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File metadata and controls

398 lines (344 loc) · 11.7 KB

Doom configuration

Basic configuration

Say my name, say my name

(setq user-full-name "Duncan Mbuli-Robertson"
      user-mail-address "")

Disable annoying quit message and maximise on startup

(setq confirm-kill-emacs nil)
(add-to-list 'initial-frame-alist '(fullscreen . maximized))

Key bindings

Use free-keys package to check what keys are available

(use-package! free-keys)

Bind the local leader key to U and useful functions to C-c

(setq doom-localleader-key "U")

 "C-c e" #'eval-region
 "C-c r" #'org-refile
 "C-c k" #'free-keys
 "C-c c" #'org-schedule


Configure the fonts

(setq doom-font (font-spec :family "Iosevka" :size 18 :weight 'regular))

    '(org-document-title :height 1.4)
    '(org-level-1 :inherit outline-1 :weight extra-bold :height 1.25)
    '(org-level-2 :inherit outline-2 :weight bold :height 1.15)
    '(org-level-3 :inherit outline-3 :weight bold :height 1.12)
    '(org-level-4 :inherit outline-4 :weight bold :height 1.09)
    '(org-level-5 :inherit outline-5 :weight semi-bold :height 1.06)
    '(org-level-6 :inherit outline-6 :weight semi-bold :height 1.03)
    '(org-level-7 :inherit outline-7 :weight semi-bold)
    '(org-level-8 :inherit outline-8 :weight semi-bold)

Configure the theme

(setq doom-theme 'doom-one)
(setq display-line-numbers-type nil)

Set pretty arrow to replace … as content in org header indication:

(setq org-ellipsis "")



Define variable for the Dropbox directory to use in config

(defvar dmr/org-directory "/mnt/c/Users/duncanr/Dropbox/Org/")

Sync org files with Dropbox

(setq org-directory dmr/org-directory)

Todo states

Set GTD style TODO keywords

(setq org-todo-keywords '((sequence "TODO(t)" "WAITING(w)" "NEXT(n)" "|" "DONE(d)" "CANCELLED(c)")))

Define function and binding to mark item as done/next and archive it: (from this dot file)

(defun dmr/mark-done-and-archive ()
  "Mark the state of an org-mode item as DONE and archive it."
  (org-todo 'done)

(defun dmr/mark-done ()
  "Mark the state of an org-mode item as DONE."
  (org-todo 'done))

Now we can bind all our new functions to a new leader key menu

(map! :leader
      :prefix "d"
      :desc "dmr/mark-done-and-archive" "d" #'dmr/mark-done-and-archive
      :desc "dmr/mark-done" "D" #'dmr/mark-done


(use-package org-roam-bibtex
  :after org-roam)


Set Org Roam directory and basic keybindings

(use-package! org-roam
  (map! :leader
        :prefix "n"
        :desc "org-roam" "l" #'org-roam-buffer-toggle
        :desc "org-roam-node-insert" "i" #'org-roam-node-insert
        :desc "org-roam-node-find" "f" #'org-roam-node-find
        :desc "org-roam-ref-find" "r" #'org-roam-ref-find
        :desc "org-roam-show-graph" "g" #'org-roam-show-graph
  (setq org-roam-directory (concat dmr/org-directory "roam")
        org-roam-completion-everywhere t


Do not show clocked task in modeline

(setq org-clock-clocked-in-display nil)

Customise org-duration to calculate pomodoro counts from clocksums using this Stack Exchange answer with the updated org function, then set pomodoro count as an org-duration unit so that setting effort will work with pomodoro units

(defun dmr/org-minutes-to-clocksum-string (m)
  "Format number of minutes as a clocksum string.
   Shows the number of 25-minute pomodoros."
  (format "%dp" (ceiling (/ m 25))))

(after! org-duration
  (fset 'org-duration-from-minutes 'dmr/org-minutes-to-clocksum-string)
  (push (cons "p" 25) org-duration-units)
  (org-duration-set-regexps) ;NB: org-duration-units is not implemented otherwise!

Set effort in pomodoros, from this stack exchange thread:

(defun dmr/org-set-effort-in-pomodoros (&optional n)
  (interactive "P")
  (setq n (or n (string-to-number (read-from-minibuffer "How many pomodoros: " nil nil nil nil "1" nil))))
  (let* ((mins-per-pomodoro-prop (org-entry-get (point) "MINUTES_PER_POMODORO" t))
         (mins-per-pomodoro (if mins-per-pomodoro-prop
                                (string-to-number mins-per-pomodoro-prop)
    (org-set-effort nil (org-duration-from-minutes (* n mins-per-pomodoro)))))
 "C-c s" #'dmr/org-set-effort-in-pomodoros)


Set agenda files

(setq org-agenda-files (list ""

Format agenda into columns

(setq org-agenda-view-columns-initially t)
(setq org-agenda-overriding-columns-format "%TODO %46ITEM %3Effort(E){:} %3CLOCKSUM(R) %20ALLTAGS")

Schedule task for today / unschedule

(defun dmr/schedule-for-today ()
  (org-schedule nil "+0d"))

(defun dmr/unschedule ()
  (org-schedule '(4)))

Agenda for today

(setq org-agenda-start-day nil)
(setq org-agenda-custom-commands
`(("1" "Today" agenda "" (
                          (org-agenda-ndays 1)
                          (org-agenda-span 1)

(defun dmr/agenda-today (&optional arg)
    (interactive "P")
    (org-agenda arg "1"))

(map! :leader
      (:prefix "d"
        :desc "Schedule for today" "0" #'dmr/schedule-for-today
        :desc "Unschedule" "u" #'dmr/unschedule
        :desc "Agenda for today" "a" #'dmr/agenda-today

Capture templates

(setq org-capture-templates '(
                              ("i" "Inbox" entry  (file "")
                               "* TODO %?\n%U")
                              ("p" "Project" entry
                               (file "")
                               "* %^{Project name} :%\\1: \n:PROPERTIES:\n:ARCHIVE:* %\\1\n:END:")
                              ("h" "Habit" entry
                               (file "")
                               "* TODO %i%?\n:PROPERTIES:\n:STYLE: habit\n:END:")

Archiving and refiling

Set org-refile targets

(setq org-refile-targets '(("" :level . 1)
                            ("" :level . 1)
                            ("" :level . 0)

Archive everything into a single file:

(setq org-archive-location (concat dmr/org-directory ""))


Set the directory for journal files:

(setq org-journal-dir (concat dmr/org-directory "journal"))

Format journal files and headings nicely

(setq org-journal-file-format ""
      org-journal-date-prefix "* "
      org-journal-date-format "%A, %B %d %Y")

Make first heading be level 2, with timestamp (%R = current time)

(setq org-journal-time-prefix "** "
      org-journal-time-format "%R: ")

Bind general leader key shortcut to open today’s journal without adding new entry:

  • ‘(4) makes it call the function with a prefix argument, which prevents a new entry from being made.
  • Also bind key to make new journal entry.
(defun dmr/open-todays-journal ()
    (org-journal-new-entry '(4))

(defun dmr/journal-new-entry ()
    (org-journal-new-entry nil)
(map! :leader
      (:prefix ("j" . "journal") ;; org-journal bindings
        :desc "Create new journal entry" "j" #'dmr/journal-new-entry
        :desc "Open today's journal" "J" #'dmr/open-todays-journal
        :desc "Open previous entry" "p" #'org-journal-previous-entry
        :desc "Open next entry" "n" #'org-journal-next-entry
        :desc "Search journal" "s" #'org-journal-search-forever

 (:map calendar-mode-map
   :n "o" #'org-journal-display-entry
   :n "p" #'org-journal-previous-entry
   :n "n" #'org-journal-next-entry
   :n "O" #'org-journal-new-date-entry))

I want journal entries to still be in org-mode, since org-journal-mode doesn’t have the org-mode leader key menu, and I can make special bindings anyway. First, we enable auto-fill-mode

(add-hook 'org-journal-mode-hook 'auto-fill-mode)
(add-hook 'org-journal-mode-hook 'org-mode)


'(org-edit-src-content-indentation 0)
'(org-src-preserve-indentation nil)

On launch

Now we can open projects, inbox and agenda whenever we launch emacs

(defun dmr/find-projects ()
    (interactive)(find-file (concat dmr/org-directory "")))

(defun dmr/find-inbox ()
    (interactive)(find-file (concat dmr/org-directory "")))

;; (defun dmr/open-gtd-buffers ()
;;     (interactive)
;;     (progn
;;       (doom/window-maximize-buffer)
;;       (let ((projectile-switch-project-action 'dmr/find-projects))
;;            (print projectile-switch-project-action)
;;            (projectile-switch-project-by-name dmr/org-directory)
;;            )
;;       (evil-window-split)
;;       (dmr/find-inbox)
;;       (+workspace-rename "main" "Org")

(defun dmr/open-org-workspace ()
  (if (+workspace-exists-p "Org")
      (+workspace-switch "Org")
    (+workspace/load "Org")

(map! :leader
      :prefix "d"
      :desc "dmr/find-inbox" "i" #'dmr/find-inbox
      :desc "dmr/open-org-workspace" "p" #'dmr/open-org-workspace


(use-package! eval-in-repl
  :after python
    (require 'eval-in-repl-python)
    (define-key global-map (kbd "C-<return>") nil)
    (define-key global-map (kbd "C-RET") nil)
    (define-key evil-insert-state-map (kbd "C-RET") nil)
    (define-key evil-normal-state-map (kbd "C-RET") nil)
    (define-key evil-normal-state-map (kbd "C-<return>") nil)
    (map! :after python
          :map python-mode-map
          "C-<return>" #'eir-eval-in-python)
    (setq eir-repl-placement 'right)

Set up snakemake-mode

(use-package! snakemake-mode
  :after python


;; (defun dmr/open-gtd-buffers ()
;;     (interactive)
;;     (progn
;;       (ess-eval-region-or-function-or-paragraph-and-step)
;;       (pop-to-buffer "*R*")
;;       (evil-goto-line)
;; ))

(map! :after ess-mode
      :map ess-mode-map
      "<normal-state> C-<return>" #'ess-eval-region-or-function-or-paragraph-and-step
      "C-<return>" #'ess-eval-region-or-function-or-paragraph-and-step
      "C-RET" nil)

(map! :after ess-mode
      :map ess-doc-map
      "<normal-state> C-<return>" #'ess-eval-region-or-function-or-paragraph-and-step
      "C-<return>" #'ess-eval-region-or-function-or-paragraph-and-step
      "C-RET" nil)