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File metadata and controls

147 lines (96 loc) · 5.42 KB


Silex starter project.


run ./composer.phar install in the app root folder to install dependencies


Config files are located in app/config. Copy the local-sample.yml file and name it local.yml to override all other configuration files. If that does not exist, it will see if the environment variable APPLICATION_ENV is set and load a <APPLICATION_ENV>.yml file. If that doesn't exist, the default.yml will be loaded as a baseline.



npm is the package manager used for installing build tools as well as third-party dependencies. Configuration is located in package.json.

Run npm install to download required tools and modules.


JavaScript files are located in frontend/js. The main entry point for the app is app.js. The JavaScript is organized in AMD format.


Webpack is a module loader and asset bundler. In this project it's used to bundle and uglify JavaScript. The configuration for Webpack is webpack.config.js. Third-party modules, such as FastClick or jQuery can be added as dependencies in package.json, and added as a module via the alias configuration in webpack.config.js.

Webpack Documentation


SASS is used for extending CSS with new features and compiles into CSS. The SASS files are located at frontend/scss, and the main SASS file is style.scss.

Task Runner

Gulp is the task runner used to automate compilation tasks. gulpfile.js is the configuration file.

Run gulp to perform the default task.

Use gulp watch to watch for file changes and livereload the page in real time.

Gulp tasks
watch      watches files in `frontend` and runs `sass or `build-js` tasks
clean      removes old versions of JS and CSS files from `public_html\assets`
uglify-js  uglifies and disables debug mode for webpack
build-js   compiles JavaScript AMD modules into app.js
sass       compiles SASS files
default    runs `clean`, `build-js`, and `sass` tasks
dev        alias of `dev` task
test       alias of `prod` task
staging    alias of `prod` task
uat        alias of `prod` task
master     alias of `prod` task
prod       runs `clean`, `uglify-js`m `build-js`, and `sass` tasks



Migrations are stored in the src/Resource/Migration folder. Run ./app/console in the app root folder to view migration commands:

  migrations:diff      Generate a migration by comparing your current database to your mapping information.
  migrations:execute   Execute a single migration version up or down manually.
  migrations:generate  Generate a blank migration class.
  migrations:migrate   Execute a migration to a specified version or the latest available version.
  migrations:status    View the status of a set of migrations.
  migrations:version   Manually add and delete migration versions from the version table.

Query Repositories

The abstract query repository can be found in src/QueryRepository/. Extend it to create your own repositories. Then use them like so:

$myRepo = new SilexStarter\QueryRepository\MyQueryRepo($app['db']);
$results = $myRepo->myMethod();

Routes and Controllers

Add your route definitions to app/app.php. There is a home route there for your reference:

$app->get('/', 'SilexStarter\Controller\HomeController::index')

This route will direct the uri / to the index method of the 'SilexStarter\Controller\HomeController' class. The bind command will allow you to reference this route in your templates like this: {{ path('home') }}.

Check out the official docs for more info.


If you want to cache a response, simply add the Cache-Control header to something like s-maxage=3600, public. The standard setup will use the cache folder to store response and serve responses from there without having to bootstrap the app.



Twig templates should be placed in frontend/twig. Render a template using $app['twig']->render('filename.html.twig', ['mykey' => 'myvalue']);.

Global Variables
debug         Boolean containing the application debug state
js_filename   dynamically revisioned name of the compiled JavaScript modules
css_filename  dynamically revisioned name of the compiled SASS files

Unit Tests

Put your phpunit tests in the tests/ folder. Extend the \SilexStarter\Test\AbstractTestCase class in order to have access to things like the web crawler. Here's an example:

use \SilexStarter\Test\AbstractTestCase;

class SomeTest extends AbstractTestCase
    public function testSomething()
        $client = $this->createClient();
        $crawler = $client->request('GET', '/');
        $this->assertCount(1, $crawler->filter('h1:contains("Hello World")'));

Check out the official documentation for more info.


The logging service is available by using $app['monolog']. The log files reside in app/logs/. Here are some examples:

$app['monolog']->info('script started');
$app['monolog']->error('Failed to call function', ['key', $value]);