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Using PDDs


The pointwise distance distribution (PDD) of a crystal is given by amd.PDD(). It accepts a crystal and an integer k, returning the \text{PDD}_k as a 2D NumPy array with k+1 columns, the weights of each row being in the first column.

If you have a .cif file, use :class:`` to read the crystals (see :doc:`Reading_cifs`). If you have CSD refcodes and csd-python-api is installed, use :class:`` (see :doc:`Reading_from_the_CSD`).

# get PDDs of crystals in a .cif
reader = amd.CifReader('file.cif')
pdds = [amd.PDD(crystal, 100) for crystal in reader]

# get PDDs of DEBXIT01 and DEBXIT02 from the CSD
crystals = list(amd.CSDReader(['DEBXIT01', 'DEBXIT02']))
pdds = [amd.PDD(crystal, 50) for crystal in crystals]

You can also give the coordinates of motif points and unit cell as a tuple of numpy arrays, in Cartesian form:

# PDD (k=10) of 3D cubic lattice
motif = np.array([[0,0,0]])
cell = np.identity(3)
cubic_lattice = (motif, cell)
cubic_pdd = amd.PDD(cubic_lattice, 10)

The object returned by amd.PDD is a NumPy array with k+1 columns.

Calculation options

amd.PDD accepts a few optional arguments (not relevant to amd.AMD):

amd.PDD(periodic_set, k, lexsort=True, collapse=True, collapse_tol=1e-4, return_row_groups=False)

lexsort lexicograpgically orders the rows of the PDD, and collapse merges rows if all elements of rows are within collapse_tol. The definition of PDD requires both in order to satisfy invariance (that two isometric sets have equal PDDs). However, earth mover's distance does not depend on the order of rows, so lexsort=False makes no difference to comparisons. Setting collapse=False will not change the earth mover's distances either, but comparisons can take longer if rows aren't collapsed.

Sometimes it's useful to know which rows of the PDD came from which motif points in the input. Setting return_row_groups=True makes the function return a tuple (pdd, groups), where groups[i] contains the indices of the point(s) corresponding to pdd[i]. Note that these indices are for the asymmetric unit of the set, whose indices in periodic_set.motif are accessible through periodic_set.asymmetric_unit.


The Earth mover's distance is the appropriate metric to compare PDDs. The :mod:`` module contains functions for these comparisons.

:func:`.compare.PDD_pdist` and :func:`.compare.PDD_cdist` are like scipy's functions pdist and cdist. pdist takes one set and compares all elements pairwise, whereas cdist takes two sets and compares elements in one with the other. cdist returns a 2D distance matrix, but pdist returns a condensed distance matrix (see scipy's pdist function).

# compare crystals in file1.cif with those in file2.cif by PDD, k=100
pdds1 = [amd.PDD(crystal, 100) for crystal in amd.CifReader('file1.cif')]
pdds2 = [amd.PDD(crystal, 100) for crystal in amd.CifReader('file2.cif')]
distance_matrix = amd.PDD_cdist(pdds1, pdds2)

# compare everything in file1.cif with each other
condensed_dm = amd.PDD_pdist(pdds1)

You can compare one PDD with another with :func:`.compare.EMD`:

# compare DEBXIT01 and DEBXIT02 by PDD, k=100
pdds = [amd.PDD(crystal, 100) for crystal in amd.CSDReader(['DEBXIT01', 'DEBXIT02'])]
distance = amd.EMD(pdds[0], pdds[1])

:func:`.compare.EMD`, :func:`.compare.PDD_pdist` and :func:`.compare.PDD_cdist` all accept an optional argument metric, which can be anything accepted by scipy's pdist/cdist functions. The metric used to compare PDD matrices is always Earth mover's distance, but this still requires another metric between the rows of PDDs (so there's a different Earth mover's distance for each choice of metric).

Comparison options and multiprocessing

amd.PDD_cdist and amd.PDD_pdist share the following optional arguments:

  • metric (default chebyshev) chooses the metric used to compare PDD rows, as explained above. See scipy's cdist/pdist for a list of accepted metrics.
  • n_jobs (new in 1.2.3, default None) is the number of cores to use for multiprocessing (passed to joblib.Parallel). Pass -1 to use the maximum.
  • verbose (changed in 1.2.3, default 0) controls the verbosity level, increasing with larger numbers. This is passed to joblib.Parallel, see their documentation for details.