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File metadata and controls

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Peace Corps discussion

Public Information & Privacy

Assignments for April 4

  • Scraping: in your first-web-scraper/scrapers directory, create a new folder called sports and inside it create a new file. Adapt one of your earlier scrapers to grab the list of Washington Nationals transactions here. The output file should be called transactions.csv and should have the following headers: date, url and text. That means you'll need to find the link inside each row and extract it. Google is your friend, and specific googling like "scraping urls in beautiful soup" is even better. Push your file and your transactions.csv file to your repository, and email me a couple of sentences describing any issues you see with the output (or you can try to solve them in the script, too).
  • Project Updates: Due by Tuesday, pushed to Github. Tell me what your group has done/decided this week and what it plans to do next week. If you have a pressing question or issue, email me.git
  • Reading: John Snow's data journalism