the state of the computation, and it should have been called unbound/1):

another_var(X) :- findall(_, (X=a; X=b), [_,_]).




This works because:

  • only a unbound variable can successively unify with a and b, giving exactly solutions. Consider a debugging extension:
  • the X in the Goal of findall/3 is the X from the outside naming context, it is not "shadowed" by using X as the template (confusing? yes!).

Consider the debugging version:

another_var(X,[U,V]) :- findall(_, ((X=a,write("unif(a)\n")); (X=b,write("unif(b)\n"))), [U,V]).









U = a,
V = b.

This phenomenon is discussed in "Negation and Control in Prolog" by Lee Naish, 1985 on page 13: Declarative Semantics

If the convention of findall is used to determine what variables are local, then it is generally not possible to determine what relation is computed from the program text. The semantics of the call depends on which variables are local - and this depends on the variable bindings when the call is executed. For example, the var predicate can be defined as follows:

var(X) :- findall(_,(X=1;X=2),[_,_]).

If X is a [unbound] variable when var(X) is called, it will be treated as a local variable. Two solutions to the goal ∃X (X=1 ⋁ X=2) are found and var(X) succeeds. If X is not a variable, however, it acts as a global variable and the goal has one solution at most, so the call fails. Declarative semantics can be given only if it is known exactly which variables will be bound at the time of the call. Variables that appear only in the call to solutions cannot be bound, but the bindings of other variables depend on the order of calls. Calls to all can be made safe by explicitly declaring all these variables to be global.

With setof, etc., local variables can be determined from the program text so the semantics are clear. However, if local variables appear outside the call they may become bound and change the setof call. Ensuring that variables declared to be local are indeed local should be done when a program is read. Unfortunately, current implementations do not do this.

Rather disconcertingly, this is still the case 35 years later.

Some notes on history

  • 1978: The "User's Guide to DECSystem-10 Prolog" (Luis Moniz Pereira, Fernando Pereira, David Warren - October 1978) (PDF) lists neither of the all-solution predicates yet.
  • 1982: David Warren introduces setof/3 in "Higher-order extensions to PROLOG: are they needed?" This paper can be found in Hayes, J. E., Michie, D., and Pao, Y.-H. (Eds.), Machine Intelligence 10, 1982. Ellis Horwood. (Online at AAAI AITopics). See also the Papers section of the page Prolog and Logic Programming Historical Sources Archive at the Computer History Museum.
  • 1984: The findall/3 predicate can be found in Prolog II.
  • 1984: The CProlog User's Manual V1.2 (edited by Fernando Pereira - September 1984) (PDF) lists bagof/3 and setof/3 but not findall/3.

Excerpt from "Higher-order extensions to PROLOG: are they needed?" by David Warren

In "Higher-order extensions to PROLOG: are they needed?" (1982) David Warren writes:

I believe it is possible to replace these ad hoc solutions with a single more principled extension to PROLOG, which preserves the "declarative" aspect of the language. This extension has already been incorporated in the latest version of DEC-10 PROLOG. The implementation is essentially an encapsulation of the standard hack in a more general and robust form.

The extension takes the form of a new built-in predicate:


to be read as:

"The set of instances of X such that P is provable is S".

The term P represents a goal or goals, specified exactly as in the right-hand side of a clause. The term X is a variable occurring in P, or more generally any term containing such variables. The set S is represented as a list whose elements are sorted into a standard order, without any duplicates.

Excerpt from "Negation and Control in Prolog" by Lee Naish

In "Negation and Control in Prolog" (1985), on page 12, Lee Naish lists implementations of "collection predicates" that existed at that time: Implementations

Many all-solutions predicates have been implemented. In this section we describe a selection of them, concentrating of the differences with the solutions predicate we have described so far.


This is one of the simplest implementations, defined in PROLOG in [Clocksin 84: "Programming in Prolog, 2nd edition"]. The main difference between findall and solutions is the way local variables are distinguished. All variables which are unbound at the time of the call are treated as local. This ensures that calls to findall are deterministic.


The behaviour of collect [Kahn 84: "A Primitive for the Control of Logic Program"] is the same as findall except that it has features which permit more flexible control of the execution. The solutions can be computed in a lazy, as needed, fashion or eagerly, using a separate process.


This implementation is given in [Pereira 81: "All Solutions"] and also uses the same default as findall for local variables, but it can be overridden. Using a goal of the form Goal same Global_vars, forces variables in the term Global_vars to be global. Empty lists of solutions are never returned; all just falls in this case. One version of this predicate also removes duplicates from the list of solutions. If two solutions can be unified, only the result (sometimes less general) is put in the list of solutions.


This is provided in DEC-10 PROLOG [Bowen 82: "DECSystem-10 Prolog User's Manual"] and has the convention for declaring local variables we have adopted for solutions. Like all, bagof falls if there are no solutions to the goal.


Setof [Warren 82: "Higher-Order Extensions to Prolog: Are They Needed?"] is the same as bagof except that the list of solutions is sorted and duplicates are removed. Unlike all, the most general solutions are retained.


This is available as part of the LM-PROLOG's "DEC-10 compatibility package" [Carlsson 83: "LM-Prolog User Manual"], and is intended to be equivalent to bagof. However, according to our reading of the manual, the treatment of local variables is similar to all, rather than bagof.


This is the same as quantified-bag-of, except that duplicates are removed.

Set Expressions

In IC-PROLOG's set expressions [Clark 80: "IC-Prolog - Language Features"], variables that only occur within the set expression are considered local, and the others are global. If a proof of the goal is found in which a global variable is bound, the execution terminates with a control error. Set expression (and some variants) have also been incorporated in some parallel logic programming languages, such as Parlog [Clark 83a: "PARLOG: A Paralel Logic Programming Language"]. These languages are beyond the scope of this thesis.


Rather than return a list, this proposed predicatet returns a set of solutions. Sets must be implemented as a primitive data type of PROLOG.