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Releases: duncanmcclean/simple-commerce


28 Mar 10:41
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v1.0.0-beta.11 Pre-release
  • Updated blueprints
  • Change blueprints path
  • Fixed country and state fieldtype blanking
  • Don't send notifications about stock if variant has unlimited stock
  • Fix variants validation issue
  • Updated the issue template


You'll need to move your blueprints from within resources/blueprints/simple-commerce into resources/blueprint

You might also need to republish your blueprints to get the blueprint changes


27 Mar 17:41
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v1.0.0-beta.10 Pre-release
  • Changed display name for 'Addons' page in Control Panel
  • Add a configurable counter for when to receive low stock notifications
  • Allow for cart quantities to be updated
  • Use nav tag so it's compatible with beta 20
  • Don't allow for variants to be added to cart if they have no stock
  • Made another namespace change so it's compatible with beta 20
  • Fix output path for views - simple-commerce instead of commerce
  • Added some tests
  • Various other changes


Just a small thing, this build requires you to be on at least beta 20.


13 Mar 17:42
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v1.0.0-beta.9 Pre-release
  • New front-end boilerplate ✨
  • Added loads of events
  • Refactored a lot of stuff
  • Fixed session messages
  • Change the resource prefix from commerce to simple-commerce
  • Get rid of publish groups
  • Add blueprints to the respective models, instead of being invoked from the controllers.
  • Only boot gateways if app has been booted
  • Add limit and not parameters to commerce:products tag.
  • Remove the old front-end script, in favour of Alpine.js


07 Mar 18:40
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v1.0.0-beta.8 Pre-release
  • Reformatted the simple-commerce.php config file
  • Support multiple payment gateways

Breaking changes

The Simple Commerce configuration file now looks like this:


return [

     * Business Address
     * Address information for your business. By default,
     * this will be used as the location to set tax and
     * shipping prices.

    'address' => [
        'address_1' => '',
        'address_2' => '',
        'address_3' => '',
        'city' => '',
        'country' => '',
        'state' => '',
        'zip_code' => '',

     * Payment Gateways
     * Simple Commerce gives you the ability to
     * configure different payment gateways.

    'gateways' => [
        \DoubleThreeDigital\SimpleCommerce\Gateways\DummyGateway::class => [],
//        \DoubleThreeDigital\SimpleCommerce\Gateways\StripeGateway::class => [],

     * Currency
     * Control your currency settings. These will dictate
     * what currency products are sold in and how they are
     * formatted in the front-end.

    'currency' => [
        'iso' => 'USD',
        'position' => 'left', // Options: left, right
        'separator' => '.',

     * Routes
     * Simple Commerce provides a set of web routes to make your store
     * function. You can change these routes if you have other
     * preferences.

    'routes' => [
        'cart_index' => '/cart',
        'cart_store' => '/cart/add',
        'cart_clear' => '/cart/clear',
        'cart_remove' => '/cart/remove',
        'checkout_show' => '/checkout',
        'checkout_store' => '/checkout/store',
        'checkout_redirect' => '/thank-you',
        'product_index' => '/products',
        'product_search' => '/products/search',
        'product_show' => '/products/{product}',
        'categories_show' => '/category/{category}',

     * Notifications
     * Configure where we send your store's back
     * office notifications.

    'notifications' => [
        'channel' => ['mail'],

        'mail_to' => '',
        'slack_webhook' => '',

     * Tax & Shipping
     * Configure the tax and shipping settings
     * for your store.

    'entered_with_tax' => false,
    'calculate_tax_from' => 'billingAddress', // Options: billingAddress, shippingAddress or businessAddress
    'shop_prices_with_tax' => true,
    'cart_retention' => 30,


The Stripe keys have been added to config/services.php.

'stripe' => [
        'model' => App\User::class,
        'key' => env('STRIPE_KEY'),
        'secret' => env('STRIPE_SECRET'),


24 Feb 17:49
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v1.0.0-beta.7 Pre-release
  • Added an informal license
  • Added soft deletes to products and variants
  • Added a user interface for viewing items in orders
  • Added a toggle for a product being a draft or published
  • Updated Settings Control Panel page with new Control Panel styles
  • Added a states dropdown in Checkout page
  • Added a warning if stuff is in the error bag
  • Throw an exception if the Stripe key is not set
  • Throw an exception if a default currency is not set
  • Throw an exception if the specified route does not exist when using the commerce:route tag.
  • Throw an exception if there is no route key specified when using the commerce:route tag.
  • Did some refactoring
  • Added formatted_total attribute to CartItem model


17 Feb 14:33
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v1.0.0-beta.6 Pre-release
  • Better implementation of custom attributes for products and variants
  • Fix error when publishing blueprints
  • Fixed 'create*' buttons not working in Control Panel
  • Add a new variant_count attribute to products.
  • Use traits for common model functionality like uuids and attributes
  • Show latest orders first (in the Control Panel)
  • Fixed issue where deleting variants in the edit screen wasn't working
  • Make the SKUs unique
  • Refactor some other backend stuff (controllers, requests etc)
  • Removed from_price and to_price attributes from products
  • Allow for the order status description column to be nullable


@ryangjchandler helped a lot in getting this release out, especially with the custom attribute stuff.


14 Feb 11:59
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v1.0.0-beta.5 Pre-release
  • Don't show navigation items if the user doesn't have access to them (in the Control Panel)
  • Use a fixed amount for shipping instead of rate
  • Recreated the Settings area of the Control Panel
  • Breaking: Renamed config file from commerce.php to simple-commerce.php


12 Feb 21:48
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v1.0.0-beta.4 Pre-release
  • Updated the Control Panel breadcrumbs from Commerce to Simple Commerce
  • Don't allow access to widgets or CP listings if you don't have access
  • Use a middleware for settings access
  • Handle deletion of order statuses better


05 Feb 20:48
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v1.0.0-beta.3 Pre-release
  • Remove moneyphp/money as dependency
  • Allow for configuring back office notifications with email and slack
  • Swap out uid for uuid - thanks to @ryangjchandler
  • Updated some docs
  • Rewrite the commerce:route tag to use route names instead of config keys. Allows for params now


04 Feb 19:50
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v1.0.0-beta.2 Pre-release
  • Updated names of blueprints and moved them into a folder (for organisation)
  • Add tax and shipping to order successful email
  • Send the customer an email when their order has been refunded
  • Delete orders and addresses when a customer has been deleted