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88 lines (59 loc) · 2.17 KB
  1. First download the tar from the main page, then:
$ tar -xvf gurobi9.5.0_linux64.tar.gz -C <installdir>
## module gurobi/9.5.0
## /share/apps/modules/gurobi/9.5.0
## Written by Laura Sanchez Cordoba

proc ModulesHelp { } {
    puts stderr "\tgurobi/9.5.0 - sets the Environment for gurobi 9.5.0"

module-whatis "\n\n\tSets the environment for using gurobi, \

# for Tcl script use only
set       topdir     /share/apps/gurobi/9.5.0/gurobi950/linux64
set       version    9.5.0
set       sys        linux-x86_64
set       user       [exec bash -c "echo \$USER"]
set       hostname   [exec bash -c "echo \$HOSTNAME"]
set       host       [string map {".local" ""} $hostname ]

conflict gurobi

module load miniconda3-4.10.3-gcc-11.2.0-vcglj27

setenv GUROBI_HOME              $topdir
setenv GUROBI_LICENSE_HOME      /home/$user/gurobi-licenses/v950
setenv GRB_LICENSE_FILE         /home/$user/gurobi-licenses/v950/$host/gurobi.lic

prepend-path PATH               $topdir/bin
prepend-path LD_LIBRARY_PATH    $topdir/lib
prepend-path LIBRARY_PATH       $topdir/lib
prepend-path LD_RUN_PATH        $topdir/lib

prepend-path CXX_INCLUDE_PATH   $topdir/include
prepend-path CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH $topdir/include
prepend-path C_INCLUDE_PATH     $topdir/include

prepend-path CLASSPATH          $topdir/lib/gurobi.jar

prepend-path PYTHONPATH         $topdir

Load the module

$ module load gurobi/9.5.0
  • Laura Sánchez Córdoba