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DSQuadrilateral - Dynamsoft Core Module iOS Edition API Reference
The class DSQuadrilateral of Dynamsoft Core Module represents a quadrilateral shape in 2D space, which contains an array of four CGPoint, representing the vertices of the quadrilateral.
quadrilateral, shape, 2D space, objective-c, swift


The DSQuadrilateral class represents a quadrilateral defined by four points.


Assembly: DynamsoftCore.framework

>- Objective-C >- Swift > >1. ```objc @interface DSQuadrilateral : NSObject ``` 2. ```swift class Quadrilateral : NSObject ```

Attribute Summaries

Attributes Type Description
points NSArray An array of four Point objects defining the vertices of the quadrilateral.

Method Summaries

Method Description
contains Check whether the input point is contained by the quadrilateral.
boundingRect Get the bounding rectangle of the quadrilateral.
centrePoint Get the centre point of the quadrilateral.
area Get the area of the quadrilateral.

Attribute Details


An array of four Point objects defining the vertices of the quadrilateral.

>- Objective-C >- Swift > >1. ```objc @property (nonatomic, copy) NSArray *points; ``` 2. ```swift var points: [CGPoint] { get set } ```

Method Details


Check whether the input point is contained by the quadrilateral.

>- Objective-C >- Swift > >1. ```objc - (BOOL)contains:(CGPoint)point; ``` 2. ```swift func contains(_ point: CGPoint) -> Bool ```


point: Input a point.

Return Value

A BOOL value that indicates whether the point is contained by the quadrilateral.

Code Snippet

>- Objective-C >- Swift > >1. ```objc BOOL result = [quadrilateral contains:point]; ``` 2. ```swift let result = quadrilateral.contains(point) ```


Get the bounding rectangle of the quadrilateral.

>- Objective-C >- Swift > >1. ```objc @property (nonatomic, readonly) CGRect *boundingRect; ``` 2. ```swift var boundingRect: CGRect { get } ```

Return Value

The bounding rectangle of the quadrilateral.

Code Snippet

>- Objective-C >- Swift > >1. ```objc CGRect rect = [quadrilateral getBoundingRect]; ``` 2. ```swift let rect = quadrilateral.getBoundingRect() ```


Get the centre point of the quadrilateral.

>- Objective-C >- Swift > >1. ```objc @property (nonatomic, readonly) CGPoint *centrePoint; ``` 2. ```swift var centrePoint: CGPoint { get } ```

Return Value

The centre point of the quadrilateral.

Code Snippet

>- Objective-C >- Swift > >1. ```objc CGPoint center = [quadrilateral getCentrePoint]; ``` 2. ```swift let center = quadrilateral.getCentrePoint() ```


Get the area of the quadrilateral.

>- Objective-C >- Swift > >1. ```objc @property (nonatomic, readonly) NSInteger *area; ``` 2. ```swift var area: Int { get } ```

Return Value

The area of the quadrilateral.

Code Snippet

>- Objective-C >- Swift > >1. ```objc NSInteger area = [quadrilateral getArea]; ``` 2. ```swift let area = quadrilateral.getArea() ```