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178 lines (117 loc) · 5.07 KB

File metadata and controls

178 lines (117 loc) · 5.07 KB

Project Scaffolding

Command signature:

$ umeboshi create <template-name> <folder>|. [--dry-run]


  • --dry-run: process files but don't output anything


  • <template>: scaffolding template
  • <folder>: destination folder. Use . to use the current folder


A project scaffolding template could be:

  1. an official umeboshi template
  2. a custom template from a GitHub or Bitbucket repository
  3. a plain GitHub or Bitbucket repository (will just copy the repository)
  4. a path to a local folder (starting with . or /)


ume create webpack my-folder
# resolves to

ume create user/custom-umeboshi-template my-folder
# resolves to

ume create github:user/custom-umeboshi-template my-folder
# resolves to

ume create bitbucket:user/custom-umeboshi-template my-folder
# resolves to

ume create user/my-repo my-folder
# resolves to plain repository

ume create /my-local/template my-folder
# resolves to local folder /my-local/template

Tags and Branches

You can target specific branches and tags of templates and GitHub repositories by appending #<tag|branch> to the template argument. Tags must comply to semver ranges and versions.

By default resolves to the latest valid tag version number or master.


ume create webpack#master my-folder
# master branch

ume create webpack#3 my-folder
# target tags >= 3.0.0 < 4.0.0

ume create webpack#^3.1.0 my-folder
# target tags >= 3.1.0 < 3.2.0

ume create webpack#3.1.2 my-folder
# target tag 3.1.2

Template authoring guidelines

Every template is made up of:

  • a template folder containing the files and folders to scaffold
  • an optional index.js entry point used by umeboshi to alter the scaffolding process.

template folder files

Every file inside the template folder will be parsed with Handlebars and saved onto the provided destination folder. Beside default helpers, you can use all helpers from handlebars-helpers.

The following variables are available inside templates:

  • {{ name }}: project name
  • {{ description }}: project description
  • {{ author }}: project author
  • {{ fullName }}: name in Title Case format
  • {{ version }}: template version
  • {{ templateName }}: template name
  • {{ to }}: destination folder

Template entry point

If the template contains an index.js file, it will be used as entry point and loaded by umeboshi during the scaffolding process. Exposed functions are:

prompt({ utils, logger, options })

A function that returns an array of inquirer question objects prompted to the user. Defaults to () => []. Answers will be merged into the instance options.

Receives an object with the following properties:

  • utils: umeboshi-cli utils module
  • logger: umeboshi-cli logger module
  • options: current instance options


const fs = require('fs');

module.exports.prompts = () => [
        type: 'confirm',
        name: 'hmr',
        message: 'Enable Hot Module Replacement',
        default: false

beforeRender({ utils, logger })

A function that returns a Metalsmith middleware to be executed before Handlebars rendering. Defaults to a pass-through middleware.

Receives an object with the following properties:

  • utils: umeboshi-cli utils module
  • logger: umeboshi-cli logger module
const fs = require('fs');

module.exports.beforeRender = ({ logger }) => (files, metalsmith, done) => {

    //cycle template files and log their contents
    Object.keys(files).forEach((file) => {

afterRender({ utils, logger })

A function that returns a Metalsmith middleware to be executed after Handlebars rendering. Defaults to a pass-through middleware.

Receives an object with the following properties:

  • utils: umeboshi-cli utils module
  • logger: umeboshi-cli logger module

fileMaps({ utils, logger, options })

A function that returns an array of rename patterns. The associated middleware is executed after afterRender. Defaults to () => [].

Receives an object with the following properties:

  • utils: umeboshi-cli utils module
  • logger: umeboshi-cli logger module
  • options: current instance options


module.exports.fileMaps = ({ options }) => [
        pattern: 'style.css',
        rename: 'renamed-style.css'
        pattern: '*.js', // minimatch match pattern.
        rename: (filename) => `renamed-${filename}`