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393 lines (281 loc) · 9.47 KB

File metadata and controls

393 lines (281 loc) · 9.47 KB


  • deprecations

    • Remove button__transparent--secondary
    • Remove button__transparent--danger
  • bug-fixes

    • Fix button line breaks
    • Fix form__actions bottom spacing
    • Fix action_bar spacings
    • Fix input type file label
    • Increase flash element's z-index
  • features

    • Allow to load the reseller specific styles
    • Add the following form_tag_helpers:
      • email_field_tag
      • text_field_tag
      • number_field_tag
      • password_field_tag
      • text_area_tag
      • select_tag
      • radio_button_tag
    • Add table-layout: fixed; to tables with .table class
    • Add :hover effect to table rows
    • Add step_list helper
    • Allow to send pre and post attributes to inputs
    • Automatically subscribe to Beyond webhooks
  • enhancements

    • Make field_wrapper and inline_wrapper private on BeyondCanvas::FormBuilder
    • Add more margin-bottom to .body--public .main-wrapper
    • Update gem dependencies
    • Increase locale expiration to 1 year
    • Add text-overflow: ellipsis; to collapse elements
    • Allow to use client_credentials token via configuration option when opening the app
    • Allow to use different logos for app and email


  • deprecations

    • Remove support for containers
  • bug-fixes

    • Fix minor styles on breadcrumbs, notices, links, modals, select2 and variables
    • Make breadrumbs work with support for external links
  • features

    • Add collapse Rails helper for collapsible elements
    • Add support for disabled links
    • Add buildButton function
    • Allow to prevent adding the spinner to a button adding button--no-spinner to the button class
    • Allow to send path and params to BeyondCanvas::Shop's url function
  • enhancements

    • Add color and hover to SVGs on color-darken mixin


  • features

    • Add styles for disabled inputs and buttons
    • Add support for Rails default alert flashes
    • Add styles for supporting the use of Select2
  • enhancements

    • Close flashes only when clicking on the x (flash__close)


  • features
    • Add support for statuses (status_good, status_warning, status_danger and status_neutral)


  • deprecations

    • Prevent loading beyond_canvas/mailer layout by default
    • No need to specify the model when generating the custom controller
  • features

    • Add text__align--left and text__align--right
    • Add beyond_canvas_controller? method that returns true if the controller is a BeyondCanvas controller


  • bug-fixes

    • Fix menu display for vertical align
    • Fix block comment on menu generator template
  • features

    • Add margin--clear class for removing all margins


  • bug-fixes

    • Fix menu__item--selected condition
  • features

    • Add support for text_area form tag
    • Add support for select form tag


  • features
    • Add basic grid styles
    • Add scrollbox styles
    • Add modal headline styles


  • bug-fixes

    • Minor CSS fixes on buttons, alignments...
  • deprecations

    • Move back to rollupjs
    • Rename menu to action_bar
  • features

    • Add cockpit-app development mode
    • Add beyond_canvas/application layout
    • Add support for modals
    • Add support for breadcrumbs
    • Add support for menu
    • Add support for titles
    • Add shop session
    • Add generator for custom menu
  • enhancements

    • Update authentication flow to fit future SSO
    • Update locale switch location


  • enhancements
    • Add div id for wrapping flash partial



  • features
    • Add shop authentication functionality
    • Add generators to create a model for authentication, controllers and views


  • bug-fixes
    • Add URI.decode on signature validation


  • bug-fixes
    • Make showSpinner hideSpinner disableActionElements enableActionElements closeAlert functions public


  • deprecations

    • Remove jquery-ujs dependency
    • Set bourbon dependency version to ~> 5.1
  • bug-fixes

    • Fix Add invalid binding for enabling buttons
  • features

    • Add ESLint


  • features
    • Add support for check_box and radio_button form tags
    • Add support for containers
    • Add possibility to set label: false on form inputs


  • deprecations

    • application.css is no longer loaded by Beyond Canvas
    • Move stylesheets from .sass to .scss
    • Move partials from .html.slim to .html.erb
    • Deprecations on BeyondCanvas configuration file:
      • :public_logo is substituted by :site_logo
  • features

    • Add support for both Webpacker and Sprockets
    • BeyondCanvas configuration:
      • Added support for :favicon
      • Added support for :site_title
      • Added the possibility to register stylesheets and javascripts
  • enhancements

    • Remove Font Awesome dependency (now .svg icons are used)
    • Title is now taken from BeyondCanvas initializer


  • bug-fixes
    • Check the HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE header on switch_locale function to identify if the request comes from a browser or a server. If the request comes from a browser, use I18n.default_locale


  • bug-fixes

    • Remove :file from metaprogrammed fields
    • Add text-overflow: ellipsis; to file_field text to avoid line breaks
  • removals

    • Remove not used beyond_canvas_form_utils.rb template initializer
    • Remove environment validation on valid_signature?
  • features

    • Add beyond_api gem as dependency
    • Add a method (validate_app_installation_request!) to be called on the before_action of your app's main entry point. This method validates that the installation request comes from Beyond
    • Filter app installation parameters
    • Add number_field to form builder
  • enhancements

    • Add a controller for the locale management and adapt the code to work with it
    • Add information comments to lib/generators/templates/beyond_canvas.rb


  • bug-fixes

    • Add styles to locale switch select input
  • enhancements

    • Now selected locale is saved on cookies instead of session


  • bug-fixes
    • Add missing mailers partials


  • bug-fixes
    • Fix hide spinner


  • bug-fixes

    • Rename app/assets/stylesheets/beyond_canvas/components/spinner.sass to app/assets/stylesheets/beyond_canvas/components/_spinner.sass
    • Fix :last-child margin on _markdown.sass
  • features

    • Add mailer layout
    • Add mailer text and button partials
    • Add mailer styles
    • Add premailer-rails as a dependency


  • bug-fixes

    • Fix locale switch functionality
  • enhancements

    • Improve notice_success, notice_info, notice_warning and notice_error styles
  • features

    • Add title display functionality
    • Add styles for file_field


  • enhancements

    • Make javascripts work with turbolinks
  • features

    • Add .markdown class for styling .md content
    • Add text align class


  • bug-fixes
    • Prevent calling 2 times set_locale method
    • Fix http/accept requirement


  • deprecations

    • Remove form builder generator
  • features

    • Make beyond_canvas work as a Rails engine
    • Add locale switch functionality
    • Add form builder initializer
    • Add rubocop


  • deprecations

    • Use custom stylesheet_link_tag and javascript_include_tag on head
  • enhancements

    • Make lib/generators/templates/beyond_canvas_form_utils.rb rubocop compatible
  • features

    • Add loading buttons


  • bug-fixes
    • Fix requiting to create the _head.html.* on the project instead of the gem itself


  • bug-fixes

    • Add slim-rails dependency
    • Fix requiring dependencies on Engine
  • deprecations

    • Remove neat dependency as is no longer maintained


  • bug-fixes

    • Fix button border-color
    • Fix error-input's border-color
  • deprecations

    • Update error-input's class to .input__error


  • bug-fixes
    • Fix logo_image_tag


  • deprecations

    • Rename notice flash types in favor of info flash types
    • Rename beyond_canvas:form_utils:install rake task in favor of beyond_canvas:install
  • bug-fixes

    • Fix p tag font-size and change rem to px on typography
    • Fix button styles
  • enhancements

    • Update how the public layout logo is handled. Now the logo is set via config/initializers/beyond_canvas.rb initializer and it also supports web URLs
  • features

    • Add notice boxes
    • Add custom styles generator
    • Add a rake task (beyond_canvas:release:prepare) that creates or updates the beyond_canvas_custom_styles.sass generator template


  • features
    • Add select box styles


  • bug-fixes

    • Fix transparent button bottom border
    • Fix list styles
  • features

    • Add table styles
    • Add comment styles
    • Add margin styles
    • Add input type file


  • features
    • Add flash messages
    • Add CHANGELOG file
    • Add CONTRIBUTING file
    • Add Rakefile


  • bug-fixes
    • Fix headline margin on card
    • Fix gem name


  • features

    • Add Beyond form utils
    • Add single page layout
    • Add lins with icons
    • Add FontAwesome
    • Add input errors
  • enhancements

    • Improve styles


  • features
    • First pre-release of the gem