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Dumonad is a solution to ease of using monad in Scala projects with introducing a set of extension methods and wrapper types.

KISS your code with Dumonad!

Reactive programming become more and more popular nowadays. A common response of a reactive call is a nested monad (i.e. Future[Either[L,R]] or Future[Option[T]])

All scala developers know what are map, flatmap, and flatten

The shortest way of chaining two Future[Either[L,R]] using standard Scala API will be something like this:

def firstCall: Future[Either[String, String]] = ???
def secondCall(param: String): Future[Either[String, String]] = ???

val result: Future[Either[String, String]] = firstCall.flatMap {
  case Right(value) => secondCall(value)
  case left => Future.successful(left)

While using Dumonad it will be easier empowered with dumap:

def firstCall: Future[Either[String, String]]
def secondCall(param: String): Future[Either[String, String]]

val result: Future[Either[String, String]] = firstCall.dumap(secondCall)


Beside extension methods, Dumonad also represents a set of wrapper classes for nested types(FutureOption ,FutureEither,...)

To wrap the base model you can use apply method or related extension method:

import io.github.dumonad.dumonad.future.FutureEither

val maybeCustomer: Future[Option[Customer]] 
def persistCustomer(customer: Customer): Future[Either[String, PersistResult]]
for {
  customer <- maybeCustomer.toFutureRight("customer not found")
  persistResult <- persistCustomer(customer).toFutureeither
} yield persistResult

Helper methods

Another thing is changing the order of monad wrappers.
Developers usually use boilerplate codes to do this. For example:

val optionOfFuture: Option[Future[String]]

val futureOfOption: Future[Option[String]] = optionOfFuture match {
  case Some(future) =>
  case _ => Future.successful(None)

With extractFuture method it will be a piece of cake, because in Dumonad Future is always the outer wrapper.

val optionOfFuture: Option[Future[String]]

val futureOfOption: Future[Option[String]] = optionOfFuture.extractFuture

Another helper method is extractEither that converts Seq[Either[L,R]] to Either[Seq[L],Seq[R]]

Getting started

supported scala versions : 2.12, 2.13, and 3.0

Add the dependency in build.sbt

libraryDependencies += "io.github.dumonad" %% "dummonad" % "0.5"

It's all set!

import io.github.dumonad.dumonad.Implicits._
