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File metadata and controls

106 lines (82 loc) · 5.16 KB


In this Django reusable app, we introduced a model field :class:`galleryfield.fields.GalleryField`, a corresponding formfield :class:`galleryfield.fields.GalleryFormField` and the default widget :class:`galleryfield.widgets.GalleryWidget`. The model field makes it easy for image management at a collection level (i.e., a gallery or an album), while the widget makes it easy to upload images via AJAX, allowing ordering the sequence arbitrarily, and cropping images at both client and server side.


  • A model field GalleryField, and its formfield GalleryFormField along with the default widget GalleryWidget.
  • Drag & drop file uploading via AJAX
  • Drag & drop ordering of images
  • Uploading multiple images with progress bar
  • Client / server side cropping (before/after upload).
  • Integrates with Django Admin
  • Admin user-proof, i.e., allowing non-staff user upload and manage gallery.


This package was created for some scenarios, where users were required to upload multiple images by forms, and where the images can be arbitrarily ordered.

The original intended use case is: a type of assignment which requires students to upload limited number of hand-written photos onto a Course Management Systems (CMS). That requires:

  • Students can upload images through web UI (not via Admin) and preview instantly.
  • Students can order the uploaded images as they will, instead of ordering by upload time or file name.
  • Students can do some basic edit to images, like rotate and cropping.
  • There can be a restriction on the number of images, and the number differs between assignments.
  • The upload widget can be disabled (readonly), in this case, when deadline reaches.
  • Only the instructor and the student himself may do the CRUD of the images, with storage support, for example, via django-sendfile2.

For years, we've searched but failed to find Django apps which can meet all the requirements.


  • The widget make it hard for image model instance to have extra attributes like title, descriptions, which limited the potential use case of the app. We were trying to find a way to enable adding/editing those attributes via the widget. Currently, the workaround I can think of is to introduce a foreign field to save the information of the images, and that require write more views by users.
  • Compared to other Django apps, this app is relatively difficult to use, and it's not friendly for new developers in Django, in terms of customization. We've tried hard to design some class-based views to make that easier.
  • Currently, no actual deletion of image model instance will be done through the web UI. With each image saved as an image model instance, user need to identify and delete the orphaned images instances (see our suggestion in :ref:`FAQ <faq>`).
  • There's no direct way to add an image in a gallery to another gallery through the web UI, although the data models allow doing so.

Compared to peer apps

Just to name a few popular apps that have similar functionality with django-galleryfield. Please correct me if I am wrong.

  • django-photologue

    A popular app for managing photos and galleries, with built-in abstract models for photo objects, gallery and photo effects. The package requires images uploaded via admin, and multiple images need to be packed into a zip file before uploading. Besides, the images were sorted using django-sortedm2m, which means arbitrary sorting is impossible to implement without introducing extra fields. Those features make it hard to meet the demand of our use case.

  • django-files-widget

    In this app, images/files are managed and stored as :class:`string` objects, which is actually the relative path of the files in the MEDIA_ROOT. Moreover, its working logic need to conduct physical operations with image files, which make it impossible to store the files on storage like S3.

    In django-galleryfield, images are stored in :class:`django.db.models.ImageField`, which means we can store the images to various kind of storage (not just :class:`FileSystemStorage`).

  • django-jfu

    A good demo on how to use blueimp/jQuery-File-Upload widget in Django. However, it only met the demand of upload images via AJAX, not in terms of Gallery, and there is a long way for the demo to be integrated into an app, e.g., in terms of required, readonly attribute of form fields.

  • django-upload-form

    It solved the problem of uploading multiple images from the frontend via a form. But the form is expecting to handling individual images, not the collection of images (gallery).

  • django-imaging

    It also introduced a new type of field called ImagingField, however, it doesn't support more than one ImagingField per model.