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AWS Setup Guide

High level, the idea is:

  • Create manager and worker boxes, with terrafrom.
  • Provision docker swarm, registry, stackstorm, and do wiring, with ansible.
  • Create auto-scaling group for worker nodes

1. Ready

  1. Install Ansible and Terraform on a local machine.

  2. Have AWS key pairs and access keys in place.

  3. Put actual variables in terraform/terraform.tfvars (see .example).

  4. Create AWS Route53 hosted zone, e.g. Put it in terraform/

  5. Review other variables in terraform/, create nessessary resources, and put their IDs as variables.

  6. Configure SSL on local machine for fun and profit:

    Host  *
    StrictHostKeyChecking no
    User root
    LogLevel ERROR

2. Go

  1. From local machine, run Terraform.

    cd terraform
    terraform apply -var 'instance_type_manager=t2.medium' -var 'instance_type_worker=t2.medium' -var 'n_workers=2'

    This will do quite a few things:

    1. Creates boxes with data and share storage mounted under /mnt.
    2. Create DNS records for,, etc.
    3. Run ansible to provision Docker, Swarm, and Stackstorm exactly like on Vagrant. At this point we have an enviromnent identical to local dev.
    4. Create an auto-scaling group, using a snapshot of node1.example.networker an AMI, so that all is already provisioned for fast hot-create. When auto-scaling group scales out, worker nodes automatically join the Swarm.

3. Play

  1. Run wordcount example.

    cd /faas/functions/wordcount

    Ensure that it goes to the right repository (pregistry:5000)

    Run the action:

    st2 run -a pipeline.wordcount \
    input_file=/share/loremipsum.txt \
    result_filename=loremipsum.res \
    parallels=4 delay=30
  2. Run fgenesb example.

    Add proprietary softberry components:

    cp -r /mnt/data/softberry/* /faas/functions/softberry

    Build docker images:

    cd /faas/functions/softberry/

    Run the findgenesb worklfow:

    st2 run -a pipeline.findgenesb input_file=/share/test.seq \
    min_len=150 result_filename=result.result parallels=4