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PostgreSQL shared buffer 统计信息 - pg_buffercache - bufferid 被pin次数、backend数、是否脏、属于谁






PostgreSQL , pg_buffercache , pin , backend , count


通过pg_buffercache可以查询shared buffer的统计信息


Name Type References Description
bufferid integer - ID, in the range 1..shared_buffers
relfilenode oid pg_class.relfilenode Filenode number of the relation
reltablespace oid pg_tablespace.oid Tablespace OID of the relation
reldatabase oid pg_database.oid Database OID of the relation
relforknumber smallint - Fork number within the relation; see include/common/relpath.h
relblocknumber bigint - Page number within the relation
isdirty boolean - Is the page dirty?
usagecount smallint - Clock-sweep access count
pinning_backends integer - Number of backends pinning this buffer

包括bufferid,buffer属于哪个数据库,哪个对象,什么表空间,哪个文件,block id等。

同时还包括这个buffer是否为脏页,被多少backend pin过,被pin过多少次。


  • relforknumber (数据、vm、fsm) Fork number within the relation; see include/common/relpath.h
  • usagecount 此bufferid被pin的次数,最大只记录16次(4bit) Clock-sweep access count
  • pinning_backends 此bufferid被多少个backend pin过,最大18bit Number of backends pinning this buffer


regression=# SELECT c.relname, count(*) AS buffers  
             FROM pg_buffercache b INNER JOIN pg_class c  
             ON b.relfilenode = pg_relation_filenode(c.oid) AND  
                b.reldatabase IN (0, (SELECT oid FROM pg_database  
                                      WHERE datname = current_database()))  
             GROUP BY c.relname  
             ORDER BY 2 DESC  
             LIMIT 10;  
             relname             | buffers  
 tenk2                           |     345  
 tenk1                           |     141  
 pg_proc                         |      46  
 pg_class                        |      45  
 pg_attribute                    |      43  
 pg_class_relname_nsp_index      |      30  
 pg_proc_proname_args_nsp_index  |      28  
 pg_attribute_relid_attnam_index |      26  
 pg_depend                       |      22  
 pg_depend_reference_index       |      20  
(10 rows)  




                        fctx->record[i].usagecount = BUF_STATE_GET_USAGECOUNT(buf_state);  
                        fctx->record[i].pinning_backends = BUF_STATE_GET_REFCOUNT(buf_state);  


 * Stuff for fork names.  
 * The physical storage of a relation consists of one or more forks.  
 * The main fork is always created, but in addition to that there can be  
 * additional forks for storing various metadata. ForkNumber is used when  
 * we need to refer to a specific fork in a relation.  
typedef enum ForkNumber  
        InvalidForkNumber = -1,  
        MAIN_FORKNUM = 0,  
         * NOTE: if you add a new fork, change MAX_FORKNUM and possibly  
         * FORKNAMECHARS below, and update the forkNames array in  
         * src/common/relpath.c  
} ForkNumber;  


 * Buffer state is a single 32-bit variable where following data is combined.  
 * - 18 bits refcount  
 * - 4 bits usage count  
 * - 10 bits of flags  
 * Combining these values allows to perform some operations without locking  
 * the buffer header, by modifying them together with a CAS loop.  
 * The definition of buffer state components is below.  
#define BUF_REFCOUNT_ONE 1  
#define BUF_REFCOUNT_MASK ((1U << 18) - 1)  
#define BUF_USAGECOUNT_MASK 0x003C0000U  
#define BUF_USAGECOUNT_ONE (1U << 18)  
#define BUF_FLAG_MASK 0xFFC00000U  
/* Get refcount and usagecount from buffer state */  
#define BUF_STATE_GET_REFCOUNT(state) ((state) & BUF_REFCOUNT_MASK)  


 * PinBuffer -- make buffer unavailable for replacement.  
 * For the default access strategy, the buffer's usage_count is incremented  
 * when we first pin it; for other strategies we just make sure the usage_count  
 * isn't zero.  (The idea of the latter is that we don't want synchronized  
 * heap scans to inflate the count, but we need it to not be zero to discourage  
 * other backends from stealing buffers from our ring.  As long as we cycle  
 * through the ring faster than the global clock-sweep cycles, buffers in  
 * our ring won't be chosen as victims for replacement by other backends.)  
 * This should be applied only to shared buffers, never local ones.  
 * Since buffers are pinned/unpinned very frequently, pin buffers without  
 * taking the buffer header lock; instead update the state variable in loop of  
 * CAS operations. Hopefully it's just a single CAS.  
 * Note that ResourceOwnerEnlargeBuffers must have been done already.  
 * Returns true if buffer is BM_VALID, else false.  This provision allows  
 * some callers to avoid an extra spinlock cycle.  
static bool  
PinBuffer(BufferDesc *buf, BufferAccessStrategy strategy)  
                        if (strategy == NULL)  
                                /* Default case: increase usagecount unless already max. */  
                                if (BUF_STATE_GET_USAGECOUNT(buf_state) < BM_MAX_USAGE_COUNT)  
                                        buf_state += BUF_USAGECOUNT_ONE;  
                                 * Ring buffers shouldn't evict others from pool.  Thus we  
                                 * don't make usagecount more than 1.  
                                if (BUF_STATE_GET_USAGECOUNT(buf_state) == 0)  
                                        buf_state += BUF_USAGECOUNT_ONE;  

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