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180 lines (111 loc) · 5.25 KB

LAMMPS - 22Aug2018

  • OS base: CentOS (x86_64) \boldsymbol{\ge} 6.6 (Rocks 6.2)
  • Compiler: Intel MPI Library \boldsymbol{\ge} 17.0.1
  • Math Library: Intel MKL \boldsymbol{\ge} 17.0.1

The following procedure will compile LAMMPS as an executable, using the Intel MPI implementation and MKL as the Linear Algebra Library.

  1. Load the necessary modules for compiling LAMMPS

    $ module load impi
    $ module load mkl
    $ module load python/3.x.x


    The installation script requires Python \boldsymbol{\ge} 3.0

  2. Download and compile the desired packages before compiling lammps.

    The flag yes-all activates the compilation of all the packages. However, some lammps packages require external libraries and additional configuration procedures.

    After executing yes-all, these packages that require additional configuration procedures can be disabled executing make no-lib.

    These make options (yes-all, no-lib) are used to reproduce the list of packages present in LAMMPS Ubuntu prebuild version. For more information read [1].

    $ git clone -b stable_22Aug2018
    $ cd lammps/src
    $ make yes-all     # install all pkgs in src dir
    $ make no-lib      # remove all pkgs with libs
  3. To check which packages are going to be installed, execute:

    $ make ps
  4. If you want to install an additional package, read the specific procedure in [2].

    After following the procedure described in the page, execute:

    $ make yes-<LIB_NAME>

    Example for USER_COLVARS

    $ make yes-user-colvars

    Verify again executing make ps that you have enabled correctly the installation of the desired packages.


    If you have an existing version of LAMMPS and you want to add a new package it's necessary to recompile LAMMPS.

  5. Compile LAMMPS with it's packages. This procedure will compile it using the Intel architecture options defined by default in src/MAKE/OPTIONS/Makefile.intel_cpu_intelmpi

    $ make intel_cpu_intelmpi


    icpc: command line warning #10006: ignoring unknown option '-qopt-zmm-usage=high'

    This message appears when you compile LAMMPS using the intel_cpu_intelmpi architecture but the Intel processor doesn't have the AVX512 instruction set. If this is the case, just ignore the warning message. For more information about the flag qopt-zmm-usage read [3].

  6. If you want to install LAMMPS in a specific directory, create the directories and copy the binary as follows:

    $ mkdir -p <INSTALL_DIR>/bin
    $ cp lmp_intel_cpu_intelmpi <INSTALL_DIR>/bin/
    $ cd <INSTALL_DIR>/bin/
    $ ln -s lmp_intel_cpu_intelmpi lammps


    For more information about the installation process, read the official page [4].

  7. Finally, if the program will be used with Environment modules, create the respective module.

  • If you want to compile LAMMPS as a static library called liblammps_machine.a, then execute:

    $ make mode=lib <machine>
  • If you want to compile LAMMPS as a shared library called, then execute:

    $ make mode=shlib <machine>

After installing LAMMPS, run the benchmarks present in the repository.

$ sbatch

The following code is an example for running LAMMPS using SLURM:

.. literalinclude:: src/
        :language: bash

Apolo II

.. literalinclude:: src/22Aug18_apolo
   :language: tcl
   :caption: :download:`Module file <src/22Aug18_apolo>`


.. literalinclude:: src/22Aug18_cronos
   :language: tcl
   :caption: :download:`Module file <src/22Aug18_cronos>`

[1]Download an executable for Linux, Pre-built Ubuntu Linux executables -LAMMPS documentation. Retrieved January 17, 2019, from
[2]Include packages in build - LAMMPS documentation Retrieved June 10, 2019, from
[3]Intel® C++ Compiler 19.0 Developer Guide and Reference, qopt-zmm-usage, Qopt-zmm-usage. Retrieved January 17, 2019, from
[4]Download source via Git - LAMMPS documentation. Retrieved January 17, 2019, from