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277 lines (217 loc) · 11.2 KB

File metadata and controls

277 lines (217 loc) · 11.2 KB


Let's write a parser for this pretend blog data file.

  <post date="2015-11-16">
    <author name="dylemma" id="abc123"/>
    <stats likes="123" tweets="4"/>
    <body>Hello world!</body>
      <comment date="2015-11-18">
        <author name="anonymous" id="def456"/>
        <body>I'm commenting on your fake blog!</body>
  <post date="2015-11-18">
    <author name="johndoe" id="004200"/>
    <stats likes="7" tweets="1"/>
    <body>A second blog post, huzzah!</body>
      <comment date="2015-11-19">
        <author name="anonymous" id="def456"/>
        <body>It's me again</body>
  <!-- Continue ad-infinitum -->

We'll represent that data in blog with these classes, ultimately treating the blog as a series of Post.

case class Post(date: LocalDate, author: Author, stats: Stats, body: String, comments: List[Comment])
case class Author(id: String, name: String)
case class Stats(numLikes: Int, numTweets: Int)
case class Comment(date: LocalDate, author: Author, body: String)


Start by adding the library dependencies. In this example we use xml-spac-javax to get access to the JavaxSource helper, which delegates the low-level parsing to the JVM's native classes. Note that including xml-spac-javax should cause the others to be included transitively, so you don't necessarily have to type out all four.

// build.sbt
libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
   "io.dylemma" %% "spac-core" % spacVersion,      // base classes like Parser and Transformer
   "io.dylemma" %% "xml-spac" % spacVersion,       // xml-specific Parser support
   "io.dylemma" %% "xml-spac-javax" % spacVersion, // javax integration
   "org.typelevel" %% "cats-core" % catsVersion    // helpers like `.mapN`

Add the following imports:

import io.dylemma.spac._     // for Parser | Transformer | Splitter | Source
import io.dylemma.spac.xml._ // for XmlParser | Splitter.xml
import cats.syntax.apply._   // for `.mapN`

Writing Parsers

The best approach to take when creating a complex parser is to start at the "bottom" of the DOM. Create a simple parser that knows how to handle a simple element, then work your way up, creating more complex parsers in terms of the simpler parsers.


We'll start by defining a parser for the Author class:

<!-- snippet from the xml above -->
<author name="johndoe" id="004200"/>
case class Author(id: String, name: String)

implicit val AuthorParser: XmlParser[Author] = (

What happened here is that we actually defined two parsers, then joined them together. attr("id") is a parser that takes the "id" attribute from the first ElemStart event it encounters. Similarly, attr("name") is a parser that takes the "name" attribute.

We combine the "id" and "name" parsers using The mapN method comes from the Cats library when we did import cats.syntax.apply._ since Parser is a member of Cats's Applicative typeclass. This allows us to combine the "id" and "name" parsers to create a single parser that runs both of them and passes their outputs to the function we provide (Author.apply). (Note that in Scala 2.x we could've just passed Author since it is the companion to a case class and so it extends (String, String) => Author, but in Scala 3 you'll get a warning about auto-insertion of the apply method). We mark the AuthorParser as implicit so that it can be used with some convenience methods later on.

Note that mapN is a method that Cats adds to tuples of any arity (up to 22 at the time of writing) in which each member is an instance of some F[_] type that belongs to the Applicative typeclass. E.g. since XmlParser is applicative, you could do (xmlParser1, xmlParser2, ..., xmlParserN).mapN { (r1, r2, ..., rN) => computeResult }


Multiple different elements in the example XML above use a date attribute with the same format.

<!-- snippets from xml above -->
<post date="2015-11-16">
  <comment date="2015-11-18">

We can define a parser to extract the date attribute from an element, and reuse that parser to help define the parsers for those elements later. To do this, start with an XmlParser[String] that extracts the date attribute, then map that parser using a String => LocalDate function to get an XmlParser[LocalDate]:

import java.time.LocalDate
import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter

val commentDateFormat = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy-MM-dd")
val dateAttributeParser: XmlParser[LocalDate] = XmlParser.attr("date").map(LocalDate.parse(_, commentDateFormat))

Note that if the function passed to a parser's map throws an exception while running that parser, the exception will be caught, wrapped as a SpacException.CaughtError, and rethrown. SPaC provides useful debugging information via the SpacException class, but ultimately it is up to you to properly handle edge cases and error conditions in your data and parser.


<!-- snippet from the xml above -->
<comment date="2015-11-18">
  <author name="anonymous" id="def456"/>
  <body>I'm commenting on your fake blog!</body>

We want to parse a <comment> element as an instance of Comment. This will be done by combining three "inner" parsers:

  • One parser to extract the date attribute from the <comment> element (we'll use the dateAttributeParser from earlier)
  • One parser to extract an Author from the <author> child element
  • One parser to extract the text from the <body> child element

If we were just trying to parse the <body> element in isolation, XmlParser.forText would do nicely. But since we're trying to parse the <comment> element, and the <body> is a child element of that, we need to "relativize" the forText parser to the <comment> element. We do this using a Splitter:

val commentBodyParser: XmlParser[String] = Splitter.xml(* \ "body").joinBy(XmlParser.forText).parseFirst
// or use a convenience method from XmlSplitter to replace the `joinBy` call
val commentBodyParser: XmlParser[String] = Splitter.xml(* \ "body").text.parseFirst

The Splitter and joinBy here is used to attach an XmlParser.forText to each <body> element that might appear inside the "first element" (which is represented by the *, i.e. the <comment> element in this example). Since we only expect one <body> element to appear, we use parseFirst to collect only the text from the first <body> that appears. If we had expected multiple <body> elements to appear inside a single <comment>, we could instead use parseToList to collect the text from each <body> as a List[String].

We do something similar to handle the <author> element:

val commentAuthorParser: XmlParser[Author] = Splitter.xml(* \ "author").joinBy(AuthorParser).parseFirst
// or, since AuthorParser is available implicitly:
val commentAuthorParser: XmlParser[Author] = Splitter.xml(* \ "author").as[Author].parseFirst

We don't need to do the same thing for the date attribute, since that appears on the <comment> element itself. Now we can combine these three parsers to create the CommentParser:

case class Comment(date: LocalDate, author: Author, body: String)

implicit val CommentParser: XmlParser[Comment] = (
  Splitter.xml(* \ "author").as[Author].parseFirst,
  Splitter.xml(* \ "body").text.parseFirst


To create the Post parser for a <post> element, we use the parsers and patterns shown above, combining them with the mapN method. Technically we're missing a parser for the <stats> element, but it can be easily created similarly to how the <author> element's parser was created.

<post date="2015-11-16">
  <author name="dylemma" id="abc123"/>
  <stats likes="123" tweets="4"/>
  <body>Hello world!</body>
    <comment date="2015-11-18">
      <author name="anonymous" id="def456"/>
      <body>I'm commenting on your fake blog!</body>
case class Stats(numLikes: Int, numTweets: Int)

implicit val StatsParser: XmlParser[Stats] = (

case class Post(date: LocalDate, author: Author, stats: Stats, body: String, comments: List[Comment])

implicit val PostParser: XmlParser[Post] = (
  Splitter.xml(* \ "author").as[Author].parseFirst,
  Splitter.xml(* \ "stats").as[Stats].parseFirst,
  Splitter.xml(* \ "body").text.parseFirst,
  Splitter.xml(* \ "comments" \ "comment").as[Comment].parseToList

Note the use of parseToList instead of parseFirst for the comments. Instead of just taking the first <comment>, we gather all of them into a list.


Now that we have a parser for the <post> element, we're just about done. The entire XML document is a single <blog> element that contains multiple <post> elements. If we tried to run PostParser on the entire file, it would fail, since it's expecting a <post> as the top-level element. To treat the file as a series of Post, we use Splitter again to select the context of the <post> elements.

val postTransformer: XmlTransformer[Post] = Splitter.xml("blog" \ "post").as[Post]

Note that in previous examples, we used * to represent the "current element". We could have done that here, but it can be sometimes be helpful to see the actual name of the top-level element when defining the top-level parser.

Now, we can decide how to consume that series of posts by calling one of postTransformer's parse* methods:

val postPrinter: XmlParser[Unit] = postTransformer.parseTap(println)
val postCollector: XmlParser[List[Post]] = postTransformer.parseToList

These parsers are ready to handle the entire blog file.

Using Parsers

Until this point we've only declared how we want to handle data; now it's time to actually handle data.

Parsers operate on streams of data; an XmlParser consumes a stream of XmlEvent. To get that stream, you need to convert your raw XML into a Source[XmlEvent]. That's what the xml-spac-javax library is for; it provides the JavaxSource object which contains helpers to construct a Source[XmlEvent] from various underlying data types.

If you want to treat the document as a stream of Posts, obtain a fs2.Stream or Iterator of XmlEvent (generally by using one of the utility methods on JavaxSource or Fs2DataSource), then use Transformer's toPipe or transform method to convert it.

val blogFile = new File("./blog.xml")
val blogSource = JavaxSource.fromFile(blogFile)

// or
val posts: List[Post] = postCollector.parse(blogFile)

Congratulations on reaching the end of the tutorial! For even more information on how to use xml-spac, check out the examples.