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Goal contributions welcome


The goal is: to live in nature with our loved ones, fresh air, water & sunshine. A safe, stimulating and sustainable environment with interesting people. A #HappyPlace where we are inspired, creative, and engaged in activities that are meaningful to us.

(if that sounds too "hippie-ish", then this repository/idea
is probably not going interest you, so please ignore just it...!
but if you like the idea, please ⭐ the repo & discuss the issues!!

Location/Land Requirements for "#HappyPlace"

  • Access to Abundant Water (preferably from a spring): #21
  • Fertile Land: See: #3, #25 and #116
  • Sunshine (a good annual average sunshine index both for vitamin D and Solar Power): #26
  • Existing Trees (for fresh air and habitat for wildlife): #6
  • Proximity to Transport Network (ideally public transport e.g: rail/bus)
  • No existing negative environmental factors (e.g: pollution from nearby industry)
  • Proximity to Medical Services (ideally a full-service hospital; not just a medical outpost)
  • Quietness/Tranquility (this may be seen as "at odds" with "proximity" to useful infrastructure, but it's a balance...!)
  • (Reasonable) Proximity to Urban areas so we can sell our organic fresh produce! (one of our income streams...)
  • Stable average temperature - "Not too hot" in the summer and "not too cold" in the winter (snow is fine but not "minus 40"...!) mostly because as we age extreme temperatures make bones ache!

Learning Center Requirements

  • Quiet + Well-lit and temperature controlled rooms
    • Electricity (for information technology learning)
    • Wireless Internet

"Nice-to-Have" List

  • Raised (Bed) Gardens (waist height. to ensure everyone can interact with plants and/or grow their own food!)
  • Swimming Pool for exercise purposes just above waist height & heated (indoor)
  • Exercise Coach (at least twice a week); MVP can be using Free YouTube Videos, but having a person present is better for participation.
  • Handcrafts person (painting, embroidery, puzzle making ... mental/motor skills)
  • Free golf cart system so people are required to leave their house every day (preferably this would be autonomous so anyone can use it regardless of ability/capacity to drive)
  • Central/Accessible Multi-purpose "Community Area"
  • Rails everywhere; every pathway has a rail so people can walk. (this can be made from bamboo and espalier trees to blend with nature)
  • Corridors should have a Good width (1.5m) to allow two wheelchairs to pass side-by-side.

Family Retreat

  • Learning environment for all types of useful knowledge.
  • Healthy eating and learning to make food
  • Biological (organic) farming with a wide variety of plants that aren't available in regular supermarkets.

Other Services (described as "really good to have"):

  • Physiotherapist/chiropractor/shiatsu/massage-therapist to help people repair/recover their bodies.
  • Hair dresser (for those who are lucky enough to still have hair!)

"Loja da Avó" - shop to help older people remain independent.

Questions/Topics to Discuss (in the issues!):

  • All flat vs. mountainous/terraced? It can be very difficult for older people to walk hills, though we can have solar-powered electric scooters/carts for the steeper bits, and having an incline makes building terraced houses/growing a thing.
  • Should we allow/accommodate (and encourage people to bring their) pets?