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CBarcodeReader License Methods - Dynamsoft Barcode Reader SDK C++ Edition API Reference
This page shows CBarcodeReader license methods of Dynamsoft Barcode Reader SDK C++ Edition.
InitLicense, license methods, CBarcodeReader, api reference, c++

License Methods

Method Description
InitLicense Initializes license key and activate the SDK.
IsInstanceValid Gets whether the instance is valid when charging by concurrent instances count.
SetDeviceFriendlyName Sets a human-readable name that identifies the device.
SetMaxConcurrentInstanceCount Sets the max concurrent instance count used for current device and process.
GetIdleInstancesCount Deprecated
InitLicenseFromServer Deprecated
InitLicenseFromLicenseContent Deprecated
OutputLicenseToString Deprecated
OutputLicenseToStringPtr Deprecated
FreeLicenseString Deprecated
InitDLSConnectionParameters Deprecated
InitLicenseFromDLS Deprecated
InitLTSConnectionParameters Deprecated
InitLicenseFromLTS Deprecated


Initializes license key and activate the SDK.

static int dynamsoft::dbr::CBarcodeReader::InitLicense (const char* pLicense, char errorMsgBuffer[] = NULL, const int errorMsgBufferLen = 0)	

[in] pLicense The product keys.
[in, out] errorMsgBuffer The buffer is allocated by caller and the recommended length is 512. The error message will be copied to the buffer.
[in] errorMsgBufferLen The length of allocated buffer.

Return Value
Returns error code (returns 0 if the function operates successfully).
You can call GetErrorString to get detailed error message.

Code Snippet

char errorBuf[512];
dynamsoft::dbr::CBarcodeReader::InitLicense("YOUR-LICENSE-KEY", errorBuf, 512);
CBarcodeReader* reader = new CBarcodeReader();
// add further process


Gets whether the instance is valid when charging by concurrent instances count.

int dynamsoft::dbr::CBarcodeReader::IsInstanceValid()

Return Value

Returns an int value indicating whether the instance is valid for running on concurrent instance mode.

  • 0: The instance is not valid for running on concurrent instance mode.
  • 1: The instance is valid for running on concurrent instance mode.


This method is meaningful only when using a license charged by concurrent instances count.


Sets a human-readable name that identifies the device.

static int dynamsoft::dbr::CBarcodeReader::SetDeviceFriendlyName(const char* name)


[in] name The device alias.

Return Value

Returns error code (returns 0 if the function operates successfully).

You can call GetErrorString to get detailed error message.

Code Snippet

char errorBuf[512];
dynamsoft::dbr::CBarcodeReader::InitLicense("YOUR-LICENSE-KEY", errorBuf, 512);
CBarcodeReader* reader = new CBarcodeReader();
// add further process


Sets the max concurrent instance count used for current device and process.

static void dynamsoft::dbr::CBarcodeReader::SetMaxConcurrentInstanceCount(int countForThisDevice, int countForThisProcess = 0)


[in] countForThisDevice The maximum number of concurrent instances that the current device can run.

[in] countForThisProcess Optional The maximum number of concurrent instances that the current process can run.

Code Snippet

char errorBuf[512];
int countForThisDevice = 1; // The count value should be set based on your purchased license count
int countForThisProcess = 1; // The count value should be set based on your purchased license count
dynamsoft::dbr::CBarcodeReader::SetMaxConcurrentInstanceCount(countForThisDevice, countForThisProcess);
dynamsoft::dbr::CBarcodeReader::InitLicense("YOUR-LICENSE-KEY", errorBuf, 512);
CBarcodeReader* dbr = dynamsoft::dbr::CBarcodeReader::GetInstance();
// If no instance is available right away, the application will wait until one becomes available
if(dbr != NULL)
    // Add your code here to call decoding method, process barcode results and so on
    // ...
    // Recycle the instance to make it idle for other concurrent tasks


Deprecated. It still works in this version but could be removed in the near future.

static int dynamsoft::dbr::CBarcodeReader::GetIdleInstancesCount()


Deprecated. It still works in this version but could be removed in the near future.

int dynamsoft::dbr::CBarcodeReader::InitLicenseFromServer (const char* pLicenseServer, const char* pLicenseKey)


Deprecated. It still works in this version but could be removed in the near future.

int dynamsoft::dbr::CBarcodeReader::InitLicenseFromLicenseContent (const char* pLicenseKey, const char* pLicenseContent)	


Deprecated. It still works in this version but could be removed in the near future.

int dynamsoft::dbr::CBarcodeReader::OutputLicenseToString (char content[], const int contentLen)


Deprecated. It still works in this version but could be removed in the near future.

int dynamsoft::dbr::CBarcodeReader::OutputLicenseToStringPtr (char** content)


Deprecated. It still works in this version but could be removed in the near future.

void dynamsoft::dbr::CBarcodeReader::FreeLicenseString (char** content)


Deprecated. It still works in this version but could be removed in the near future.

static int dynamsoft::dbr::CBarcodeReader::InitDLSConnectionParameters(DM_DLSConnectionParameters *pDLSConnectionParameters)


Deprecated. It still works in this version but could be removed in the near future.

static int dynamsoft::dbr::CBarcodeReader::InitLicenseFromDLS(DM_DLSConnectionParameters *pDLSConnectionParameters, char errorMsgBuffer[] = NULL, const int errorMsgBufferLen = 0)


Deprecated. It still works in this version but could be removed in the near future.


Deprecated. It still works in this version but could be removed in the near future.