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How to Get Detailed Barcode Information
This page shows how to get detailed barcode information.
additional information, OneDCodeDetails, QRCodeDetails, PDF417Details, DataMatrixDetails, AztecDetails

How to Get Detailed Barcode Information

The Dynamsoft Barcode Reader SDK provides APIs for you to get the detailed barcode information like checksum digit, start/stop characters, error correction level, etc. To learn more about what information you can get, see the following API links:

  • [OneDCodeDetails]({{ site.structs }}OneDCodeDetails.html)
  • [QRCodeDetails]({{ site.structs }}QRCodeDetails.html)
  • [PDF417Details]({{ site.structs }}PDF417Details.html)
  • [DataMatrixDetails]({{ site.structs }}DataMatrixDetails.html)
  • [AztecDetails]({{ site.structs }}AztecDetails.html)

Here we take QR Code as example and show how to get the version and model of a QR Code.

What is the Version of a QR Code?

QRCode Version Modules
Version 1 21 x 21
Version 2 25 x 25
... ...
Version N (17 + N x 4) x (17 + N x 4)
Version 40 177 x 177

What is the Model of a QR Code?

QRCode Model Description
Model 1 The original QR Code. It is a code capable of coding 1,167 numerals with its maximum version being 14 (73 x 73 modules).
Model 2 Created by improving Model 1 so that this code can be read smoothly even if it is distorted in some way. This code can encode up to 7,089 numerals with its maximum version being 40 (177 x 177 modules). Today, the term QRCode usually refers to QRCode Model 2.

Code Snippet for Getting Detailed Barcode Information

>- JavaScript >- C >- C++ >- C# >- Java >- Android >- Objective-C >- Swift >- Python > > ```javascript (async() => { let scanner = await Dynamsoft.DBR.BarcodeScanner.createInstance(); scanner.onUniqueRead = (txt, result) => { // Gets detailed information about QR codes. if(result.barcodeFormat == Dynamsoft.DBR.EnumBarcodeFormat.BF_QR_CODE) { let QRCodeDetails = result.detailedResult; let model = QRCodeDetails.model; let version = QRCodeDetails.version; let moduleSize = QRCodeDetails.moduleSize; } }; await; })(); ``` > ```c int iRet = -1; char errorBuf[512]; TextResultArray* paryResult = NULL; iRet = DBR_InitLicense("YOUR-LICENSE-KEY", errorBuf, 512); if (iRet != DBR_OK) { printf("%s\n", errorBuf); } void* reader = DBR_CreateInstance(); DBR_DecodeFile(reader, "YOUR-IMAGE-FILE-WITH-QR-CODES", ""); // Start decoding DBR_GetAllTextResults(reader, &paryResult); for (int iIndex = 0; iIndex < paryResult->resultsCount; iIndex++) { if(BF_QR_CODE == paryResult->results[iIndex]->barcodeFormat) { QRCodeDetails* qrd = (QRCodeDetails*)paryResult->results[iIndex]->detailedResult; // For QR Code, the type of detailedResult is QRCodeDetails printf("QRCode Model:%d \r\n", qrd->model); printf("QRCode Version: %d \r\n", qrd->version); printf("BarcodeFormat: %s\r\n", paryResult->results[iIndex]->barcodeFormatString); printf("Text read: %s\r\n", paryResult->results[iIndex]->barcodeText); } } DBR_FreeTextResults(&paryResult); // Add further process ``` > ```cpp char errorBuf[512]; int iRet = -1; TextResultArray* paryResult = NULL; iRet = dynamsoft::dbr::CBarcodeReader::InitLicense("YOUR-LICENSE-KEY", errorBuf, 512); if (iRet != DBR_OK) { cout << errorBuf << endl; } CBarcodeReader* reader = new CBarcodeReader(); reader->DecodeFile("YOUR-IMAGE-FILE-WITH-QR-CODES", ""); // Start decoding reader->GetAllTextResults(&paryResult); for (int iIndex = 0; iIndex < paryResult->resultsCount; iIndex++) { if(BF_QR_CODE == paryResult->results[iIndex]->barcodeFormat) { QRCodeDetails* qrd = (QRCodeDetails*)paryResult->results[iIndex]->detailedResult; // For QR Code, the type of detailedResult is QRCodeDetails cout << "QRCode Model: " << qrd->model << endl; cout << "QRCode Version: " << qrd->version << endl; cout << "Barcode Format: " << paryResult->results[iIndex]->barcodeFormatString << endl; cout << "Barcode Text: " << paryResult->results[iIndex]->barcodeText << endl; } } CBarcodeReader::FreeTextResults(&paryResult); // Add further process ``` > ```csharp string errorMsg; EnumErrorCode iRet = BarcodeReader.InitLicense("YOUR-LICENSE-KEY", out errorMsg); if (iRet != EnumErrorCode.DBR_SUCCESS) { Console.WriteLine(errorMsg); } BarcodeReader reader = new BarcodeReader(); TextResult[] result = reader.DecodeFile("YOUR-IMAGE-FILE-WITH-QR-CODES", ""); // Start decoding for (int iIndex = 0; iIndex < result.Length; iIndex++) { if(EnumBarcodeFormat.BF_QR_CODE == result[iIndex].BarcodeFormat) { QRCodeDetails qrd = (QRCodeDetails)result[iIndex].DetailedResult; // For QR Code, the type of detailedResult is QRCodeDetails Console.WriteLine("QRCode Model: " + qrd.Model); Console.WriteLine("QRCode Version: " + qrd.Version); Console.WriteLine("Barcode Format: " + result[iIndex].BarcodeFormatString); Console.WriteLine("Barcode Text: " + result[iIndex].BarcodeText); } } // Add further process ``` > ```java BarcodeReader.initLicense("YOUR-LICENSE-KEY"); BarcodeReader reader = new BarcodeReader(); TextResult[] result = reader.decodeFile("YOUR-IMAGE-FILE-WITH-QR-CODES", ""); // Start decoding for (int iIndex = 0; iIndex < result.length; iIndex++) { if(EnumBarcodeFormat.BF_QR_CODE == result[iIndex].barcodeFormat) { QRCodeDetails qrd = (QRCodeDetails)result[iIndex].detailedResult; // For QR Code, the type of detailedResult is QRCodeDetails System.out.println("QRCode Model: " + qrd.model); System.out.println("QRCode Version: " + qrd.version); System.out.println("Barcode Format: " + result[iIndex].barcodeFormatString); System.out.println("Barcode Text: " + result[iIndex].barcodeText); } } // Add further process ``` > ```java BarcodeReader reader = new BarcodeReader(); TextResult[] result = reader.decodeFile("YOUR-IMAGE-FILE-WITH-QR-CODES"); // Start decoding for (int iIndex = 0; iIndex < result.length; iIndex++) { if(EnumBarcodeFormat.BF_QR_CODE == result[iIndex].barcodeFormat) { // For QR Code, the type of detailedResult is QRCodeDetails QRCodeDetails qrd = (QRCodeDetails)result[iIndex].detailedResult; //Add further process } } ``` > ```objc NSError *err = nil; DynamsoftBarcodeReader* reader = [[DynamsoftBarcodeReader alloc] init]; NSArray* result = [reader decodeFileWithName:@"YOUR-IMAGE-FILE-PATH" error:&err]; // Start decoding for (iTextResult* barcode in result) { if(barcode.barcodeFormat == EnumBarcodeFormatQRCODE) { // For QR Code, the type of detailedResult is QRCodeDetails iQRCodeDetails* qrd = (iQRCodeDetails*)barcode.detailedResult; //Add further process } } ``` > ```swift let reader = DynamsoftBarcodeReader.init() var result: [iTextResult]? = nil do { result = try reader.decodeFileWithName("YOUR-IMAGE-FILE-PATH") } catch let err { } // Start decoding for barcode in result ?? [] { if barcode.barcodeFormat == EnumBarcodeFormat.QRCODE { // For QR Code, the type of detailedResult is QRCodeDetails let qrd = barcode.detailedResult as! QRCodeDetails //Add further process } } ``` > ```python error = BarcodeReader.init_license("YOUR-LICENSE-KEY") if error[0] != EnumErrorCode.DBR_OK: print(error[1]) dbr = BarcodeReader() text_results = dbr.decode_file("YOUR-IMAGE-FILE-WITH-QR-CODES") for result in text_results: if EnumBarcodeFormat.BF_QR_CODE == result.barcode_format: qr_detail = result.detailed_result print("QRCode Model: ") print(qr_detail.model) print("QRCode Version: ") print(qr_detail.versions) print("Barcode Format: ") print(result.barcode_format_string) print("Barcode Text: ") print(result.barcode_text) ```