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File metadata and controls

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Why mirai?


Above all, mirai aims to make asynchronous code modular. The result of this is code that looks not unlike synchronous code -- perhaps even cleaner. I'll illustrate with a simple example.

A common use case for multithreading is when your code is IO-bound. For example, the following code fetches a set of webpages within a timeout, then ranks them according to fetch time.

import time

from mirai import Promise
import requests

def fetch(url):
  start    = time.time()
  response = requests.get(url)
  return (time.time() - start, url)

def fetch_within(url, timeout):
  return (, url)
    .handle(lambda e: (float('inf'), url))

def fetch_times(urls, timeout):
  promises = [ fetch_within(url, timeout) for url in urls ]
  return sorted(Promise.collect(promises).get())

In total, we have 24 lines. Notice that exception handling is done independent of time calculation, and that there's no need to think about locking or queues.

Why not threading?

threading is Python's low-level library for multithreaded code. It's extremely scant in its offering and requires significant attention to locking, timing, and racing threads, obscuring the program's actual intent. The following 48(!) lines implement equivalent logic, employing a Queue to pass information between threads,

from Queue import Queue
from threading import Thread, Timer, Lock
import time

import requests

class FetchThread(Thread):

  def __init__(self, url, queue, timeout):
    super(FetchThread, self).__init__()
    self.url       = url
    self.queue     = queue
    self.timeout   = timeout
    self.lock      = Lock()
    self.submitted = False

  def run(self):
    timer = Timer(self.timeout, self._submit, args=(float('inf'),))

    start = time.time()
      response = requests.get(self.url)
      self._submit( time.time() - start )
    except Exception as e:

  def _submit(self, elapsed):
    with self.lock:
      if not self.submitted:
        self.submitted = True
        self.queue.put( (elapsed, self.url) )

def fetch_async(url, queue, timeout):
  thread = FetchThread(url, queue, timeout)
  return thread

def fetch_times(urls, timeout):
  queue = Queue()
  threads = [fetch_async(url, queue, timeout=timeout) for url in urls]
  [thread.join() for thread in threads]

  return sorted([queue.get() for url in urls])

Why not concurrent.futures?

concurrent.futures is the new asynchronous computation library added to Python's standard library in version 3.2. While the library offers the same core benefits of mirai, it lacks the method-chaining additions that make working with futures a breeze. The following 27 lines of code illustrate the same logic,

from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor, wait
import time

import requests

EXECUTOR = ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=10)

def fetch_sync(url):
    start    = time.time()
      response = requests.get(url)
      return (time.time() - start, url)
    except Exception as e:
      return (float('inf'), url)

def fetch_times(urls, timeout):
  threads = [EXECUTOR.submit(fetch_sync, url) for url in urls]
  complete, incomplete = wait(threads, timeout=timeout)
  results = [future.result() for future in complete]
  result_urls = set(r[1] for r in results)
  for url in urls:
    if url not in result_urls:
      results.append( (float('inf'), url) )
  return sorted(results)

Why not multiprocessing?

multiprocessing and mirai actually achieve different things and actually have very little overlap. Whereas mirai is designed to speed up IO-bound code, whereas multiprocessing is designed to speed up CPU-bound code. If the latter sounds more like what you're looking for, mirai cannot help you! as it still bound by the GIL. Instead, you should take a look at multiprocessing, celery, or joblib.

Why not gevent?

gevent replaces Python's default threads with "greenlets" managed by libev. The value in using gevent is that one can generate thousands of greenlets and still maintain a performant asynchronous system. Used directly, gevent is not dissimilar from concurrent.futures, but does require more work to compose results. The following 28 lines of code illustrate.

from gevent.monkey import patch_all; patch_all()

import gevent
import time

import requests

def fetch_sync(url):
    start    = time.time()
      response = requests.get(url)
      return (time.time() - start, url)
    except Exception as e:
      return (float('inf'), url)

def fetch_times(urls, timeout):
  threads  = [gevent.spawn(fetch_sync, url) for url in urls]
  gevent.joinall(threads, timeout=timeout)
  results = []
  for (url, thread) in zip(urls, threads):
      results.append( thread.get(timeout=0) )
    except gevent.Timeout:
      results.append( (float('inf'), url) )
  return sorted(results)

"But gevent uses libev, which is way more scalable than any of the other alternatives, including mirai!" you might say, but fear not -- mirai (and threading and concurrent.futures) can use greenlets by monkey patching the standard library at the start of your code. Simply put the following line at the top of your main script, before any other import statements,

from gevent.monkey import patch_all; patch_all()

Now mirai has all the performance benefits of greenlets!