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Settings - Dynamsoft Label Recognition iOS API Reference
This is the settings functions of Dynamsoft Label Recognition for iOS API Reference.
api reference, objective-c, oc, swift

iOS API Reference - Settings

You are viewing a history document page of Dynamsoft Label Recognizer iOS v1.x.

Method Description
appendCharacterModel Appends CharacterModel to the SDK object.
appendSettingsFromString Appends LabelRecognitionParameter settings in a string to the SDK object.
clearAppendedSettings Clears appended LabelRecognitionParameter settings.
eraseAllCharacterModels Erases all CharacterModels the SDK object currently loaded.
eraseCharacterModelByName Erases a name specified CharacterModel from the SDK object.
getModeArgument Get argument value for the specified mode parameter.
getRuntimeSettings Gets the current settings and saves it into a class object.
outputSettingsToFile Outputs LabelRecognitionParameter settings into a file (JSON file).
resetRuntimeSettings Resets the runtime settings.
setModeArgument Set argument value for the specified mode parameter.
updateReferenceRegionFromBarcodeResults Updates reference region which is defined with source type DLR_LST_BARCODE.
updateRuntimeSettings Updates runtime settings with a given class object.


Appends CharacterModel to the SDK object.

- (void)appendCharacterModel:(NSString*)name prototxtBuffer:(NSData*)prototxtBuffer txtBuffer:(NSData*)txtBuffer characterModelBuffer:(NSData*)characterModelBuffer

Parameters name A unique name for the appended CharacterModel.
prototxtBuffer The .prototxt file data of the CharacterModel in a byte array.
txtBuffer The .txt file data of the CharacterModel in a byte array.
characterModelBuffer The .caffemodel file data of the CharacterModel in a byte array.

Code Snippet

>- Objective-C >- Swift > >1. ```objc DynamsoftLabelRecognition *recognizer; recognizer = [[DynamsoftLabelRecognition alloc] initWithLicense:@"t0260NwAAAHV***************"]; //construct prototxtBuffer, txtBuffer and characterModelBuffer [recognizer appendCharacterModel:@"your model name" prototxtBuffer: prototxtBuffer txtBuffer: txtBuffer characterModelBuffer: characterModelBuffer]; ``` 2. ```swift let recognizer = DynamsoftLabelRecognition.initWithLicense(license: "t0260NwAAAHV***************") //construct prototxtBuffer, txtBuffer and characterModelBuffer recognizer.appendCharacterModel("your model name", prototxtBuffer: prototxtBuffer, txtBuffer: txtBuffer, characterModelBuffer: characterModelBuffer) ```



Append a new template string to the current label recognition instance.

- (void)appendSettingsFromString:(NSString*)content error:(NSError**)error

Parameters content A JSON string that represents the content of the settings.
[in,out] error Input a pointer to an error object. If an error occurs, this pointer is set to an actual error object containing the error information. You may specify nil for this parameter if you do not want the error information.

Code Snippet

>- Objective-C >- Swift > >1. ```objc DynamsoftLabelRecognition *recognizer; recognizer = [[DynamsoftLabelRecognition alloc] initWithLicense:@"t0260NwAAAHV***************"]; NSError __autoreleasing * error; [recognizer appendSettingsFromString:@"{\"LabelRecognitionParameter\":{\"Name\":\"P1\", \"RegionPredetectionModes\":[{\"Mode\":\"DLR_RPM_GENERAL_HSV_CONTRAST\"}], \"ReferenceRegionNameArray\": [\"R1\"]},\"ReferenceRegion\":{\"Name\":\"R1\",\"Localization\":{\"SourceType\":\"DLR_LST_PREDETECTED_REGION\",\"RegionPredetectionModesIndex\":0},\"TextAreaNameArray\":[\"T1\"]},\"TextArea\":{\"Name\":\"T1\",\"CharacterModelName\":\"Number\"}}" error:&error]; ``` 2. ```swift let recognizer = DynamsoftLabelRecognition.initWithLicense(license: "t0260NwAAAHV***************") let error: NSError? = NSError() recognizer.appendSettingsFromString("{\"LabelRecognitionParameter\":{\"Name\":\"P1\", \"RegionPredetectionModes\":[{\"Mode\":\"DLR_RPM_GENERAL_HSV_CONTRAST\"}], \"ReferenceRegionNameArray\": [\"R1\"]},\"ReferenceRegion\":{\"Name\":\"R1\",\"Localization\":{\"SourceType\":\"DLR_LST_PREDETECTED_REGION\",\"RegionPredetectionModesIndex\":0},\"TextAreaNameArray\":[\"T1\"]},\"TextArea\":{\"Name\":\"T1\",\"CharacterModelName\":\"Number\"}}", error:&error) ```



Clear all appended parameter settings of the current label recognition instance.

- (void)clearAppendedSettings:(NSError**)error;

Parameters [in,out] error Input a pointer to an error object. If an error occurs, this pointer is set to an actual error object containing the error information. You may specify nil for this parameter if you do not want the error information.

Code Snippet

>- Objective-C >- Swift > >1. ```objc DynamsoftLabelRecognition *recognizer; recognizer = [[DynamsoftLabelRecognition alloc] initWithLicense:@"t0260NwAAAHV***************"]; NSError __autoreleasing * error; [recognizer clearAppendedSettings:&error]; ``` 2. ```swift let recognizer = DynamsoftLabelRecognition.initWithLicense(license: "t0260NwAAAHV***************") let error: NSError? = NSError() recognizer.clearAppendedSettings(&error) ```



Erases all CharacterModels the SDK object currently loaded.

- (void)eraseAllCharacterModels;

Code Snippet

>- Objective-C >- Swift > >1. ```objc DynamsoftLabelRecognition *recognizer; recognizer = [[DynamsoftLabelRecognition alloc] initWithLicense:@"t0260NwAAAHV***************"]; [recognizer eraseAllCharacterModels]; ``` 2. ```swift let recognizer = DynamsoftLabelRecognition.initWithLicense(license: "t0260NwAAAHV***************") recognizer.eraseAllCharacterModels() ```



Clear all appended parameter settings of the current label recognition instance.

- (void)eraseCharacterModelByName:(NSString*)name

Parameters name A unique name representing the CharacterModel to erase.

Code Snippet

>- Objective-C >- Swift > >1. ```objc DynamsoftLabelRecognition *recognizer; recognizer = [[DynamsoftLabelRecognition alloc] initWithLicense:@"t0260NwAAAHV***************"]; [recognizer eraseCharacterModelByName:@"your model name"]; ``` 2. ```swift let recognizer = DynamsoftLabelRecognition.initWithLicense(license: "t0260NwAAAHV***************") recognizer.eraseCharacterModelByName("your model name") ```



Get argument value for the specified mode parameter.

- (NSString* _Nonnull)getModeArgument:(NSString* _Nonnull)modeName index:(NSInteger)index argumentName:(NSString* _Nonnull)argumentName error:(NSError* _Nullable * _Nullable)error;

modeName: The mode parameter name to get argument.
index: The array index of mode parameter to indicate a specific mode.
argumentName: The name of the argument to get. [in,out] error Input a pointer to an error object. If an error occurs, this pointer is set to an actual error object containing the error information. You may specify nil for this parameter if you do not want the error information.

Return Value the optional argument for a specified mode in Modes parameters.


Check follow link for available modes and arguments:

  • [RegionPredetectionModes]({{ site.parameters-reference }}label-recognition-parameter/region-predetection-modes.html#regionpredetectionmodes)

Code Snippet

>- Objective-C >- Swift > >1. ```objc DynamsoftLabelRecognition *recognizer; recognizer = [[DynamsoftLabelRecognition alloc] initWithLicense:@"t0260NwAAAHV***************"]; NSError __autoreleasing * error; NSString *argumentValue = [recognizer getModeArgument:@"RegionPredetectionModes" index:0 argumentName:@"AspectRatioRange" error:&error]; ``` 2. ```swift let recognizer = DynamsoftLabelRecognition.initWithLicense(license: "t0260NwAAAHV***************") let error: NSError? = NSError() let argumentValue = recognizer.getModeArgument("RegionPredetectionModes", index:0, argumentName:"AspectRatioRange", error:&error) ```



Get current settings and save them into a DLRRuntimeSettings class object.

- (iDLRRuntimeSettings*)getRuntimeSettings:(NSError**)error;

[in,out] error Input a pointer to an error object. If an error occurs, this pointer is set to an actual error object containing the error information. You may specify nil for this parameter if you do not want the error information.

Return Value

The class object of runtime settings.

Code Snippet

>- Objective-C >- Swift > >1. ```objc DynamsoftLabelRecognition *recognizer; recognizer = [[DynamsoftLabelRecognition alloc] initWithLicense:@"t0260NwAAAHV***************"]; NSError __autoreleasing * error; iDLRRuntimeSettings* settings = [recognizer getRuntimeSettings:&error]; ``` 2. ```swift let recognizer = DynamsoftLabelRecognition.initWithLicense(license: "t0260NwAAAHV***************") let error: NSError? = NSError() let settings = recognizer.getRuntimeSettings(&error) ```



Outputs runtime settings and save them into a settings file (JSON file).

- (void)outputSettingsToFile:(NSString*)filePath templateName:(NSString*)templateName error:(NSError**)error

Parameters filePath The path of the output file which stores current settings.
templateName A unique name for declaring current runtime settings.
[in,out] error Input a pointer to an error object. If an error occurs, this pointer is set to an actual error object containing the error information. You may specify nil for this parameter if you do not want the error information.

Code Snippet

>- Objective-C >- Swift > >1. ```objc DynamsoftLabelRecognition *recognizer; NSString *settingsName; recognizer = [[DynamsoftLabelRecognition alloc] initWithLicense:@"t0260NwAAAHV***************"]; NSError __autoreleasing * error; [recognizer outputSettingsToFile:@"your saving file path" templateName:@"currentRuntimeSettings" error:&error]; ``` 2. ```swift let recognizer = DynamsoftLabelRecognition.initWithLicense(license: "t0260NwAAAHV***************") let error: NSError? = NSError() recognizer.outputSettingsToFile("your saving file path", templateName:"currentRuntimeSettings", error:&error) ```



Reset all runtime settings to default values.

- (void)resetRuntimeSettings:(NSError**)error;

Parameters [in,out] error Input a pointer to an error object. If an error occurs, this pointer is set to an actual error object containing the error information. You may specify nil for this parameter if you do not want the error information.

Code Snippet

>- Objective-C >- Swift > >1. ```objc DynamsoftLabelRecognition *recognizer; recognizer = [[DynamsoftLabelRecognition alloc] initWithLicense:@"t0260NwAAAHV***************"]; NSError __autoreleasing * error; [recognizer resetRuntimeSettings:&error]; ``` 2. ```swift let recognizer = DynamsoftLabelRecognition.initWithLicense(license: "t0260NwAAAHV***************") let error: NSError? = NSError() recognizer.resetRuntimeSettings(error:&error) ```



Set argument value for the specified mode parameter.

- (void)setModeArgument:(NSString* _Nonnull)modeName index:(NSInteger)index argumentName:(NSString* _Nonnull)argumentName argumentValue:(NSString* _Nonnull)argumentValue error:(NSError* _Nullable * _Nullable)error;

Parameters modeName: The mode parameter name to set argument. index: The array index of mode parameter to indicate a specific mode.
argumentName: The name of the argument to set.
argumentValue: The value of the argument to set. [in,out] error Input a pointer to an error object. If an error occurs, this pointer is set to an actual error object containing the error information. You may specify nil for this parameter if you do not want the error information.


Check follow link for available modes and arguments:

  • [RegionPredetectionModes]({{ site.parameters-reference }}label-recognition-parameter/region-predetection-modes.html#regionpredetectionmodes)

Code Snippet

>- Objective-C >- Swift > >1. ```objc DynamsoftLabelRecognition *recognizer; recognizer = [[DynamsoftLabelRecognition alloc] initWithLicense:@"t0260NwAAAHV***************"]; iDLRRuntimeSettings *settings; NSError __autoreleasing * _Nullable error; [recognizer setModeArgument:@"RegionPredetectionModes" index:0 argumentName:@"AspectRatioRange" argumentValue:"100" error:&error]; ``` 2. ```swift let recognizer = DynamsoftLabelRecognition.initWithLicense(license: "t0260NwAAAHV***************") let error: NSError? = NSError() recognizer.setModeArgument("RegionPredetectionModes", index:0, argumentName:"AspectRatioRange", argumentValue:"100", error:&error) ```



Updates reference region which is defined with source type DLR_LST_BARCODE.

- (void)updateReferenceRegionFromBarcodeResults:(NSArray<iTextResult*>*)barcodeResults templateName:(NSString *)templateName error:(NSError**)error

Parameters barcodeResults The barcode results used to localize reference region.
templateName The template name. A template name is the value of key LabelRecognitionParameter.Name defined in JSON formatted settings. If no template name is specified, current runtime settings will be used. [in,out] error Input a pointer to an error object. If an error occurs, this pointer is set to an actual error object containing the error information. You may specify nil for this parameter if you do not want the error information.

Code Snippet

>- Objective-C >- Swift > >1. ```objc DynamsoftLabelRecognition *recognizer; recognizer = [[DynamsoftLabelRecognition alloc] initWithLicense:@"t0260NwAAAHV***************"]; NSArray *textResults; //get textResults from Dynamsoft Barcode Reader SDK NSError __autoreleasing *error; [recognizer appendSettingsFromString:@"{\"LabelRecognitionParameter\":{\"Name\":\"P1\", \"RegionPredetectionModes\":[{\"Mode\":\"DLR_RPM_GENERAL_HSV_CONTRAST\"}], \"ReferenceRegionNameArray\": [\"R1\"]},\"ReferenceRegion\":{\"Name\":\"R1\",\"Localization\":{\"SourceType\":\"DLR_LST_BARCODE\"},\"TextAreaNameArray\":[\"T1\"]},\"TextArea\":{\"Name\":\"T1\",\"CharacterModelName\":\"Number\"}}" error:&error]; [recognizer updateReferenceRegionFromBarcodeResults:textResults templateName:@"P1" error:&error]; ``` 2. ```swift let recognizer = DynamsoftLabelRecognition.initWithLicense(license: "t0260NwAAAHV***************") var textResults = [iTextResult]() //get textResults from Dynamsoft Barcode Reader SDK let error: NSError? = NSError() recognizer.appendSettingsFromString("{\"LabelRecognitionParameter\":{\"Name\":\"P1\", \"RegionPredetectionModes\":[{\"Mode\":\"DLR_RPM_GENERAL_HSV_CONTRAST\"}], \"ReferenceRegionNameArray\": [\"R1\"]},\"ReferenceRegion\":{\"Name\":\"R1\",\"Localization\":{\"SourceType\":\"DLR_LST_BARCODE\"},\"TextAreaNameArray\":[\"T1\"]},\"TextArea\":{\"Name\":\"T1\",\"CharacterModelName\":\"Number\"}}", error:&error) recognizer.updateReferenceRegionFromBarcodeResults(textResults, templateName:"P1", error:&error) ```



Update runtime settings with a given DLRRuntimeSettings class object.

- (void)updateRuntimeSettings:(iDLRRuntimeSettings*)settings error:(NSError**)error

Parameters settings The class object of template settings.
[in,out] error Input a pointer to an error object. If an error occurs, this pointer is set to an actual error object containing the error information. You may specify nil for this parameter if you do not want the error information.

Code Snippet

>- Objective-C >- Swift > >1. ```objc DynamsoftLabelRecognition *recognizer; recognizer = [[DynamsoftLabelRecognition alloc] initWithLicense:@"t0260NwAAAHV***************"]; NSError __autoreleasing * error; iDLRRuntimeSettings *settings; settings.linesCount = 1; [recognizer updateRuntimeSettings:settings error:&error]; ``` 2. ```swift let recognizer = DynamsoftLabelRecognition.initWithLicense(license: "t0260NwAAAHV***************") let error: NSError? = NSError() let settings = recognizer.getRuntimeSettings(&error) settings.linesCount = 1; recognizer.updateRuntimeSettings(settings, error:&error); ```