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sven1977 committed Dec 17, 2017
1 parent 0ff36b0 commit 94198ec
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Showing 61 changed files with 357 additions and 5,608 deletions.
414 changes: 51 additions & 363 deletions Plugins/Engine2Learn/Scripts/

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305 changes: 305 additions & 0 deletions Plugins/Engine2Learn/Scripts/
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@@ -0,0 +1,305 @@
engine2learn -
Utility functions for the server-side environment script.
created: 2017/12/17 in PyCharm
(c) 2017 Sven - ducandu GmbH

import unreal_engine as ue
from unreal_engine.classes import E2LObserver, GameplayStatics, CameraComponent, InputSettings, SceneCaptureComponent2D
import numpy as np
import re

# TODO: global observation_dict (init only once, then write to it in place) to save on garbage collection runs
_OBS_DICT = {}

# search for the currently running world
def get_playing_world():
UE4 world types:
None=0, Game=1, Editor=2, PIE=3, EditorPreview=4, GamePreview=5, Inactive=6
:return: Returns the currently playing UE4 world.Returns the currently playing UE4 world.
Returns the first world within all worlds that is either a Game OR and PIE (play in editor) world.
:rtype: UnrealEnginePython UWorld
#pydevd.settrace("localhost", port=20023, stdoutToServer=True, stderrToServer=True) # DEBUG

playing_world = None
for world in ue.all_worlds():
if world.get_world_type() in (1, 3): # game or pie
playing_world = world
return playing_world

def get_child_component(component, component_class):
for child in component.AttachChildren:
if child.is_a(component_class):
return child
return None

async def pause_game():
Pauses the game.
playing_world = get_playing_world()
if not playing_world:
return {"status": "error", "message": "No playing world!"}

# check whether game is already paused
is_paused = GameplayStatics.IsGamePaused(playing_world)
ue.log("pausing the game (is paused={})".format(is_paused))
#if is_paused:
# GameplayStatics.SetGamePaused(playing_world, False)
# #playing_world.world_tick(1/600.0, True) # mini tick?
if not is_paused:
success = GameplayStatics.SetGamePaused(playing_world, True)
if not success:
ue.log("->WARNING: Game could not be paused!")

def sanity_check_observer(observer, playing_world):
obs_name = observer.get_name()
# the observer could be destroyed
if not observer.is_valid():
# ue.log("Observer {} not valid".format(obs_name))
return None, None
if not observer.has_world():
# ue.log("Observer {} has no world".format(obs_name))
return None, None
# observer lives in another world
if playing_world is not None and observer.get_world() != playing_world:
# ue.log("Observer {} lives in non-live world ({}) (playing-world={})".format(obs_name, observer.get_world(), playing_world))
return None, None
# get the observer's parent and name
return observer.GetAttachParent(), obs_name

def get_scene_capture_and_texture(parent, obs_name, width=84, height=84):
Adds a SceneCapture2DComponent to some parent camera object so we can capture the pixels for this camera view.
Then captures the image, renders it on the render target of the scene capture and returns the image as a numpy array.
:param uobject parent: The parent camera/scene-capture actor/component to which the new SceneCapture2DComponent needs to be attached
or for which the render target has to be created and/or returned
:param str obs_name: The name of the observer component.
:param int width: The width (in px) to use for the render target.
:param int height: The height (in px) to use for the render target.
:return: numpy array containing the pixel values (0-255) of the captured image
:rtype: np.ndarray

texture = None # the texture object to use for getting the image

if parent.is_a(SceneCaptureComponent2D):
scene_capture = parent
texture = parent.TextureTarget
elif parent.is_a(CameraComponent):
scene_capture = get_child_component(parent, SceneCaptureComponent2D)
if scene_capture:
texture = scene_capture.TextureTarget
scene_capture = parent.get_owner().add_actor_component(SceneCaptureComponent2D, "Engine2LearnScreenCapture", parent)
scene_capture.bCaptureEveryFrame = False
scene_capture.bCaptureOnMovement = False
# error -> return nothing
raise RuntimeError("Observer {} has bScreenCapture set to true, but is not a child of either a Camera or a SceneCapture2D!".format(obs_name))

if not texture:
# TODO: setup camera transform and options (greyscale, etc..)
texture = scene_capture.TextureTarget = ue.create_transient_texture_render_target2d(width, height)
ue.log("DEBUG: scene capture is created in get_scene_image texture={}".format(scene_capture.TextureTarget))

return scene_capture, texture

def get_scene_capture_image(scene_capture, texture):
Takes a snapshot through a SceneCapture2DComponent and its Texture target and returns the image as a numpy array.
:param uobject scene_capture: The SceneCapture2DComponent uobject.
:param uobject texture: The TextureTarget uobject.
:return: numpy array containing the pixel values (0-255) of the captured image
:rtype: np.ndarray
# TODO: find out why image is not real-color (doesn't seem to be RGB encoded)
# trigger the scene capture
# TODO: copy the bytes into the same memory location each time to avoid garbage collection
byte_string = bytes(texture.render_target_get_data()) # use render_target_get_data_to_buffer(data, [mipmap]?) instead
np_array = np.frombuffer(byte_string, dtype=np.uint8) # convert to pixel values (0-255 uint8)
img = np_array.reshape((texture.SizeX, texture.SizeY, 4))[:, :, :3] # slice away alpha value

return img

def compile_obs_dict(reward=None):
Compiles the current observations (based on all active E2LObservers) into a dictionary that is returned to the UE4Env object's reset/step/... methods.
:param Union[float,None] reward: The absolute global accumulated reward value to set (mostly used to reset everything to 0 after a new episode is started).
:returns: The obs_dict as a python dict (ready to be sent back to the client).
:rtype: dict
global _REWARD

playing_world = get_playing_world()
r = 0.0
is_terminal = False
if reward is not None:
_REWARD = reward

#pydevd.settrace("localhost", port=20023, stdoutToServer=True, stderrToServer=True) # DEBUG

for observer in E2LObserver.GetRegisteredObservers():
parent, obs_name = sanity_check_observer(observer, playing_world)
if not parent:
# the reward observer
elif obs_name == "_reward":
if len(observer.ObservedProperties) != 1:
return {"status": "error", "message": "Reward-observer {} has 0 or more than 1 property!".format(obs_name)}
observed_prop = observer.ObservedProperties[0]
prop_name = observed_prop.PropName
if not parent.has_property(prop_name):
return {"status": "error", "message": "Reward-property {} is not a property of parent ({})!".format(prop_name, parent)}
r = parent.get_property(prop_name)[0] # FOR NOW: use x-Location as reward (bad, but we need 20tab to add this functionality)
# the is_terminal observer
elif obs_name == "_is_terminal":
if len(observer.ObservedProperties) != 1:
return {"status": "error", "message": "IsTerminal-observer {} has 0 or more than 1 property!".format(obs_name)}
observed_prop = observer.ObservedProperties[0]
prop_name = observed_prop.PropName
if not parent.has_property(prop_name):
return {"status": "error", "message": "IsTerminal-property {} is not a property of parent ({})!".format(prop_name, parent)}
is_terminal = (parent.get_property(prop_name)[0] > 0.0) # FOR NOW: use Rotation: x > 0 as is_terminal signal
# normal (non-reward/non-is_terminal) observer
# this observer returns a camera image
if observer.bScreenCapture:
scene_capture, texture = get_scene_capture_and_texture(parent, obs_name)
except RuntimeError as e:
return {"status": "error", "message": "{}".format(e)}
img = get_scene_capture_image(scene_capture, texture)
_OBS_DICT[obs_name + "/camera"] = img

for observed_prop in observer.ObservedProperties:
if not observed_prop.bEnabled:
prop_name = observed_prop.PropName
if not parent.has_property(prop_name):

prop = parent.get_property(prop_name)
type_ = type(prop)
if type_ == ue.FVector or type_ == ue.FRotator:
value = (prop[0], prop[1], prop[2])
elif type_ == ue.UObject:
value = str(prop)
elif type_ == bool or type_ == int or type_ == float:
value = prop
return {"status": "error", "message": "Observed property {} has an unsupported type ({})".format(prop_name, type_)}

_OBS_DICT[obs_name+"/"+prop_name] = value

# update global total reward counter
prev_reward = _REWARD
message = {"status": "ok", "obs_dict": _OBS_DICT, "_reward": (r - prev_reward), "_is_terminal": is_terminal}
return message

def get_spec():
Returns the observation_space (observers) and action_space (action- and axis-mappings) of the Game as a dict with keys:
`observation_space` and `action_space`
# auto_texture_size = (84, 84) # the default size of SceneCapture2D components automatically added to a camera

playing_world = get_playing_world()

# build the action_space descriptor
action_space_desc = {}
input_ = ue.get_mutable_default(InputSettings)
# go through all action mappings
# TODO: FOR NOW: ignore all non-keyboard mappings for simplicity. Later, we will have to create a tick box to specify which actions should be sent to ML
for action in input_.ActionMappings:
if'Gamepad|Mouse|Thumbstick', action.Key.KeyName):
if action.ActionName not in action_space_desc:
action_space_desc[action.ActionName] = {"type": "action", "keys": [action.Key.KeyName]}
for axis in input_.AxisMappings:
if'Gamepad|Mouse|Thumbstick', axis.Key.KeyName):
if axis.AxisName not in action_space_desc:
action_space_desc[axis.AxisName] = {"type": "axis", "keys": [(axis.Key.KeyName, axis.Scale)]}
action_space_desc[axis.AxisName]["keys"].append((axis.Key.KeyName, axis.Scale))
ue.log("action_space_desc: {}".format(action_space_desc))

#pydevd.settrace("localhost", port=20023, stdoutToServer=True, stderrToServer=True) # DEBUG

# build the observation_space descriptor
observation_space_desc = {}
for observer in E2LObserver.GetRegisteredObservers():
parent, obs_name = sanity_check_observer(observer, playing_world)
# ignore reward observer and is-terminal observer
if not parent or obs_name == "_reward" or obs_name == "_is_terminal":

# ue.log("DEBUG: get_spec observer {}".format(obs_name))

# this observer returns a camera image
if observer.bScreenCapture:
_, texture = get_scene_capture_and_texture(parent, obs_name)
except RuntimeError as e:
return {"status": "error", "message": "{}".format(e)}
observation_space_desc[obs_name+"/camera"] = {"type": "IntBox", "shape": (texture.SizeX, texture.SizeY, 3), "min": 0, "max": 255}

# go through non-camera/capture properties that need to be observed by this Observer
for observed_prop in observer.ObservedProperties:
if not observed_prop.bEnabled:
prop_name = observed_prop.PropName
if not parent.has_property(prop_name):

type_ = type(parent.get_property(prop_name))
if type_ == ue.FVector or type_ == ue.FRotator:
desc = {"type": "Continuous", "shape": (3,)} # no min/max -> will be derived from samples
elif type_ == ue.UObject:
desc = {"type": "str"}
elif type_ == bool:
desc = {"type": "Bool"}
elif type_ == float:
desc = {"type": "Continuous", "shape": (1,)}
elif type_ == int:
desc = {"type": "IntBox", "shape": (1,)}
return {"status": "error", "message": "Observed property {} has an unsupported type ({})".format(prop_name, type_)}

observation_space_desc[obs_name+"/"+prop_name] = desc

# ue.log("observation_space_desc: {}".format(observation_space_desc))

return {"status": "ok", "action_space_desc": action_space_desc, "observation_space_desc": observation_space_desc}
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Vagrantfile
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ Vagrant.configure("2") do |config|
# the path on the host to the actual folder. The second argument is
# the path on the guest to mount the folder. And the optional third
# argument is a set of non-required options.
# config.vm.synced_folder "../data", "/vagrant_data"
config.vm.synced_folder "../tensorforce", "/tensorforce"

# Provider-specific configuration so you can fine-tune various
# backing providers for Vagrant. These expose provider-specific options.
Expand Down
19 changes: 0 additions & 19 deletions engine2learn/

This file was deleted.

17 changes: 0 additions & 17 deletions engine2learn/algos/

This file was deleted.

30 changes: 0 additions & 30 deletions engine2learn/algos/

This file was deleted.

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