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PostgreSQL 12 preview - GiST 索引支持INCLUDE columns - 覆盖索引 - 类聚簇索引






PostgreSQL , include , columns , 覆盖索引 , index only scan


在索引中植入非索引(KEY)字段的内容,用于index only scan。达到类似聚簇表效果。


create table t (id int, info text, crt_time timestamp);  
create index idx_t_1 on t (id) include (info, crt_time);  
postgres=# \d+ t  
                                                Table "public.t"  
  Column  |            Type             | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage  | Stats target | Description   
 id       | integer                     |           |          |         | plain    |              |   
 info     | text                        |           |          |         | extended |              |   
 crt_time | timestamp without time zone |           |          |         | plain    |              |   
    "idx_t_1" btree (id) INCLUDE (info, crt_time)  
Access method: heap  
postgres=# \d+ idx_t_1  
                                Index "public.idx_t_1"  
  Column  |            Type             | Key? | Definition | Storage  | Stats target   
 id       | integer                     | yes  | id         | plain    |   
 info     | text                        | no   | info       | extended |   
 crt_time | timestamp without time zone | no   | crt_time   | plain    |   
btree, for table "public.t"  
select id,crt_time  
id,info, crt_time  
都支持index only scan  

《PostgreSQL IoT,车联网 - 实时轨迹、行程实践 2 - (含index only scan类聚簇表效果)》

PG 12 include功能支持GiST,BTREE两种索引接口。

Support for INCLUDE attributes in GiST indexes  
Similarly to B-tree, GiST index access method gets support of INCLUDE  
attributes.  These attributes aren't used for tree navigation and aren't  
present in non-leaf pages.  But they are present in leaf pages and can be  
fetched during index-only scan.  
The point of having INCLUDE attributes in GiST indexes is slightly different  
from the point of having them in B-tree.  The main point of INCLUDE attributes  
in B-tree is to define UNIQUE constraint over part of attributes enabled for  
index-only scan.  In GiST the main point of INCLUDE attributes is to use  
index-only scan for attributes, whose data types don't have GiST opclasses.  
Author: Andrey Borodin, with small changes by me  
Reviewed-by: Andreas Karlsson  


CREATE INDEX tbl_gist_idx ON public.tbl_gist USING gist (c4) INCLUDE (c1, c2, c3)  
   1 /*  
   2  * 1.1. test CREATE INDEX with buffered build  
   3  */  
   4 -- Regular index with included columns  
   5 CREATE TABLE tbl_gist (c1 int, c2 int, c3 int, c4 box);  
   6 -- size is chosen to exceed page size and trigger actual truncation  
   7 INSERT INTO tbl_gist SELECT x, 2*x, 3*x, box(point(x,x+1),point(2*x,2*x+1)) FROM generate_series(1,8000) AS x;  
   8 CREATE INDEX tbl_gist_idx ON tbl_gist using gist (c4) INCLUDE (c1,c2,c3);  
   9 SELECT pg_get_indexdef(i.indexrelid)  
  10 FROM pg_index i JOIN pg_class c ON i.indexrelid = c.oid  
  11 WHERE i.indrelid = 'tbl_gist'::regclass ORDER BY c.relname;  
  12                                   pg_get_indexdef                                    
  13 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------  
  14  CREATE INDEX tbl_gist_idx ON public.tbl_gist USING gist (c4) INCLUDE (c1, c2, c3)  
  15 (1 row)  
  17 SELECT * FROM tbl_gist where c4 <@ box(point(1,1),point(10,10));  
  18  c1 | c2 | c3 |     c4        
  19 ----+----+----+-------------  
  20   1 |  2 |  3 | (2,3),(1,2)  
  21   2 |  4 |  6 | (4,5),(2,3)  
  22   3 |  6 |  9 | (6,7),(3,4)  
  23   4 |  8 | 12 | (8,9),(4,5)  
  24 (4 rows)  
  26 SET enable_bitmapscan TO off;  
  27 EXPLAIN  (costs off) SELECT * FROM tbl_gist where c4 <@ box(point(1,1),point(10,10));  
  28                    QUERY PLAN                     
  29 ------------------------------------------------  
  30  Index Only Scan using tbl_gist_idx on tbl_gist  
  31    Index Cond: (c4 <@ '(10,10),(1,1)'::box)  
  32 (2 rows)  


《PostgreSQL 10.0 preview 功能增强 - 唯一约束+附加字段组合功能索引 - 覆盖索引 - covering index》;a=commit;h=f2e403803fe6deb8cff59ea09dff42c6163b2110

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